
ClariS - with you

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as requested to check the hard diff o.o

14:14 Xinely: mau irc mod aja beb?
14:16 10nya: boleh owo/
14:16 10nya: yey banjir irc
14:16 10nya: ww
14:16 Xinely: walah
14:16 10nya: (づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ
14:16 Xinely: lagi irc sama orang lagi jg?
14:16 10nya: barusan selesaai lol
14:17 Xinely: oalah wkwkw
14:17 Xinely: dah update?
14:18 Xinely: bntar testplay dlu
14:19 10nya: monggo beib
14:19 10nya: udaah
14:20 Xinely: kerasa bbrapa jumpnya kyk insane sih tp krn AR7 terbantu dikit bisa di catch tp bbrapa gue mention deh
14:21 Xinely: 00:00:680 (1,2) - kalo menurut persepsi ku enakan di balik hitsoundnya.. finish yg di kepala, whistle yg di circle
14:22 Xinely: 00:04:242 (2) - somehow jumpnya kerasa forced, cuma kecilin dikit kyk
14:23 10nya: done
14:23 10nya: mau diganti ar 8 btw
14:25 Xinely: 00:10:992 (1) - nah ini cymbal kan di tail, krn menurut teori sama natsu itu cymbal harus di emphasize sama jump, gak asik beb.. jadi coba ritme gnt kyk ><
14:26 10nya: keep yg last deh beb
14:26 10nya: aku lebih suka kyk gitu rhythmnya ;w;
14:27 Xinely: dari 00:11:180 - 00:23:180 - ini personally whistle kalo bunyi ada yg 1/2 gtu kyk 00:11:367 (2,3) - itu kerasa bising beb
14:27 Xinely: km bisa remove whistle yg di 00:11:555 - kok biar gak bising.. clap enough imo.. kalo setuju gnt yg mirip2 kyk gtu
14:29 Xinely: 00:16:242 (3) - jump nya sakit ini buat hard (apalagi entar lagi lu pke AR 8) imo coba reduce dengan stack sama circle (1) atau sesuka hati mu deh
14:29 10nya: okei
14:30 10nya: donee
14:30 Xinely: 00:17:367 (2) - coba bikin ini curve nya lebih smooth beb, somehow kerasa aneh pas testplay tadi
14:31 Xinely: 00:19:805 (4) - coba bikin 3 slider 00:19:430 (3,4,2) - ini jadi pny consistency spacing dengan move 00:19:805 (4) - ke 324,168? design better for me xD
14:31 Xinely: 00:20:180 (1) - skalian biar emphasize cymbal di sini, cymbal w/o jump somehow aneh sih buat gue
14:32 Xinely: 00:20:742 (3) - sorry nazi, jump nya pke blanket dari 00:20:367 (2,3) - dong biar lebih rapi
14:33 10nya: done
14:33 Xinely: 00:27:680 (3) - ini coba di curve biar konsisten bentuknya sama slider berikutnya, kyk
14:34 10nya: oh itu emang sengaja dari straight ke agak curve sama curve
14:34 10nya: =w=/
14:34 Xinely: 00:39:305 (4) - nazi sih, cuma move ke 40,216 00:39:867 (5) - 168,356 biar flownya lebih smoother aja
14:35 10nya: done
14:35 Xinely: 00:46:055 (2) - remove clapnya? tau sih km emphasize musicnya tp kedengarannya rada random sih imo
14:36 10nya: `donee
14:37 Xinely: 00:51:680 (1) - ini coba remove whistlenya terus 00:52:430 - pke whistle yg default (yg prit prit)... yg ini 00:49:430 - pas soalnya kan dari music mirip soundnyatp gak sama buat ini sih 00:52:430 - imo jadinya gue lebih prefer pke default
