
I became much worse after several breaks

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I used to manage lower 4 star maps and get some good scores in 2022 on my favorite maps - Cyberia lyr3 Scalpels 1.1x 97,47%, Ghost spirit 2017 96,43%, Freedom dive 4k another 97,22%.

But now I get Cyberia lyr3 86,69%, failed to pass ghost, Freedom dive 91,28%. It's almost unbelievable how bad I am now, even my accuracy on 2 star maps became worse. I used to have about 2.1 MA ratio, but now it's almost 1 to 1.

I'm playing for a couple of days now, but the improvement is non existent or I don't notice it. Just how do I derust?

UPDATE: After 4 hours since this post was created, I played a bit of quaver and noticed I somehow improved my scores from 2022. So I went back to osu, changed scroll speed just a bit up (from 20 to 23), and suddenly something unexplainable happened:

I improved my score that I set just a few hours ago by 9%, this is crazy. I don't know what it is, maybe in the morning I was playing worse, and in the evening my confidence rose as I pressed down the keys a bit harder and felt as I was reading and pressing way faster than before.
Scrolling speed was the real problem that got solved
Nice job figuring it out sometimes it's just your settings that mess you up I'm beta dan and all that, but with the correct setting I could be struggling to play a 1* map lol
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