
[Archived] ¿why my nationality changes in game?

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in my account settings I put my country, but in the launcher says that im from USA, but that is new, I leave osu a few years and I came back, but before it was right, i don't know what had changed :(

Video or screenshot showing the problem:

osu! version: Stable 20240423.2 (latest)
Jason X
By launcher I guess you mean the in-game panel (view online users)?

Some ideas:
- Are you living in the USA or close to their border?
- Are you using a VPN?

- Did your ISP provide your with the wrong IP?
(Check if your IP is actually based in your country, there are websites where you can check that for free)


Hydreigon wrote:

ISP stands for Internet sevice provider.

Alright, so this is most likely caused by your ISP is giving you a connection that isnt accurate too your location, Death clarified this on an older post here: community/forums/topics/1373055?n=2

Death wrote:

This is likely some sort of issue with your ISP if you are not using a VPN. osu! sets your country in game based on the location it gets from your connection. If this just started recently it'll most likely resolve itself after a while.
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Thank you for your answers, I'm not near to USA, I don't have VPN and my ISP is fine :(
could you show a screenshot of your problem so maybe we could help better?

you can take screenshots in the client by clicking F12 on your keyboard.
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of course!
well, it seems osu! is detecting you at the United States…

try seeing where you’re IP goes by using some IP Lookup to ensure what Jason X said, otherwise just wait a little to see if it resolves on its own.

Death wrote:

If this just started recently it'll most likely resolve itself after a while.
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oh, ok, thank you!
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