Round 19: Orbital Sliders
Nominated by Card N'FoRcE. Basically, Mirrored Sliders with a note in the middle. Usually played as a beat long slider, followed by a hitcircle 1/2 a beat afterwards, then another beat long slider 1/2 after the hitcircle.
IKU - Ko no Me Kaze
Gojou Kai - Border of Life
~Mapping Technique Nominations~
Nominated by Card N'FoRcE. Basically, Mirrored Sliders with a note in the middle. Usually played as a beat long slider, followed by a hitcircle 1/2 a beat afterwards, then another beat long slider 1/2 after the hitcircle.
IKU - Ko no Me Kaze
Gojou Kai - Border of Life
~Mapping Technique Nominations~
NOTE : Nominations Catchup is over. After today, nominations will go through normally (1 per day)