
Forgot to introduce myself, better late than never xd

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Guess I'll say a bit about myself, I'm smashy ofc and I love playing osu. I'm 16 and am probably the biggest TryHard you'll meet, I love AR10 and streams that won't make you throw your monitor at someone. I play osu almost everyday when I get home, I'm a huge fan of co-op for some reason. I find it really fun and challenging. Anyone that wants to play with me or just be friends should add me and message me so I can add back xd. (Cause I have almost 0 friends here, -sob-)
heey welcome to the osu! forums , have a good time :)
Welcome to the osu! forums, enjoy your stay.
AR10 is too hard to play..
Hi ! Welcome to the forums ! If you like to play together, don't hesitate and poke me ingame or pm :P
I added you aswell incase you forget hihi :)
Welcome smashy, to the wonderful world of osu! and I hope you have some amazing days on the forums.

We can play some co-op together sometime, just message me and I will 99% of the time be positively enamoured to play with you 8-)
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