
Monster Hunter series - help, showcases, & more!

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Helpful stuff

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Credits go to NotEvenDoomMusic, Ciunek, and PyaKura for showing me these; I'm also using their quotes.

Kiranico (MH3U site | MH4U site)
- One of the best sites to gather resources for your quests, monster data, items and basically everything you need to know.
- It's like a database for everything existing in the MH3U and MH4U universe.

MHPedia (MH3U)
- Just like Kiranico it's a database on things like Items, Armor, Droprates etc. but overly simplified and is displayed minimalisticly.
- It's also very easy to pick and find what you need without other gimmicks.
- Great for beginners.

Monster Hunter Armor Generator
- It's an extensive page with details about all existing armors with lots of other additions.
- The page is also very useful for previous games of the MH3 series like the regular Tri, Portable 3rd, 3G and of course 3. It recently also supports MH4

MHAG for Windows (external program)
- Offline database just like Kiranico and MHPedia that also comes with the bonus of an visual aid in terms of where monsters are vulnerable and which elements are strong on which bodypart.
- In addition of being an offline database, it literally covers almost EVERYTHING in terms of what you need to know.
- In my opinion more user friendly for experienced players.
- Can also be merged with Athena's Armor Set Search (can be found seperately but the program has an built in option to download it) that is capable of searching out the best armor & decorations if you specifically need a certain skill combination for your own purposes.
AASS will generate the armor set that you need, for an example if you need Quick Sheathe and Speed Sharpener, it will generate a "possible" armor solution.

(MH3U only) There's also something called Athena's Charm Table, which is also an external program that lets you figure out which Charm Table your character is using.
It's very advanced and would only be for importance, for the people who take their MH savegame very serious.
In laymans terms what it does and what a Charm Table is: (i'll try to explain it in my own words)
Every game you start has it's own Charm Table that you start with that is ranging up from 1 to 17, it's "quite" RNG for casual players, but for experienced players can be manipulated by doing various things.
It's for importance to those that are very serious about getting the best possible equipment for their class, because a Charm Table represent the set amount and type of "Charms" you can receive.
Your character will be locked with that table of charms for the entire savegame until you start a new character.

(A detailed explanation can be found here.)

Concerning MH4U's Charm Tables:

Charm tables are now reset everytime you load up the game from main menu, you're not locked at chara creation like in 3U (thank god).

People on 4chan's /mhg/ were posting few sets and methods for charm farming:

1) Charm God, Gathering+1
>2 Slot weapon (2 Gathering gems)
>Torso up
>3 slot torso (3 Charmer gems)
>Derring Vambraces S (1 Gathering gem)
>Torso Up
>Torso Up
>+8 Charmer talisman

3 slot weapon
Skull Visage (or anything with Torso Up)
Chakra Necklace (or anything with 3 slots)
Leather Vambraces S
Lagiacrus Faulds X (or anything with 3 slots)
Tetsucabra Greaves X (or anything with Torso Up)
Charmer +7 2-slot charm

Gathering Jewel x6
Charmer Jewel x5 (enjoy farming the Rath Gleams by the way)

Gathering God
Charm Chaser

Charm Chaser being so hard to get due to needing charm and farming those silver/gold faggots, you can instead go for Iron Belt and Speed Gathering if you want.

Now for the quest:
>Eat Drink + Fish for Felyne Explorer
>Pick 10* Caravan Quest titled Puffer Fish
>Start quest, mine and gather everything in the secret area
>Jump down and climb to Area 3
>Kill the 3 Zamites
>Go up the hill and mine whatever's there
>By the time you're done mining them, 2 more Zamites spawned, kill them
>End via subquest
Video tutorials and showcases (MH3U and MH4U)
- It's a great series of videos to get into MH3U and has some really helpful tricks to obtain for example, certain items that are harder to gather than others.
- He does tons of general hunting and does like for an example, MH4 weapon showcases aswell etc.

Weapons: pros and cons (MH3U)

GaijinHunter's Tumblr
- Many helpful advices and tips there, along with the possibility of him answering any question about MH you throw at him.

Original post for MH4U

I didn't really see a dedicated thread to this, so I figured I'd post this.

Now, I know Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate/Monster Hunter Tri G has been out for a long while already, but is anyone still playing it? If so, do you have the Wii U version or are able to play it on there (using MH3U Packet Relay Tools for Nintendo 3DS)? I'd like to be able to play it with others since I got it for my birthday after a friend convinced me to try it. There are some I currently play with, but it'd be nice to play with more. I'm also willing to help those who aren't as far as me (currently endgame on story and HR 8+ on multi).

