
Map difficulty cleanup

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Hey there,

I have been playing for few years, returning from time to time. Even though my skills are capped and not even average (I mean you guys are freaking insane at this game lmao) I still get lots of fun playing 4☆.
That been said, there is like 75% of my maps that I never play. So I came up with a digital sobriety solution to filter my maps :
1. Download sh*t tones of maps from beatmaps packs (ex :
2. Copy all to the Songs folder and let OSU! discover the new maps
3. Run a script to get rid of maps I don't play (
4. Run OSU! and wait for the difficulty calculation
Dozens and dozens of GB saved this way ! :D
This looks quite helpful, but honestly I'd rather play all the maps I haven't touched and maybe discover bangers than delete everything I didn't played
My problem is that I'm going to SS them all at some point anyways so there's little point in deleting them. At best it's just delaying the inevitable.

Cool script, tho.
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