
300pp as a 6 digit

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am i underranked?
Stop comparing yourself to others, asking the question "Am I under/over ranked?" leads down a slippery slope of playing the game for numbers, rather than playing the game for the enjoyment of it.

Play for fun, play more, make friends, enjoy your time here.

And to answer your question, no. If you were under ranked then getting a 300pp play would've put you where you believe you should be.

Have a good day.
It's hard to tell from glancing at someone's profile, and cr0w is right in that it's not productive to think about. I will add though that getting a 300 pp play at 6 digit is not super common and so that's cool.
Anaxii 3
i have a 271pp top play when I was 6 digit
300pp as a 6-digit two or three years ago would have been rare, but nowadays it seems usual.

Ymir wrote:

300pp as a 6-digit two or three years ago would have been rare, but nowadays it seems usual.
The guy only seems to play DT and DT is really, really good for fast PP gain, but you're right. Top 6 digits is just 1000 raw PP less than my current rank, so getting close to 5 digits requires quite a lot of practice.
You are indeed ranked.
I mean lets be real, you've already decided for yourself whether or not you are under ranked/over ranked and are just looking for validation. But to answer your question no, I don't think that retrying a 20 second map nearly 200 times to set a one off score makes you under ranked even if the number attached to it seems significant to you.
I have chocked 200 about 12 times choked 300 2 times just because you are a better dt player and decided to retry the map 100 more times then me doesn’t make you underanked lmao your top play is a dt 30s map farm (I can’t talk) but at least I don’t go on forum acting like I’m that guy for having a farm map as my top play the only time you brag is that if it’s actually a good play
Anaxii 3

Akisu wrote:

I have chocked 200 about 12 times choked 300 2 times just because you are a better dt player and decided to retry the map 100 more times then me doesn’t make you underanked lmao your top play is a dt 30s map farm (I can’t talk) but at least I don’t go on forum acting like I’m that guy for having a farm map as my top play the only time you brag is that if it’s actually a good play
I also choked 300 too

Anaxii 3 wrote:

Akisu wrote:

I have chocked 200 about 12 times choked 300 2 times just because you are a better dt player and decided to retry the map 100 more times then me doesn’t make you underanked lmao your top play is a dt 30s map farm (I can’t talk) but at least I don’t go on forum acting like I’m that guy for having a farm map as my top play the only time you brag is that if it’s actually a good play
I also choked 300 too
Proves how easy dt farm is at least at 6-5 digit
I'd just focus on having fun with the game, but yeah, you're probably under ranked
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