
[osu!stable] i cant use tablet in only osu

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i wanna do true strenched in valorant and after do tn i cant use tablet in osu (only in osu) i repair everything uninstall winexp i switched every settings to difficult in nvidia control panel etc. - video with problem
(tablet works in osu lazer)
What tablet are you using, and do you have drivers installed for that tablet?
also what exactly is this 'true strenched' stuff. if you're doing weird stuff, don't expect anybody to actually be able to help you with a 1-of-1 unique issue.
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Eyeonized wrote:

What tablet are you using, and do you have drivers installed for that tablet?
waccom one s and i use open tablet drivers and it works but when i do true strenched in valorant it stop working

chromb wrote:

also what exactly is this 'true strenched' stuff. if you're doing weird stuff, don't expect anybody to actually be able to help you with a 1-of-1 unique issue.
true strenched is only better resolution in valorant etc.
Why cant you use regular resolution in osu... and then change it to stretched for valorant?
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Eyeonized wrote:

Why cant you use regular resolution in osu... and then change it to stretched for valorant?
I do this but it not working
first i do stretched in valorant after this i off this and i on osu and it isnt working (lazer works corretly) after this i repeat on and off strentched and it not work
i dont change my settings in osu
Sounds like your open tablet drivers are stuck using the stretched res after switching. Do you mind sending some screenshots (using imgBB or any other applicable image sharing website) of your open tablet drivers before and after changing resolution?
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i dont have screenshots from before i have only one from now maybe i uninstall divers and instal again i dont know how to send pictures here i can post on otherr website
please use either this site, or use this site. I would recommend the first as it is by far more user friendly. just drag and drop, and send the link. Thank you atto! :)
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Eyeonized wrote:

please use either this site, or use this site. I would recommend the first as it is by far more user friendly. just drag and drop, and send the link. Thank you atto! :)

this seems like a very odd monitor display. you might need to reinstall them. if that doesnt work then could you please send me your display settings by right clicking your desktop and clicking the option below
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Eyeonized wrote:

this seems like a very odd monitor display. you might need to reinstall them. if that doesnt work then could you please send me your display settings by right clicking your desktop and clicking the option below
but there is one problem i dont have english settings in windows but okay
i can translate this but tommorow morning becouse i must sleep becouse i dont sleep last night and i dont reinstall this today becouse i dont remember how to do this
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