
Allow mouse sensitivity specific to beatmaps

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This is a feature request. Feature requests can be voted up by supporters.
Current Priority: +0
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Hi, as a mouse player, sensitivity is VERY important. Thing is, many of the beatmaps I play feel comfortable at different sensitivities. Maybe I play a map where you have to click far-away circles quickly, in which high sens would feel comfortable, but then there are also some beatmaps I play that feel extremely uncomfortable with my standard sens, but I hate switching it every time I want to play the map. I would love a feature that allows me to set a mouse sens special for a beatmap. If I don't input any special mouse sens, it would just take my default. This way I can quickly configure my sens for low-sens maps while keeping it comfortable on all the others.
Wimpy Cursed
Do you have dpi modes on your mouse?
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no, I use a regular wireless mouse (office mouse, basically.) It has an extra button, but I'm 90% sure it isn't a DPI button. I also have a wired mouse, but despite living the longest (and somehow being the mouse reliable) of all my mouse, it's cheap and feels like it's on it's deathbed. It also has no extra buttons or DPI buttons.
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