14:39 Xinely: 00:53:930 (3,4) - for me dari (3)'s tail ke (4)'s head itu flownya gak enak, msh bisa improve, krn ini calm part, imo jump segini gak masalah sih
14:39 Xinely: 00:56:742 (2) - coba di consistent spacing aja, kerasa too sudden buat circlenya pas testplay tadi. move ke 148,32
14:40 Xinely: 01:01:242 (4,1) - stack it properly dong beb
14:54 10nya: sial dc --
14:54 Xinely: kyknya kebanyakan, gue tunggu reply lu dlu aja beb
14:54 Xinely: awkawk
14:54 Xinely: last tadi masuk sampe mana beb?
14:56 10nya: dcnya dari whistle2 itu...
14:56 10nya: ;w;
14:56 Xinely:
14:56 Xinely: ini dari last suggestion yg blm km reply beb
14:56 Xinely: males ketik gue ehe
14:59 10nya: oke beb
15:00 Xinely: kalo udah blg ya beb. gue lanjutin
15:08 10nya: done all beb
15:08 Xinely: oke lanjut
15:09 Xinely: 01:03:492 (5,1) - nazi, coba swap NC biar consitent beb? jadi per stanza gtu
15:10 Xinely: 01:04:055 (6,2) - stacknya kurang pas jg btw aha
15:11 10nya: done
15:11 Xinely: 01:10:430 (2) - tau sih musiknya cukup keras tp jumpnya susah buat Hard apalagi entar AR 8 jg
15:11 Xinely: reduce dikit aja beb
15:11 Xinely: 01:12:867 (2) - nazi 392,316 for better flow
15:11 Xinely: 01:13:805 (5,2) - stacknya kurang properly ehe
15:12 Xinely: 01:15:867 (2) - remove whistle di tail? cukup bising imo
15:12 10nya: done
15:13 Xinely: 01:19:805 (4,1) - lebih rapi kalo di move ke 260,108 beb. skalian reduce spacing yg gede
15:14 Xinely: 01:39:867 (5) - NC for consistency beb?
15:14 10nya: done
15:15 Xinely: 01:58:992 (5) - gila ini jumpnya susah amat beb, kyk gni aja beb
15:16 10nya: aku stack sama 1 beb
15:16 Xinely: ok
15:17 Xinely: 02:05:742 (3) - beb ini flownya aneh soalnya beda dari sblm2nya, bisa kok tetep bikin flownya mirip kyk sblm nya, misal
15:18 Xinely: 02:13:055 (2) - coba ini flownya bisa di improve dikit.. 192,240 kyknya
15:19 Xinely: 02:33:680 (3,4,5,6) - ini hitsoundnya semua kepala clap, semua tail whistle biar lebih consistent beb, yg finish itu biarin aja soalnya emang musik
15:19 10nya: okei
15:20 Xinely: 02:37:055 (5,6,7,8,9) - flownya bisa improve jg. coba pattern ?
15:21 10nya: done
15:21 Xinely: 03:04:992 (1) - coba curve slidernya ke kiri dikit biar flownya lebih natural lagi?
15:21 10nya: sengaja beb
15:21 10nya: kayak mapnya delis :>
15:22 Xinely: 03:11:742 (3,1) - stack nya :3
15:22 Xinely: 03:06:867 (2) - aku ragu sama circle ini soalnya jump nya gede pas musiknya biasa2 aja beb. tp gak ada ide buat fix jg.. coba tny KSHR aja soal itu
15:23 10nya: stack ke 3 aja deh
15:23 Xinely: 03:40:805 (3) - coba ke 248,116 biar lebih natural (walau buat gue msh tetep bisa improve tp gak ada ide) orz
15:24 Xinely: itu doang aja beb
15:25 10nya: oke beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeb
15:25 10nya: thanks yoow
15:25 10nya: post ya :>>
15:26 Xinely: okii

