
[4K] shrimple's timely modding queue CLOSED

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Hello. This is a forum post dedicated to posting your maps for me to mod.

Because of large amounts of maps that people want to get modded, I will be only picking some because I don't have that much free time anymore since I've became a coke addict.

Anyway, here are some rules about what you should post

  1. I only accept 4K maps
  2. Your map should preferably be rice only, without much long notes, but that's to be decided when I actually see the map
  3. My preferred genres of music are IDM, Breakcore (and so on) but I don't mind anything as long as it's not pop, hiphop or country
  4. Because of my mapping and knowledge specifics, I appreciate a map that is a structured dump, it's technical or simply a though after map that is not an IcyWorld simulator
I will be picking some maps to mod, please, submit your maps according to this schematic:

Artist - Title [diffname you want to mod, can be multiple if you want] SR* and a short description of your map (what is it about, maybe a concept you followed if its a generalized one etc)

The queue will stay open for idk how long

I don't know how many maps I will mod from this queue

Have at it bois and gals

EDIT: any The Flashbulb song gets insta approval and modding from me
R3 Music Box - Let Me Stay Here [Fairytale] 1.86*
Short rice map, even tho simple I still require feedback.
Thanks in advance! ^^
Underscore - ULTIMATUM
4:20 long rice-heavy at 7* with various patterns

Artist/title: Reol - Utena
Link: beatmapsets/2210476#mania/4682296
Diff to mod: up to you sir(there is 2 diffs) sr range is from 3.66 to 4.35

Details: Uhm, this is a techy map(but nothing too crazy imo). Also me is a new mapper and this map is the one I'm currently trying to push for ranked. Any feedback/suggestion is much appreciated, thanks!
hi :>

Denki Groove - MAN HUMAN (TV Size)
diff for mod: Crybaby [5.3*] or Extra [4.7*]


jack map with streams and a bit of light sv in the top two difficulties :p
Gardens - Rafflesia
Rice (Most) Streams, sometimes hybrid; jack and minijack(most double), middle kiai Hybrid/LN, tech.
-45 - G e n g a o z o
diffs to mod: any (preferably 7* diff)
Full rice, chordjack mapset

NM Request Please

Artist - Title: Emissar wul Elverhojj - Vaelumir's Call
Diff to mod: Any diff you want [Easy[1.32], Normal[2.19], Hard[3.10], Insane[4.15], Insane[4.18]]
Short description of your map: Jack, Stream, Angki's diff is LN
Link: beatmapsets/2194149#mania/4663059

Thank you very much
Femtanyl - KATAMARI [lose your self-control] 3.81*
2:37 long rice-heavy map, mostly streams
MetaHumanBoi - Speed Bomb
Link : beatmapsets/2216059#mania/4695589
Diff to mod : Mod any of them (as of now 2 diffs going from 4.95 to 6.75*)

dense tech map, hyper not meant for the light of heart. No hit sounds yet, and more difficulties are going to be made, such as an insane and hard.
fur:trash - black tar heroin
sr 2.58 -> 4.49
notes: top diff have sv, rice map, i hope you can help me :PP
Synzak & Laxeno57 - astral.exe
Difficulty:Any diff that you want

Breakcore song and tech/hybrid map

Thank you
Ahooj! Promiň za LNs :I

Ludicin - Echoes of Memoria
SR = 7.69*
Description: Hybrid/LN/LN Dump map.

Thanks!!! :3
Camellia - +ERABY+E CONNEC+10N [CONNEC+10N CO|\/|PR0M1SED] 4.61*
Alright, this is an "everything" map but it's very rice heavy with few LN parts
Patterns include: Streams, Trills, Mini/Longjacks, Jumpjacks, some short parts with LN
Note: it's difficulty is made to increase as the player reaches the end, so it goes from 4* > 5*. There is also a stamina killer at the very end of the song
Thanks for reading at all and thanks in advance :3
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We good for now. I'll mod some! Thanks for clocking in. See you next time.
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