
[osu!mania] Panda Eyes & Teminite - Highscore by OpakyL

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Should Panda Eyes & Teminite - Highscore be Loved?

Total votes: 103
Polling ended
Topic Starter
Silhoueska Elze
Main thread: [osu!mania] Project Loved: May 2024

Panda Eyes & Teminite - Highscore by OpakyL
99 – 154 BPM, 4:28 | 4.66★ – 6.55★

Captain's description (by Silhoueska Elze):
OpakyL is notorious for creating some of the most loved and really difficult jack files out there, which were featured in packs like the Compulsive Chordjack Collection. That being said, let us introduce their first beatmap nomination in the Loved selection with Panda Eyes & Teminite - Highscore!

Being a chart that's 4 minutes long, stamina will certainly play a huge factor in how you'll be able to execute the patterns. While they may seem lenient (though dense) at first, especially with the BPM on the base rate, the length certainly will give you a lot of fatigue, with how most of this chart contains a lot of jacks that can range from your typical dense chordjacks to even some longjacks thrown into mix.

Not to mention, there are also a lot of long notes in this chart as well, along with some audaciously placed long note jumptrills/splittrills throughout. These sections could really make your accuracy drop a lot if you're not careful, so you better watch out!

Faster rates were also added to the chart, so if you think you need more of a challenge, then those rates would certainly be for you. If not, there is luckily a slower rate for you to practice and hopefully iron out all of your weaknesses in each section.

Overall, jacks and long notes. What else could you really ask for considering today's meta? Do you think you have what it takes to play this with pristine accuracy? Might as well give it a shot, and of course, give this beatmap a favorable vote.

Please use this thread to discuss why you believe this map should or should not enter the Loved category!
holy shit
the blue frawog
Topic Starter
Silhoueska Elze
This map passed the voting! It will be moved to Loved soon.
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