
i have an insane skill issue

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basically i just need help with lns because most maps around my skillset (6.4*) have some kind of ln based gameplay or have a part with a lot of lns
not talking about things like Blue Zenith but parts that just have an insane amount of lns
something about them i just cant hit and i always die to random lns thrown everywhere, and i have noticed is that i either release to early or too late (i mostly like playing rice maps) so is there anyway to fix my insane skill issue
I personally like to use this beatmap: beatmapsets/1939237#mania/4009273
It might have a song or 2 that you might like, and it's all LN, so you can choose how hard you want the LNs to be.
Your skillset is way below 6.4*, just play some ln maps from tournaments and some packs you should be fine. If your computer is not good then the delay of the release can make it way harder to play and learn so adjust your skin as needed. As always the best solution is to play, but playing a lot won't make a quick difference so just create the habit to play them more often.
Try steganography, possession, hole dwelling, and cold fusion. These are pretty good for ln or if you want pain try out fallen symphony (the 8* ranked one)
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