  • Since we're use indonesian language to mod so what we have fixed:
  1. Much of placements especially hard jumps
  2. Some hitsounds
    Just it www

Good Luck beb :oops:
A little mod from me:


00:25:805 - Circle
00:26:742 (2) - Move this slider half of the beat earlier
00:27:305 - Half-beat slider
00:58:617 (3) - Reverse unnecessary, only longer slider.
01:15:305 (3) - New combo here is better than 01:15:492 here
01:19:805 (4) - Same here.
01:38:742 (4) - Half-beat earlier
01:39:305 - Half-beat slider from here
01:39:680 - Circle
01:42:305 - Circle
01:52:992 (1) - Half of the beat later is better for me.
02:03:305 (5) - New combo here instead of 02:03:492
02:07:805 (4) - New combo instead of 02:07:992
02:59:180 (1) - Spinner 2 beats longer I think.
03:17:555 (3) - Circle out of the playfield
03:25:055 (2) - Like above
03:27:680 (1,2) - Half-beat slider instead of these 2 circles.
03:33:867 (1) - Too fast after spinner and I think circle 03:34:055 will be better.

Guest diffs are nice made for me.
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only fixed 02:59:180 (1) - Spinner 2 beats longer I think. thanks for modding

  1. 00:07:242 (2) - ga berkah ini bentuknya coba begini saje
  2. 00:08:180 (1) - sekalianin aja
  3. 00:15:680 (1,1) - itu ujungnya ga pas ;w;
  4. 00:16:430 (1) - kenapa NC?
  5. 00:59:555 (2,1) - ujung ujung ujung ga pas
  6. 01:01:242 (4,1) - ini juga aaa
  7. 01:04:055 (2,4) - sama nih B)
  8. 01:05:555 (2,1) - kenapa banyak gini yg ga pas? nya kalo ngemap niat dunk!!!11! B^)
  9. 01:08:180 (1,3) - blanketnya ga barokah nie
  10. 01:12:867 (2,3,4) - spacingnya ga sama mbak
  11. 01:16:992 (1,4) - blanket kurang ajib
  12. 01:19:992 (1,3) - ini apa ini???!?!??! ga ada pahalanya OvO
  13. 01:21:492 (1,3) - blanket kurang mantep
  14. 01:44:930 (2) - sebaiknja beginie
  15. 02:04:242 (4,5) - blanket ga asik nie
  16. 02:16:242 (2,1) - terlalu deket ini entar pacaran lagi (kebawahin dikit)
  17. 02:17:742 (3) - blanket aaaaa
  18. 02:37:055 (5,6,7,8,9) - ini apa?!??!?!??! begini kan lebih berkah (kalo bikin star pattern liat dari dua ato tiga sisi, jangan satu aja, entar ga simetris ky gini wkw)
  19. 02:38:180 (1,2) - kok distack
  20. panjang amat sih ini lagu B(
  21. 03:13:242 (4,6) - blanket dunk
  22. 03:19:992 (1) - nanggung amat ini ekornya hha
  23. 03:27:680 (1,2) - mending jadiin slider aja, biar gak kagok mencetnya (soalnya sebelomnya udah circle pattern, uda gitu ini jump lagi aheu)
  24. 03:33:867 (1) - susah ini!!!11 keanya kalo ga ada maennya jadi lebi gampang ada spiner soalnya
yeyeye modnya gendut
kaya nyanya ( b `w` )b

Topic Starter

inverness wrote:


  1. 00:07:242 (2) - ga berkah ini bentuknya coba begini saje gasuka slider yang berkaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahh ;w;
  2. 00:08:180 (1) - sekalianin aja ^
  3. 00:15:680 (1,1) - itu ujungnya ga pas ;w;
  4. 00:16:430 (1) - kenapa NC?
  5. 00:59:555 (2,1) - ujung ujung ujung ga pas susah ngepasin (apa yang diharapkan dari notebuk busuk 4 taun dengan low graphic card yang ngestack aja butuh perjuangan) lelele but trying to fix all of them
  6. 01:01:242 (4,1) - ini juga aaa
  7. 01:04:055 (2,4) - sama nih B)
  8. 01:05:555 (2,1) - kenapa banyak gini yg ga pas? nya kalo ngemap niat dunk!!!11! B^) kampret jangan buka kartu 8'(
  9. 01:08:180 (1,3) - blanketnya ga barokah nie
  10. 01:12:867 (2,3,4) - spacingnya ga sama mbak
  11. 01:16:992 (1,4) - blanket kurang ajib
  12. 01:19:992 (1,3) - ini apa ini???!?!??! ga ada pahalanya OvO
  13. 01:21:492 (1,3) - blanket kurang mantep ..biarkanlah /runs
  14. 01:44:930 (2) - sebaiknja beginie
  15. 02:04:242 (4,5) - blanket ga asik nie
  16. 02:16:242 (2,1) - terlalu deket ini entar pacaran lagi (kebawahin dikit)
  17. 02:17:742 (3) - blanket aaaaa
  18. 02:37:055 (5,6,7,8,9) - ini apa?!??!?!??! begini kan lebih berkah (kalo bikin star pattern liat dari dua ato tiga sisi, jangan satu aja, entar ga simetris ky gini wkw)
  19. 02:38:180 (1,2) - kok distack biar asick huehue /gak emang mau ngejump bagian sini
  20. panjang amat sih ini lagu B( ampun mas
  21. 03:13:242 (4,6) - blanket dunk ampuni saya
  22. 03:19:992 (1) - nanggung amat ini ekornya hha
  23. 03:27:680 (1,2) - mending jadiin slider aja, biar gak kagok mencetnya (soalnya sebelomnya udah circle pattern, uda gitu ini jump lagi aheu)
  24. 03:33:867 (1) - susah ini!!!11 keanya kalo ga ada maennya jadi lebi gampang ada spiner soalnya
yeyeye modnya gendut
kaya nyanya ( b `w` )b kampret lwwwwwwwww:'[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[

