
Why all 2024 beatmaps so difficult?

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В общем, почему мы на 4* мапах начали наблюдать какие-то дикие стримы, стамина-берсты и прочую шнягу для жим-плееров с 6*?

Я решил покачать мапы новенькие для разнообразия и пришел к выводу, что лучше бы не качал вовсе. Я призываю отменить мапы за 2024 год по причине "Народу реально интереснее тупо жать 2 клавиши и насиловать себе пальцы, чем брать красивые и разнообразные паттерны отличающиеся хоть чуть чуть от построения раз-два джамп, пара каких-то хитровыдуманных слайдеров в перемешку со стамина-берстами и стримами?".

Нет, правда, дорогие мапперы, вы, конечно, ребята классные, много карт наклепали за столько лет существования этой игры, но мапы за 2024 год тупо скучные и совсем не вызывают наслаждения от игры, имхо.

Насмотрятся своих мреков с аколибедами, а потом клепают ультранасилие для простых смертных...

In general, why did we start watching some wild streams, stamina bursts and other stuff for 6* press players on 4* maps?

I decided to rock the new maps for a change and came to the conclusion that it would be better not to rock at all. I call for the cancellation of maps for 2024 for the reason "It's really more interesting for people to stupidly press 2 keys and force their fingers than to take beautiful and diverse patterns that differ even a little bit from building a one-two jump, a couple of clever sliders mixed with stamina bursts and streams?".

No, really, dear mappers, of course you guys are cool, you have glued a lot of maps over so many years of the existence of this game, but maps for 2024 are stupidly boring and do not cause enjoyment from the game at all, imho.

They will see enough of their mrekks with accolybeds, and then they will rivet ultra-violence for ordinary mortals ...
[TCD] Dzar03
Havent played much of them tho its indeed meta of mapping in recently has changed rapidly, required players to learn diverse of skills.
Im sucks at streams and bursts so I can feel that, older maps which contains short jumps is more of my taste. Meanwhile, some people enjoy old mapping style from 2016 and before which are low AR, consistently spaced (which personally I dont really enjoy).
But after all, guess I shouldnt complain much but practice to play them better, or just dont play them
Mother Nature
Nowadays, it's hard to really stand out in the mapping scene. Unlike in the past, when mapping was relatively straightforward, you now have to make over-complex patterns, sometimes with long and fast sliders, representing the music as much as possible. This is why they tend to prioritize visual appeal over playability, which could be a good thing for some people, or a bad thing for others.

For new/recent players, it's certainly not a good thing, as they will have no chance of perfectly playing these maps, compared to the old ones that are way more simple to read and play. Same goes for new/recent mappers, who need to try their best to be as different as possible and appeal their first BNs in the process.

All of this to conclude that it's mainly the nominators who have the full control over these maps, so whatever you say, they are the ones who will decide if beatmaps need to be difficult or not... all until very recently!

Yoisaki Kanade
Personally I feel like it's a combination of a few factors.

One is that the SR system inevitably sees simple maps as more difficult than more complex maps (relative to their actual difficulty), and it is difficult to account for skills like reading and slider without leaving big obvious gaps that can be abused for pp. Complex maps are ranked more nowadays (I mostly agree with Mother Nature's reasoning for this), so people downloading modern maps see it as too difficult for it's SR (and also they give no pp so people don't get the farm rankup dopamine hit from playing them).

A big problem is that a lot of people who joined during or only play those sotarks era pp farm maps is that they never have to develop these skills, so when they do try it out it is completely alien to them and they aren't able to play maps requiring more complex skillsets, even if the map's rating is way below the SR implied by rank, which demotivates them from playing these.
personally i put tapping checks in my insane diffs because a lot of the insane diffs i played back in the day also had tapping checks and i enjoyed them a lot

for example
  1. hinacle's sparkling daydream
  2. cloudsplash16's colorful and luminous
  3. meyrink's kimi to ita sora
  4. meiikyuu's catastrophe
  5. smoothie's cendrillon drug
  6. kusano's se-no
  7. sekai-nyan's won(*3*)chu kiss me
people who dont want to tap can play other maps i wholeheartedly do not give a shit about them
just to note that maps are being built around the ability to cheese sliders -- or maybe just my own feeling

Mother Nature wrote:

For new/recent players, it's certainly not a good thing, as they will have no chance of perfectly playing these maps, compared to the old ones that are way more simple to read and play. Same goes for new/recent mappers, who need to try their best to be as different as possible and appeal their first BNs in the process.
As someone who is trying to come back mapping and understanding the new mapping era, I feel a lot of that, having maps that are considerable with "simple rhythm" is completely forgotten for most of the BNs, and there's a few reasons for that, but I think one of the main reasons is the vetos for "quality" of the map makes BNs really scary for pushing anything that is not a high representation of the song.

It feels that we have such an unecessary high standard to rank something, and the result is difficulties that was expected to be more simple having a lot of super representation of the song and concepts that wasn't expected for the majority of the players from that skill level, and that was makes feels that 4* maps are getting harder.

I really wish that the ranking process was more smoother, that will benefit mappers, nominators and players. The game is losing players every year and we are already having a very small mapping community, we shouldn't be getting more restrict in my opinion.
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