
[Discography/Album] Heisei Project (Zips)

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A description of the Heisei Project can be found here or here. Album data comes from here. Also, there is a webpage for it.

ヘイセイプロジェクト -ホワイトノイズ- (Heisei Project -White Noise– / Peace Project -White Noise–)
Album crossfade: Official Youtube
Producer: Zips (じっぷす)
Album illust.: Kiyamachi (木屋町)
Mix and Mastering: Kairiki Bear (かいりきベア)
Release date: 17/12/2014

2. "Peace Project -White Noise–"
*No. Singer - "JpnTitle" (RomTrans / EngTrans) [Length]
> Ranked maps

*01. GUMI, Rin - "ヘイセイドミナンテーション" (?/?) [3:02]
02. GUMI - "トゥルー感情欠損" (True Kanjou Kesson / True Emotion Deficit) [3:14]
03. IA - "ヘイセイカタクリズム" (Heisei Cataclysm / Serenity Cataclysm) [3:15]
*04. GUMI, Miku - "巫女装パルプテーション" (?/?) [3:39]
05. IA - "リズの内心革命" (Liz no Naishin Kakumei / Revolution of Liz's Innermost Heart) [3:10]
06. GUMI - "レイワイテロリズム" (Reiwai Terrorism / Soul Distortion Terrorism) [2:53]
***07. Inst. - "平成淘汰の檻" (Heisei Touta no Ori / Elimination of Serenity) [1:00]
*08. GUMI - "ユトリ最強世代" (?/?) [3:14]
09. IA - "ウラガエシハート" (Uragaeshi Heart / Reverse Heart) [3:05]
*10. Inst - "サムゾラメッセンジャー" (?/?) [1:28]
11. GUMI - "イザナミ討伐戦記" (Izanami Toubatsu Senki / Izanami Suppression Military History) [3:34]
12. Rin, Len - "ムシクイサイケデリズム" (Mushikui Psychedelism / Bug-Eaten Psychedelism) [3:16]
**13. IA - "時代改正ドミナント-Ω-" (Jidai Kaisei Dominant -Ω- / Era Amendment Dominant -Ω-) [3:35]
*14. Rin, Len - "ヴォルカニックレイリズム" (?/?) [3:07]

(none) = Same song.
* = New Song (1,4,8,10,14)
** = Same song. Remixed with new lyrics. (13)
*** = Same song. Remixed. No title change. (7)

07. Same rhythm, different dominant instruments. This version is to electrical genre against the rock genre of the previous album.
13. About 3/4 of the lyrics changed. Rhythm remains the same except there is no last sentence wish & gunshot ending.

1. "Era Amendment Dominant"

時代改正ドミナント (Jidai Kaisei Dominant / Era Amendment Dominant)
Album crossfade: Official Youtube
Producer: Zips (じっぷす)
Album illust.: Nanase (ななせ)
Mix and Mastering: Kairiki Bear (かいりきベア)
Release date: 31/12/2013
Links: vocaloid.wikia,

*No. Singer - "JpnTitle" (RomTrans / EngTrans) [Length]
> Ranked maps

*1. Inst. - "平成淘汰の檻" (Heisei Touta no Ori / Elimination of Serenity) [1:00]
2. IA - "ヘイセイカタクリズム" (Heisei Cataclysm / Serenity Cataclysm) [3:15]
*3. IA - "ウラガエシハート" (Uragaeshi Heart / Reverse Heart) [3:05]
4. GUMI - "レイワイテロリズム" (Reiwai Terrorism / Soul Distortion Terrorism) [2:53]
5. IA - "リズの内心革命" (Liz no Naishin Kakumei / Revolution of Liz's Innermost Heart) [3:10]
6. GUMI - "イザナミ討伐戦記" (Izanami Toubatsu Senki / Izanami Suppression Military History) [3:34]
7. Rin, Len - "ムシクイサイケデリズム" (Mushikui Psychedelism / Bug-Eaten Psychedelism) [3:16]
8. GUMI - "トゥルー感情欠損" (True Kanjou Kesson / True Emotion Deficit) [3:14]
*9. IA - "時代改正ドミナント" (Jidai Kaisei Dominant / Era Amendment Dominant) [3:35]

Notes: "*" = Album exclusive. All links to wikia. Only #9 goes to papercoleena/Coleena Wu's translation.

