Round 16: Flower Combos
Nominated by 0_o. Also known as "Honeycomb Beats" (example2). Consists of 5+ hitcircles all placed around a central point. The central point can be a hitcircle, but it doesn't have to be. Some hitcircles can be replaced by sliders. Usually placed 1/2 a beat apart.
nomico - Bad Apple!! [Normal]
Marguerite du Pre - Marie Antoinette [Hyper]
~Mapping Technique Nominations~
Nominated by 0_o. Also known as "Honeycomb Beats" (example2). Consists of 5+ hitcircles all placed around a central point. The central point can be a hitcircle, but it doesn't have to be. Some hitcircles can be replaced by sliders. Usually placed 1/2 a beat apart.
nomico - Bad Apple!! [Normal]
Marguerite du Pre - Marie Antoinette [Hyper]
~Mapping Technique Nominations~