
[osu!stable] Beatmap Submission Goes to Wrong Beatmap Set

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Problem details: (Apologies for the essay, don't want to leave anything out that might help)

I have two beatmap sets of the same song Map set A (set id 1880734) from 2022,
and Map set B (set id 2215979) from a week ago.

I created map set B from scratch by dragging the audio into the editor and mapping as per usual. I was able to create Don't Wait for Me and Easy difficulties without any issue. However, today when I created and submitted a Normal difficulty, I noticed that instead of the Normal difficulty being uploaded to map set B, the entire map set B was uploaded in place of map set A, and map set B was left unchanged without a Normal difficulty.

Troubleshooting steps I tried:
  1. Deleted both mapsets entirely
  2. Closed and reopened osu!
  3. Restored map set B from a local backup I had from after I finished the Easy and top diff
  4. Made sure the BeatmapID and BeatmapSetID in the .osu files matched the remote version of map set B
  5. Did a full process of beatmaps
  6. Deleted the SubmissionCache folder
  7. Reuploaded
Even after reuploading, this did not work, and the changes still went to map set A and the Normal difficulty was removed (since I uploaded without it this time).

I also tried those same troubleshooting steps, except instead of using the local backup, I downloaded the remote version from the osu! website. The changes still went to map set A.

This made me aware of a strange behavior - even with the latest version of map set A & B that I got from the website, every time I open the editor and immediately go back out, it shows "Update to latest version" even though I have made no changes. Furthermore, even if I make no changes in the editor, upon saving the beatmap (Ctrl+S), and inspecting the BeatmapSetID, it has changed from 2215979 to 1880734 (map set B --> A). This seems to be the issue, since I assume the beatmap is saved when submitting, and so if saving causes the BeatmapSetID to change naturally it would be sent to the wront set.

Finally, I would note that there is a strange behavior when uploading either map set A or B that it takes an unusually long amount of time to submit, since it loops "Preparing changes..." 10-20 times before submitting.

None of these behaviors happen to me with other mapsets that I have created, and I can submit updates to those beatmaps with no issue.

If anyone has any suggestions on what to do, any help would be great! Would preferably not want to just ignore the issue and nuke map set A since it was my first map (it is really bad that is why I don't want it in this new map set). Thanks!

Video or screenshot showing the problem:

This is a picture of what map set A looks like after I download and reupload map set B from the osu! website.
There should only be one diff (1m 23s), My One and Only Lie to You, but instead the diffs from map set B are here.

osu! version: Stable 20240513.1 (latest)
From what it looks like is that when two different beatmapsets have the exact same metadata then it might be worthwhile to not have them submitted before ranking one as this issue is quite normal when two mapsets contain the exact same metadata from the same creator.
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