didn;t reply means fixed, thanks owo/
Gloria Guard
I will try this map hard diff mod o3o.


■ 00:15:305 (4,1,2) This part can be made more stack patterns clearly.
■ 00:16:430 (4) This slider end is not perfect stack.
■ 00:30:305 I just suggestion this point add note
■ 01:01:992 (1) You missing this slider end stack for 01:01:617 (4) slider end point.
■ 01:13:805 (5) Hmm, I suggestion this slider flow Ctrl+G is better imo. well, It can play a natural flow.
■ 01:21:305 (3,4,1) Umm, I think, this jump a little difficult. Can you try this pattern flow?
■ 01:35:180 (2) New combo?
■ 01:56:742 (2,3) I just want this pattern blanket improve :( but it's my opinion, If you don't want ignore this suggestion.
■ 02:42:367 Remove timing line here.
■ 03:07:242 (4,5,1) Nya.. nya!!! Can you try this ?!

Good luck this map rank! :D
Topic Starter

Gloria Guard wrote:

I will try this map hard diff mod o3o.
ww thanks gloria-kun ></~


■ 00:15:305 (4,1,2) This part can be made more stack patterns clearly.

■ 00:16:430 (4) This slider end is not perfect stack.
■ 00:30:305 I just suggestion this point add note i'm following vocal here ;w;
■ 01:01:992 (1) You missing this slider end stack for 01:01:617 (4) slider end point.
■ 01:13:805 (5) Hmm, I suggestion this slider flow Ctrl+G is better imo. well, It can play a natural flow.
■ 01:21:305 (3,4,1) Umm, I think, this jump a little difficult. Can you try this pattern flow?
it only slider jump so i guess it's ok ;w;
■ 01:35:180 (2) New combo? nah it's no use owo
■ 01:56:742 (2,3) I just want this pattern blanket improve :( but it's my opinion, If you don't want ignore this suggestion.
■ 02:42:367 Remove timing line here.
■ 03:07:242 (4,5,1) Nya.. nya!!! Can you try this ?!

Good luck this map rank! :D
didn't reply means fixed, thanks for modding ></~
Tenyaaaaaa (✿◕‿◕)つ~
Maaf mod queue aku gabut berbulan-bulan, ditunggu yaaaa buat ranked :)
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Mako Sakata wrote:

Tenyaaaaaa (✿◕‿◕)つ~
Maaf mod queue aku gabut berbulan-bulan, ditunggu yaaaa buat ranked :)
santai aja makoo star thanks yaa :3
[Natsu's Normal]

00:05:180 (2) - Why not a blanket?. blanket batter

00:06:680 (1) - tail x:1 60 y: 292

no kud

HabiHolic wrote:

[Natsu's Normal]

00:05:180 (2) - Why not a blanket?. blanket batter actually is a triangle XD

00:06:680 (1) - tail x:1 60 y: 292 I don't see why, is fine at it is IMO

no kud
why KSHR didnt mod my diff
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He said he'll do rechecks soon probably he'll mod yours :o

orrrrrrr your diff is okay :D
Sorry to be late, 10nya. Ofc no kudosu please.

