Perspective of average low ranked/casual player
I think those players dont have the ability to notice the issue/or care enough to really talk about these issues, so i would like to mention it for their sake
expectation of player:
1. map should have a proper spread -> which allows me to learn and get better at game, by playing this map alone. introduce concepts and patterns gradually with foreshadowing in previous difficulties
2. map should have good enough meta so i can find the map, it doesnt have to be 100% correct and respect artist intention
3. map should not be complete garbage, it doesnt need to be a master piece either. just be playable
4. have as many ranked maps as possible, so more likely i find my favorite song
Problem 1: BN Availability
BN have lots of stress due to high expectation that map is perfect, from QA to Veto, and fact we cant fix a map after ranked.proposed solution: allow edit of ranked map, with BN or a new group to oversee the changes. -> to fix small issues that's not caught during qualified process, and reserve DQ for only high impact issues to gameplay, fix small issues later. or simply don't care about them and accept the fact map is flawed.
this is not good for BN mental health, too short lifespan and frequent turnover
I dont think being a BN should be similar to becoming a doctor that's responsible for people's lives, none of use are paid or received proper training, the player is not even paying for anything why do they reserve perfect maps?
another possible solution: reduce number of BN required from 2 to 1
Most BNs just want nom the cool and high pp map they enjoy, this is against new mapper's interest of having someone experienced to help them learn and improve. -> if we reduce expectation of ranked quality, BN can afford to help those new mappers more since they dont have to spend as much time to fix all the problems, just fix the major issues
Problem 2: RC is very complex and gets worse each year
ranking a map requires lots of connections, experience, knowledge -> really not newbie friendly , too much learning curvevery limited by BN availability, which is low due to problem 1
its very sad feeling for new mappers who work days and weeks on their map just to end up in graveyard, the term graveyard just seem to indicate their map is trash cuz it is not ranked.
lots of time wasted on metadata --> in fact most of RC is about this , can we not have a team dedicated to metadata? this will give better consistency as well , and also improve the search engine to work better even if map doesnt have the keywoard user searched, it should be able to use synonyms and other tricks
use RC more as guideline how to improve, not as minimum requirement and bible to follow
reserve DQ for only major issues breaking gameplay, let small issues be left unfixed/fix later
im propose change in this direction to make ranking map easier and faster so we can grow our users by 100x, at cost of map qualityI don't think ranked category exist only for the purpose of PP, lots of player dont care about PP and leaderboard