
[added] [Poll] What should we do with the Main RC Article

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What to do with the RC Article

Keep one big page
Split into multiple pages
Total votes: 37
Polling ended
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Currently, wiki/en/Ranking_criteria is really overwhelming for anyone to get into.
It is linked in the client (when submitting a beatmap) and as such a pretty high bar of entry if you have no idea what any of this stuff is already

So the question I'm wondering is:
  1. Should we split it up into multiple separate pages / maybe per area
    1. If this option is chosen, we will still create a combined overview of all sections, it just wont be the "main RC page" and instead will be linked instead so having one page you can "CRTL+F" in to find whatever will still remain possible
  2. Should we keep it as one big page (Current)
If you have other ideas, please respond :D

I'm mainly asking because separate pages would probably be a bit more free for formatting, such as , if this structure was added to the main page it would create some sort of formatting hell i think? xD
Noch Einen
The thing like box (you click, the content appears. Click again, it close) i think better combined with overview

Noch Einen wrote:

The thing like box (you click, the content appears. Click again, it close) i think better combined with overview
that's not currently supported on the wiki and we won't be adding any new feature for this
in full support of splitting into multiple pages, makes everything more organized and concise at the cost of a couple of extra clicks, which is a fair tradeoff imo

Okoratu wrote:

I'm mainly asking because separate pages would probably be a bit more free for formatting
agree with this too, this would allow us to freely add more things like tables/images without making the article incredibly massive
I was one of the people that preferred a single page for the convenience of being able to Ctrl+F on the entire RC when this topic was previously discussed. Since the split-page option includes keeping a single-page version of the RC, I'm fine with it.
+1 to zirox and hivie’s comments
yeah zirox basically described how i feel

making the simplified rc article a bit more prominent would be nice as well imo, since the high bar of entry was mentioned
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as part of i kinda did this for the time being, required rearranging the start of the main RC article to actually explicitly include a link collection so that this move makes more sense. will see what reviewers think. alternatively thoughts here would also be appreciated :D/
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