On that note, I'm looking forward to playing Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate (AKA Monster Hunter 4G) when it comes out... even though that won't be till next year for the rest of the world :o GET READY TO HUNT ON FEBRUARY 13, 2015!

MHG post

It's finally out everywhere! As someone who's never played any games before MH3U, I'm excited to see some of the past monsters I've never got to hunt :)
I would play the absolute crap out this game if it came out for PC in Europe, I clocked some major hours on the PSP game Monster hunter freedom 2
I do have MH3U, but never touched it again after last year went by.

Though, i don't have an Wii U i can't do that sort of stuff- don't know if i'd go and pick it up again.
How far are you into the game though?
Maybe if you're not too far ahead i'd pick it up again.
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I'm at 8* quests in the story and HR4 on multiplayer (as of this post), though honestly I'm kinda stuck at the moment... I'm a Light Bowgun user, btw.

EDIT: Added my info to the OP.
I don't have a WiiU version, but I'm more or less at the point of my limit. Gotta complete Mark of a Hero on Solo, and am stuck Soloing HR6 in the Multiplayer side of things. I haven't played it for a while though due to reasons, mainly burnout. I cannot wait for MH4 to come out, with Online MP that will be awesome!
ohh great, i would like also to play it again since i haven't played for a while, would be nice.
well with a wiiU you can play the 3ds version online without owning the wiiU game don't forget that!

ztrot wrote:

well with a wiiU you can play the 3ds version online without owning the wiiU game don't forget that!
He didn't, if you read the OP. Look, it's even bolded and everything.

If so, do you have the Wii U version or are able to play it on there (using MH3U Packet Relay Tools for Nintendo 3DS)?
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gift1992 wrote:

ohh great, i would like also to play it again since i haven't played for a while, would be nice.
How far are you? =o

Azure_Kite wrote:

ztrot wrote:

well with a wiiU you can play the 3ds version online without owning the wiiU game don't forget that!
He didn't, if you read the OP. Look, it's even bolded and everything.
She* :P Also, I think you need an ethernet cable as well... I'm not sure though since I don't have the 3DS version, though I recall someone saying that before.
Whoops. Sorry about that.
Did someone say Monster Hunter!? I'm HR7 (soon to be much, much more...planning on breaking the HR cap soon) and I main Greatsword, although I can go Dual Blades and Hammer if the situation calls for them. I'd love to play with anyone here! :)
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I'm BADLY needing 4 Rath Medulla before I can even move on, but that rarity rate...

Anyway, if you don't mind playing with a HR4 player, I'm game :D
I've helped get people to G rank from HR1, so I have no problem playing with you. My NNID is twilight5parkle, so just say the word and I'll get on ^^
3DS version master race :P
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agentspinhere wrote:

I've helped get people to G rank from HR1, so I have no problem playing with you. My NNID is twilight5parkle, so just say the word and I'll get on ^^
Sent a friend request. I'll join you after I eat lunch.

Ekaru wrote:

3DS version master race :P
I'd get it if it had online features to begin with instead of having to rely on a Wii U ._.

Blazevoir wrote:

agentspinhere wrote:

I've helped get people to G rank from HR1, so I have no problem playing with you. My NNID is twilight5parkle, so just say the word and I'll get on ^^
Sent a friend request. I'll join you after I eat lunch.
I didn't get anything. You sure you sent it to the right ID? Nevertheless, I'll still be available for hunting until 5 PM EST; I'm actually scheduled on Capcom Unity's 12 hour MH3U anniversary to get me to HR8 and beyond!
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Oops... I didn't realize that was a 5...
No prob. Whenever you're ready, we can get to farming/bringing your HR up!
i am stuck at HR7 online. add me just under gift1992
I clocked in most of my hours in the PSP versions of the game
As for my MH3U, I'm done playing it without playing with anybody. When I finished I just stopped playing, I might try to pick it up if I have time

gift1992 wrote:

i am stuck at HR7 online. add me just under gift1992
Added you. Just say when and we can go hunt.

On a side note, I finally broke my HR cap today! Hello HR44! ^_^
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Having issues with HR5 quests... Someone please help x.x
i could help you out, just say when.
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Maybe in like... 1-2 hours from now, I guess. Though if that's a bad time for you, I can wait. Just message me back when you're available.

EDIT: Thanks!
People are actually playing MH here huh. I used to play p3rd on psp with my friend from Panama (with some plugins/programs, I can explain more if you need that) and some Freedom Unite too, but I didn't like that one that much so I stopped there. Waiting warmly for MH4(U) release in the West sometime in the future...
Portable 3rd was awesome. It really sucks that it didn't get a non-JP release, though.
heh, i had monsterhunter freedom for the psp, but well, i didn't liked it much, so thought monsterhunter is a stuppid lame game, after i gave it another try on the wii everything changed, and so i am still playing from time to time on the wiiU and 3ds and waiting for MH4U too ^^
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Recently reached G Rank :D Now I just need to get a decent armor set...
You're around where I am now, hahah.

