I'm really want to improve since i came back to the game this year but i am completely lost on how. I feel like i'm only getting worst and worst overtime and that scared me a bit.
I don't even know how to pratice correctly i just boot up osu and play random maps with dt by pressing F2aveil wrote:
I think the first step is to choose something to improve on. You could keep on focusing on aim / farm maps if you want (it seems like you've made quite rapid progress on them, so maybe not a bad idea). Or maybe improve your accuracy, work on finger control, consistency, whatever you want depending on what maps you like and what you want to be good at. What you do after that depends on what you wanted to work on. For example, personally I find that with finger control it's best to be very incremental in introducing more complex patterns / rhythms (at least initially), but with aim I prefer to grind out scores and put in hundreds of attempts if need be. But that's only what works for me. There isn't a secret formula on how to improve, you just need to find what engages you the most but also pushes your abilities enough so that you're progressively FCing harder maps and stick to it.
Yeah back in february i played like 700 play per day but at the end of the month my hand was hurting so i play lot less and trying to get like 1.5-2k playcount per month. also i noticed my stamina getting worst and worst i could stream the first long stream on ata euphoria with no problem and now i can't even do the half correctlyNaiad wrote:
Honestly at a glance it seems like you're improving. Hard to say what is wrong without hearing more specific complaints. Your playcount does appear to be steadily decreasing (although the sample size of months is small rn), so maybe that could be a simple explanation.
Thanks for tips !Nanofranne wrote:
Hey, I'm about the same rank as you (With much much more hours wasted on osu, sadly). At a glance, I think you're not going backwards because you set something 20-30 days ago on your top 100.
If you're already dedicating yourself to be a DT player, the best thing is to push through your limit on raw aim and speed as well as tapping. Focus on passing maps you couldn't do before and don't worry too much on acc unless your intention is to farm. As the AR approaches 10.3 and beyond, your mind will adapt so reading will be automatically taken care of as the more you dig in into DT.
Else if you wish to be more of a versatile player, you can try consistency. Stuff like kessoku band's maps around low 6* would be great. Get acc as high as possible. From consistency, you can explore stuff beyond that too such as finger control, aim control, stream, speed , alt, tech, precision (high CS), low AR, Low AR & High CS maps, etc. Keep in mind there's no end goal here, there's only journey so enjoy the trip!
To an extent, nobody does - at least not with 100% certainty. If you want to work on your fundamental accuracy / patience then I'd recommend following the advice in this video by Bubbleman: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AbArzvbs2VoGLiAmS wrote:
I don't even know how to pratice correctly i just boot up osu and play random maps with dt by pressing F2