
Im only choking

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Hello, ive wanted to discuss something that is bothering me since quite a while now and i wanted to get help.

Title says it, im always choking map, especially at the end of them. You can look up on my profile, you'll see i have about 800 A scores and only about a hundred S, even more less silver S but i usually play no mod so its normal. You can also notice it in my top 100 performances, there's a lot of A and the lowest score is about 170pp, i was wondering maybe if it was high for the lowest top performances, for a 5 digit with 300hours, soon 400s.

I dont know what to do, the usual answer to this is nerves and this surely is true, but i dont feel like it. In a way where nerves were a huge problem for me months ago when i didn't progress as much, i could feel my heart beat strongly and i was very shaky. Now, at the ends of maps, theses issues are no longer here, i don't feel much stress compared to before.

The problem could just be my mental, where often i notice at some point that im doing well and by here im telling myself that this could be a score. But again, this doesn't bother me as much as before, ive watched a lot of videos and seen a lot of other post treating about this, and i know that i just don't have to care that much, and its, i believe, what im doing.

I don't think i farm often(even though some of my first topplay are farm map), these are not so fun when retry smap. I like playing 3 to 5 minutes map, but these could possibly, and even more at the end of them when i have 1000combo+, cause more stress that anything else.

I'd appreciate help and feedback, maybe the issue could not be related to nerves at all, im trying to figure it out here, maybe i just should get better lol. Ty
dung eater
i would think about it as a problem of hitting the circles or tapping, not 'choking'. you can try to hit the circles pretty easily when you play, but trying to not 'choke' is something hard to approach.
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dung eater wrote:

i would think about it as a problem of hitting the circles or tapping, not 'choking'. you can try to hit the circles pretty easily when you play, but trying to not 'choke' is something hard to approach.
You mean, its a problem of focus ? I could be struggling to hit the circles often at the end whereas i can hit them most of the time when im not distracted by anything. This could be it but then, how do i keep focused to still hit the circles well and not getting mind blocked or anything like that? I may have misinterpreted your advice so tell me if i got it wrong but still, thanks for the answer
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