  1. 00:16:430 - You can consider adding a whistle here as the synthesizer goes.
  2. 00:16:242 (3,5) - I'd recommend unstacking these objects. This might just me, but it's probably kinda hard for players who mainly play Hard difficulties to read them because of stacking and the same combo color.
  3. 00:23:742 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1) - It'd be much nicer if you add soft default whistles as well.
  4. 01:04:617 (3,4,1) - This flow kinda looks bad because of the shape of (4). How about rearranging (3,4) like this?
  5. 01:19:242 (3,4) - It's probably kinda hard to play because of the jump with a bit too sharp angle. I'd rearrange to make this pattern more friendly like this if I were you.
  6. 02:08:742 (1,2,3) - I have no idea to fix this, but the current pattern probably will give players an uncomfortable feeling because of the weird flow. I'd recommend making this simpler.
  7. 02:11:742 (4,5,1,2) - It looks like the angle of (1) is against the flow to (2). By rearranging (5,1,2) like this, you can make the pattern around here clearer and easier to play.
  8. 03:24:492 (1,3) - It'd be nicer if you rotate these sliders a bit. (7° in this screenshot)
  9. 03:29:367 (2,3) - I don't think this spacing shouldn't be bigger than 03:28:617 (3,1) - since the melody at around 03:29:367 (2,3) - sounds calmer than 03:28:617 (3,1) - . Same goes for .
  10. 03:30:492 (5,1) - Simply a bit too jumpy considering this is a Hard diff.
  11. 03:40:242 (2,3,4) - Making a triangle with these objects and Ctrl+G (3,4) looks much better than the current idea in my opinion. Ofc there needs to move 03:41:367 (1,2,3,4,1) - as well.
  1. Time points where a finish should be added as a sound like the cymbal goes.
    1. 01:04:805 -
    2. 01:10:805 -
    3. 01:20:742 -
    4. 01:22:805 -
    5. 02:10:805 -
    6. 02:16:805 -
    7. 02:20:742 -
    8. 02:22:805 -
    9. 03:15:305 -
    10. 03:21:305 -
    11. 03:27:305 -
  2. Time points where a finish should be removed as a sound like the cymbal doesn't.
    1. 00:44:180 -
    2. 01:02:180 (1) -
    3. 01:12:680 - + Apparently you forgot to add a whistle here.
    4. 01:44:180 -
    5. 02:02:180 -
    6. 02:32:180 -
    7. 03:06:680 -
    8. 03:08:180 -
    9. 03:17:180 -
    10. 03:18:680 - + A whistle.
    11. 03:33:680 -
  3. 00:30:211 (4) - Is this note really necessary? I can't hear any sound here at all. Keeping 1/2 rhythm should be better for this part.
  4. 00:58:805 (1,2) - I'd recommend turning into a 1/2 slider instead. I understand the synthesizer is followed here, but it's not basically done in your rhythm, what's worse its volume is not that loud to notice during gameplay. + By doing this, you cam make the rhythm consistent with 01:58:805 (6) - .

    There are so many stack patterns in your difficulty as always! I think some of them don't fit with the song well, but should be enough acceptable as your mapping style. + It sounded like finishes are randomly added. Other than them, I don't have any complaints.
Topic Starter

KSHR wrote:

Sorry to be late, 10nya. Ofc no kudosu please.

