
Struggling on Aim Consistency

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Hey gyze,

I just want to ask for some tips regarding aim consistency, I've been struggling a lot on improving my consistency recently that I'm starting to feel like I'm over ranked because I'm struggling to hold combo on 5* aim maps, I've done everything from tweaking my sensitivity (yes, I play mouse), playing more aim maps, to changing how I aim with my mouse, and yes, I do play more.

I did notice that my aim in general has improved a lot from playing just aim maps, but my consistency is still dogwater, I just don't know what to do anymore lol.

If anyone can give me tips, then I'd greatly appreciate it :)
Hii, i play on tablet so i dont know if these tips will be helpful but i will try. Some tips could be like making your aim always snap on the circles.

For me, if my tablet position is just a bit off my aim gets a lot shaky and inconsistent, so try to have your mouse in the right position always?. From my personal experience, tweaking down my sensitivity wasnt a solution, yes i could aim bigger jumps but i was still inconsistent, so you need to make your arm learn to aim wider jumps not lower your sens.

Other than that i dont see much else, just getting used to longer maps above 4:30 min, tech maps also are good to improve since they have uncomfortable patterns that if you learn them, the comfortable patterns will be much easier(my experience), and i guess the most important is to make your aim snappier because it is the only way to handle harder jumps that come across 6 and 7 stars maps.
Try using osu! Trainer or McOsu to edit maps you usually play down to lower AR's, starting from AR 8 then moving down by .5 as you improve. as you get better at reading higher density by playing like this, you might be surprised at how your aim improves. This made a big difference for me.
KS Wicher
high cs and low ar for consistent aiming and reading, you can change cs and ar values with osu trainer, the person above linked it

+ ofc long maps
op could also just use osu lazer for rate and cs change.
Viewing your top plays, I think it's pretty unlikely that you have a root problem with your aim. You got a nice mixture of high intesity TV sized, longer consistency maps, and stream-focused maps.

Technical maps will help but for me, it looks like you either have comfort issue or just haven't be able to warm up yet. So don't worry! it'll be temporary issue
Anaxii 3
I think you've got a mixture of tv size and consistency (3-4 minutes length), you might struggle to hold combo because you're not warmed up, you have comfortability issues like Nanofranne said, or you're probably washed like me
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