Except I did it solo

Mega/Ancient Potions, for the win.
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Soloing most of the monsters as a Gunner class is hard due to low Defense :o (But I don't like the other classes, either...)
I mainly use a switch axe. Something about the ability to switch into a status proc'ing sword then seamlessly start wailing into enemies. It's so fulfilling for me.

Especially with an Energy drink. Infinite axe-swinging, yay!
Blaze! when you got to HR7 we need to hunt together, need to do some of the ky quest to get HR8!
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I'm still trying to upgrade my current weapons (if possible) and get better armor, so it will take a while.
I'm in solo heaven on the 3ds ver of mh3h I do plan to data tranfer to the wiiU ver when I buy my wiiU till then I'm rocking full pink rath gear and crimson peco gear, I mostly go long sword or twin sword.
I have MHp3rd on my PSP. Been grinding the Amatsumagatsuchi for hours with the Silver Rath set and a Dragon element LS with 225 base damage. (Forgot the name ;w;)
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Been grinding Rathian and Pink Rathian for hours... Damn desire sensor >_>
I was hunting HR Uragaan for quite a while, myself.
Critical Dude
I want to ask you guys something: Should I get MH3U on the 3ds now or wait until 2015 for MH4 on the 3ds?
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Get MH3U on Wii U :P *runs*

In all seriousness, MH4U won't come out for another full year or so, so I'm pretty sure you'll have time to play MH3U. I'd recommend getting the Circle Pad Pro (for 3DS/3DS XL) though, otherwise underwater battles will be a pain...

EDIT: G Rank equipment/upgrades will burn a hole in your wallet... *just recently learned this and is now trying to farm for money instead of materials*
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Not at all.

EDIT: Don't you just love it when you're trying to capture a monster but a smaller one interferes? -_- AND THE TRAP ENDS UP DISAPPEARING BEFORE YOU GET THE CHANCE TO TRANQ DX

Stahp hitting me ._.
Fun time today.
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Triple charging monsters are the BEST! /sarcasm
Critical Dude

Blazevoir wrote:

Get MH3U on Wii U :P *runs*

In all seriousness, MH4U won't come out for another full year or so, so I'm pretty sure you'll have time to play MH3U. I'd recommend getting the Circle Pad Pro (for 3DS/3DS XL) though, otherwise underwater battles will be a pain...

EDIT: G Rank equipment/upgrades will burn a hole in your wallet... *just recently learned this and is now trying to farm for money instead of materials*
Lol, I would get the Wii U if more interesting games come out for that console and I will get the Circle Pad Pro as I've played the demo where you have to fight against the Plesioth (it really was a pain). As for the G Rank equipment, I hope that I can make it to the G-Rank quests first.
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Making it to G Rank isn't a problem if you can do all of the village (storyline) quests (granted, the monsters on the multiplayer port have more health and will do more damange). Of course, you can always ask people to help you :P
Solo the Tavern or GTFO scrub (kidding)

Higher HP is really the main hurdle in Online mode for Soloists.
I tell you, I'm not good enough to take Tigrex on guild alone(to pass to hr3/free rank5 quests). Besides the extra hp the area he runs too when low hp is tiny D:
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Azure_Kite wrote:

Higher HP is really the main hurdle in Online mode for Soloists.

...Or, y'know, Slime them to death (when you get the opportunity) /o/
Critical Dude

Blazevoir wrote:

Making it to G Rank isn't a problem if you can do all of the village (storyline) quests (granted, the monsters on the multiplayer port have more health and will do more damange). Of course, you can always ask people to help you :P
Well I've always been doing quests alone because none of my friends had any of the Monster Hunter games on the PSP console (I never made it to G Rank in Monster Hunter Freedom) which is why I hoped for online play on the 3ds.

EineKrone wrote:

I tell you, I'm not good enough to take Tigrex on guild alone(to pass to hr3/free rank5 quests). Besides the extra hp the area he runs too when low hp is tiny D:
Wait until you meet two Tigrex and one has higher HP than the other.
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Critical Dude wrote:

Well I've always been doing quests alone because none of my friends had any of the Monster Hunter games on the PSP console (I never made it to G Rank in Monster Hunter Freedom) which is why I hoped for online play on the 3ds.
It technically has it; it's just you need a Wii U to be able to, so...

Have fun waiting for MH4U along with the rest of us /o/
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