  1. 00:16:430 - You can consider adding a whistle here as the synthesizer goes.
  2. 00:16:242 (3,5) - I'd recommend unstacking these objects. This might just me, but it's probably kinda hard for players who mainly play Hard difficulties to read them because of stacking and the same combo color. eeh i think it's readable since there's slider 4 (and it'll create follow-path so player wont be soo hard to read this)
  3. 00:23:742 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1) - It'd be much nicer if you add soft default whistles as well.
  4. 01:04:617 (3,4,1) - This flow kinda looks bad because of the shape of (4). How about rearranging (3,4) like this?
  5. 01:19:242 (3,4) - It's probably kinda hard to play because of the jump with a bit too sharp angle. I'd rearrange to make this pattern more friendly like this if I were you.
  6. 02:08:742 (1,2,3) - I have no idea to fix this, but the current pattern probably will give players an uncomfortable feeling because of the weird flow. I'd recommend making this simpler.
  7. 02:11:742 (4,5,1,2) - It looks like the angle of (1) is against the flow to (2). By rearranging (5,1,2) like this, you can make the pattern around here clearer and easier to play.
  8. 03:24:492 (1,3) - It'd be nicer if you rotate these sliders a bit. (7° in this screenshot)
  9. 03:29:367 (2,3) - I don't think this spacing shouldn't be bigger than 03:28:617 (3,1) - since the melody at around 03:29:367 (2,3) - sounds calmer than 03:28:617 (3,1) - . Same goes for .
  10. 03:30:492 (5,1) - Simply a bit too jumpy considering this is a Hard diff.
  11. 03:40:242 (2,3,4) - Making a triangle with these objects and Ctrl+G (3,4) looks much better than the current idea in my opinion. Ofc there needs to move 03:41:367 (1,2,3,4,1) - as well.

I'm gonna check Insane tomorrow.
didnt reply means fixed hue thanks for the mod master _:3
rank rank
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wwwwwwwwwwwwww \o\

69th post is mine yeah!
10nya, check the Tags on Laurier's Insane before you submit.
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my body is ready come here KSHR <3
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yeeeeeeeeeey thanks kusohara

10nya wrote:

yeeeeeeeeeey thanks kusohara
good job "kusohara" ... ? :P
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@Sate-san: yes! KSHR stands for KuSoHaRa ^_^)/

/me runs*

edit: yay new page
nice :3
pu pu pu

happy623 wrote:

pu pu pu
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!req talk english pls thank


  1. Disable letterbox during breaks ?
  1. OD -1. Because you used many 1/2 rhythms in this difficulty.
  2. 00:03:680 (1) - add a whistle to the repeat of the slider since you used this sound next slider's repeat 00:05:742 -
  3. 01:15:680 (2) - Please move this slider down a bit. Because It touches score and acc number
  4. 02:01:805 (4,1) - Please check your pattern of the stack at here 00:24:117 (2,3) - ,00:25:992 (4,1) - ,02:08:555 (2,3) - . you made ​​a different pattern of the stack. so i would remove this stack for beginners. If you follow my suggestions, it prevents the player from misreading.
  1. 00:15:867 (2) - As you can see here, since you already have the up and down motion from your previous patterns, the transition from this to the next slider almost feels like unnatural jump. so i recommend you to use ctrl + G to this slider.
  2. 00:33:680 (1) - Design suggestion : How about making more curve point here ? It would fit with this vocal.
  3. 00:39:305 (4,5,1) - I recommend you to use same spacing about x1.70 like your other parts.
  4. 01:37:055 (1,2,3) - Please check spacing here
  5. 02:08:742 (1) - I think you don't need to add a new combo here. Please check other kiai times
  6. 02:38:930 (3,4,5,6,7,8) - This part is too hard for this difficulty to me. Consider reducing spacings here.
That's all for now, Check these and let me know c:
alacat ranks both with you mapsets lol :3
I'll check this today when i wake up
all fixed
Topic Starter
all fixed OwO

@Normal: Unstacked 02:01:805 (4,1) - cause it can make player miss read (and keep stacked at next patterns because 1/2 stacked slider is easy to catch for player :3).

lol captin 8-)

Alright, Ranked !
nice congrats 10nya :3
P o M u T a
Claris :D
gratz ~ >w<
More claris yay!
Omg I was waiting for the full version of this song for so long <3

Thanks a lot for making this :)
waa 10nya! ><
Gratz!! nya-sama :3
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Thank you so much alabat oneechan and everyone who support the map! :))
I love u !!!pr
SEDAP™ [2]
Congratulations !
Natsuki Nanaka
- 10nya's FC
/me runs
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