
This new font...

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I heard people don't like it.


Just posting something here won't make anything change.... Just keep playing man with it. Hopefully you will start liking it in the future hopefully..
stupid font is stupid

numbers not even on the same level\some taller than the others, makes 1\0 look like they're floating

never gonna update this osu~

now someone make feature request to change
it's not the first time peppy completely disregarded everyone else's opinion and stuck with what he thought was a good idea
- Marco -

Looks like no
I really like this new font. Its really easy to read and is much simpler than the old one. The only problem I have with it is that the black outline is a tad too think, which is why I think so many people don't like it.
I find it hard on the eyes, blurry when small, and it gives me a headache so I hope I'll get used to it soon because it's probably just me being overly used to the old font.
I couldn't stop laughing when the nerds that only go to #osu and not play the game complained when their :3 emoticon looked "not KAWAII~ anymore"
Get used to it. If you still don't like it then don't look lel.

RedPanda wrote:

I couldn't stop laughing when the nerds that only go to #osu and not play the game complained when their :3 emoticon looked "not KAWAII~ anymore"
Get used to it. If you still don't like it then don't look lel.
They seriously saying :3 <--- Is not kawaii enough??? In the last font it wasn't kawaii either..... People these days... :|
If they don't like the :3 then
they do the ・ω・

about placement of numbers, many fonts have that thing with misaligned figures. georgia is a known example of this, maybe not on the same scale.
the only problem i have with it is the drop shadow, a little bit too opaque, could fuck up the reading.
i prefer comic sans over this
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