
New to forums, Hi!

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Hi! My name is Simpusan, I'm 17 and I live in Sweden. I used to play Mouse-only but eventually streaming got too frustrating and I gave in >.<!
I try to play seriously but I'm usually better when I don't. ( IE, when I play just for fun and not trying to reach better scores. )

Apart from osu! I play a bunch of different games, currently it's mainly Hearthstone and Dota 2, I'm not particularily good at either of them, but having fun nevertheless. I also play Starcraft 2 from time to time.

I really don't have any particular music interest, usually when I find a bunch of songs I really like that keep to the same genre they happen to be the -only- songs I like from that genre, so I can't really find a favourite one. Makes finding enjoyable music difficult!

I don't do a lot other than play games and listen to music. I'm really interested in art but I can never get the hang of it so drawing just frustrates me. I guess I'll get good enough to enjoy my own drawings one day, or maybe I'm just not made for it.

Either way, hi! I'm a very chatty person so if anyone wants to talk to a random person, feel free to message me! Thanks for reading. :)
Well it noticeable that you either played Katawa Shoujo or just got a random picture off google, but Hey there Simpusan.
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Yep, I have played Katawa Shoujo. Truly an amazing err, game? Anyway, very inspiring. Thanks for the hi!
Hi Simpusan, welcome to the osu! forums.
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