
[osu!mania] Yuyoyuppe - Palette GAMMA by spoonguy

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Should Yuyoyuppe - Palette GAMMA be Loved?

Total votes: 75
Polling ended
Topic Starter
Silhoueska Elze
Main thread: [osu!mania] Project Loved: May 2024

Yuyoyuppe - Palette GAMMA by spoonguy
180 – 270 BPM, 1:58 | 5.47★, 6.35★, 6.99★, 7.66★
The [1,1x (sp12)] and [1,2x (sp14)] difficulties are not being nominated for Loved.

Captain's description (by Silhoueska Elze):
Palette GAMMA has certainly been a song that's notorious for having a lot of speed charts being made for it, and this is certainly no exception. spoonguy offers you a very difficult rendition of the chart, with lots of factors to be taken in, such as speed, stamina, reading, and many more.

Where do I begin? Right off the bat, you're already thrown delay patterns, with a few chords being mixed in. There are also rolls which you have to accurately time, while also being able to hit them at a very fast speed. With that alone, lots of the reading and accuracy aspect have already been tested.

But once that is done, the real deal starts to show up as you get a very fast chordstream section, clocking in at 270 BPM for the base rate. Thankfully, you get a break section, wherein you'll be able to recover your hands a lot. Once that's over, you'd better start getting to work again, as your chordstream prowess will truly be tested at the second section, where you will be tasked to be able to hit the different combinations of notes consistently while being able to process them at a very fast rate.

This will certainly be a test to how competent and well rounded a player is on the 7K rice department. So, what are you waiting for? Vote yes and support the mapper if you're really looking forward to battle against the rest of the top players in the world!

Please use this thread to discuss why you believe this map should or should not enter the Loved category!
hell yeah
Topic Starter
Silhoueska Elze
This map passed the voting! It will be moved to Loved soon.
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