
Can any tablet users help me?

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I just recently switched to a bamboo tablet for osu. There are several questions about tablet that I want to ask.

Should I use pen mode of mouse mode?

What should be the sensitivity for mouse mode if its mouse mode? How big should the portion of the screen be if I'm using pen mode?

Thank you!
if you are playing with keyboard and move with the pen u can pick either.
i personally use mousemode because i don't have to worry about the tabletportion where i can move.

the settings are model dependent, but im using a bamboohoo too
my settings for osu:
sensitivity windows: standard+1
sensitvity ingame at max

i don't know about penmode... as little as possible?
and it's a little buggy if u raise the sensitivity ingame
There was a tablet user topic on the first page: viewtopic.php?f=13&t=11113 You could've asked there instead of making a new topic. But what do you mean bye mouse mode and pen mode, using the mouse or the pen?

If so I would say mess around with the both of them, but if you have the tablet, I would suggest trying to play with the pen, mice on tablets are seriously a bitch to move depending on the size, but they usually aren't good for high-speed movement such as what osu! requires. As for how much of the tablet you should use while playing. Again I say try to mess around with it, but it also depends on the size of your tablet, if it's already small, then you might not need to adjust the portion you use, but just mess around with it, see what works best for you.
In mouse mode, when you move the pen across the stylus, it moves the cursor depending on which way you move the pen.
In pen mode, the cursor moves to where ever you move the pen on the tablet.

I haven't heard any play in mouse mode, because that kinda' defeats the purpose of using a tablet instead of a mouse.

In mouse mode, it's dependent on how you feel. Some people like barely moving the mouse when they play, so they set the sensitivity really high, I myself like the accuracy of a lower sensitivity.

For pen mode, the sensitivity should always be set at x1.0, otherwise you can get some funky side-effects when playing.

About the size of the screen. I believe most people play in window mode when they play with a tablet, because the playing field on the tablet is a lot smaller, so you don't have to move your hand/arm as much, therefore not getting sore after played 3 or 4 songs. If you really like/want to play on full screen, set the active area on your tablet to about 3 to 5 inches, length-wise, if you don't want to tire yourself out to quickly.
Dunno if the settings are different between Bamboo and Bamboo Fun (I use the latter), but I use the pen in mouse mode with these settings:

You'll have to figure out for yourself what works best, since it depends per person.
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awp wrote:

I am of the opinion that mouse mode with a tablet kind of defeats the purpose of using a tablet; with pen mode you're closer to that EBA feel.
It makes it a lot more strenuous playing with pen mode, though; Even on a smaller tablet. I used pen mode when I first started playing osu!, but later on my settings got screwed up and I decided to try mouse mode for the hell of it while reconfiguring. Turns out it was for the better. :)

But yeah, it completely depends on the person. :?

Derekku Chan wrote:

awp wrote:

I am of the opinion that mouse mode with a tablet kind of defeats the purpose of using a tablet; with pen mode you're closer to that EBA feel.
It makes it a lot more strenuous playing with pen mode, though; Even on a smaller tablet. I used pen mode when I first started playing osu!, but later on my settings got screwed up and I decided to try mouse mode for the hell of it while reconfiguring. Turns out it was for the better. :)

But yeah, it completely depends on the person. :?
Indeed, It feels uncontrollable with pen mode off for me, since I do jumps when I have to hit far off notes. However Mouse mode feels superb if the person was only using a keyboard for everything instead of hybriding it.
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