
Stand Back! I'm about to perform Science! Specifically Chemi

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Hi there! So yeah, I've been playing for about 2 months, but haven't bothered to post in the forums yet. I'll probably start posting more, when I have time. =P

I figured I should at least introduce myself! ^^

First of all, I am indeed a chem student at Wayne State University.
I live in Michigan (Go Lions!...not).
I am ranked in the top 300!
For my name, you can call me chemist, or furious if you want. ^^
Hobbies/Activities: Tennis, Reading, Marching Band/Music (Percussionist), Video Games, Martial Arts, Movies.
Although I haven't actually watched any anime, I do know about most of them...not a huge fan though.
Lastly, I think this is a great game, and look forward to seeing grow in the future! ^^
I want to get into modding and creating beatmaps also! ^^
Oh, hi, welcome to osu.
You seem to be multi-talented (or I don't do much, lol)

glad to see you like the game and have stayed with it, good luck on the forums as well
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Thanks! Yeah, I don't really know where to get started with modding...

I did read the faq and the guides though.

I have played around with the editor, and there are a few things I'm still trying to figure out, but I think I could get the hang of it. ^^

Being a percussionist helps with timing too... =P

thefuriouschemist wrote:

Marching Band/Music
Nice Nice.

thefuriouschemist wrote:

Oh, nvm then.

Also, just plain having music experience should help you with timing, don't just claim that percussionist are the only ones who can time.
He didn't claim that at all! lrn2criticise
Also, you seem a fun person, chemist. Welcome to the crew!
what he said was true, though~
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thx Wojjan! ^^
yeah, by no means are percussionists always better at timing than other musicians...
anyway, I've modded a couple of times and I like it, so I'll be helping out when I have time. ^^
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