Base DL link: Mediafire.
Note: No Timing. Preview and Song detail done. Please change creator's name to your name. May contain video and pic.

Not to be confused with Kagerou Project by Jin.


Signature of support :3

Took around 10 mins with Photoscape.

TODO: Finish Era Amendment Dominant's storyboard and add difficulties(null personal priority).
maybe add my map :D? I'll try to rank it soon! :)
Topic Starter

Base DL link: Mediafire.
Note: No Timing. Preview and Song detail done. Please change creator's name to your name. Please link to this post when making beatmap from this album.

For mistakes/missing credits (specifically, the video files encoders names), please fix it yourself when found. Send me a PM when link is dead. Don't report my link, please. Re-uploading is painful >_>;;

Took five hours in general (from looting to upload).
Topic Starter
Confirming Natsu beatmap. By time of writing, was qualified yesterday and will be ranked five days later.
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Adding two ranked Reiwai Terrorism / Soul-Distortion Terrorism. One recently and one in May.
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Hype train aboard!

ヘイセイプロジェクト -ホワイトノイズ- (Heisei Project -White Noise– / Peace Project -White Noise–)
Album crossfade: Official Youtube
Producer: Zips (じっぷす)
Album illust.: Nanase (ななせ)
Mix and Mastering: Kairiki Bear (かいりきベア)
Release date: 17/12/2014

2. "Peace Project -White Noise–"
*No. Singer - "JpnTitle" (RomTrans / EngTrans) [Length]
> Ranked maps

*01. GUMI, Rin - "ヘイセイドミナンテーション" (?/?) [3:02]
02. GUMI - "トゥルー感情欠損" (True Kanjou Kesson / True Emotion Deficit) [3:14]
03. IA - "ヘイセイカタクリズム" (Heisei Cataclysm / Serenity Cataclysm) [3:15]
*04. GUMI, Miku - "巫女装パルプテーション" (?/?) [3:39]
05. IA - "リズの内心革命" (Liz no Naishin Kakumei / Revolution of Liz's Innermost Heart) [3:10]
06. GUMI - "レイワイテロリズム" (Reiwai Terrorism / Soul Distortion Terrorism) [2:53]
***07. Inst. - "平成淘汰の檻" (Heisei Touta no Ori / Elimination of Serenity) [1:00]
*08. GUMI - "ユトリ最強世代" (?/?) [3:14]
09. IA - "ウラガエシハート" (Uragaeshi Heart / Reverse Heart) [3:05]
*10. Inst - "サムゾラメッセンジャー" (?/?) [1:28]
11. GUMI - "イザナミ討伐戦記" (Izanami Toubatsu Senki / Izanami Suppression Military History) [3:34]
12. Rin, Len - "ムシクイサイケデリズム" (Mushikui Psychedelism / Bug-Eaten Psychedelism) [3:16]
**13. IA - "時代改正ドミナント-Ω-" (Jidai Kaisei Dominant -Ω- / Era Amendment Dominant -Ω-) [3:35]
*14. Rin, Len - "ヴォルカニックレイリズム" (?/?) [3:07]

(none) = Same song.
* = New Song (1,4,8,10,14)
** = Same song. Remixed with new lyrics. (13)
*** = Same song. Remixed. No title change. (7)

07. Same rhythm, different dominant instruments. This version is to electrical genre against the rock genre of the previous album.
13. About 3/4 of the lyrics changed. Rhythm remains the same except there is no last sentence wish & gunshot ending.

(Incomplete because can't read JPN)


EDIT2: Fixed about the Vocaloids. No idea if Hatsune Miku is really there tho.

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