
Why the hitsounds are so important?

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Do you actually use hitsounds in standard?

Total votes: 30
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I started playing osu a few months ago, one of the first things I did was to remove the hitsounds, I find them misleading and they almost never sound good with the songs (having been a musician, it particularly bothers me to hear a sound that was evidently not conceived by the creator of the piece, but this is just a personal preference). I recently decided to start mapping, and in the process I also came across the ranking criteria and discovered that hitsounds are mandatory for a map to be considered... so I ask myself: what makes hitsound so important? How many of you play with hitsound and why?
Duck o-o
They arent that important
Some people just play with keyboard sounds like in other rhythm games

Is just personal preference
believe it or not but there are people who don't use hitsounds at all, like many others who play with the lowest music volume to better hear the hitsounds. when you play the game, it doesn't matter if you use hitsounds or not because it's your choice, unlike in mapping where this is a condition for your map to be ranked for those who want to play with the beatmap's hitsounds.
Im bad player
(I'm using translator, srry for my bad english..)
In my opinion, the hitsounds themselves help me concentrate on the game, if I have good hitsounds, I feel like I play much better than if I had poor quality ones or no hitsounds at all.. The same thing probably happens to most players. Commonly people have the option to "Use your skin's hitsounds on all maps" disabled, so here comes the importance of them: Simply making the player feel more comfortable when playing, it is always nice to play with some good hitsounds to a disaster of background sound that ruins the whole aesthetic of the song. I think everyone prefers it that way, so yes, I consider hitsounds on a map to be important, they shouldn't be kept by default, at least if you want it to be ranked.
I use hitsounds because I like having some sort of audio feedback to help my sync my inputs with the game, and hitsounds are a lot easier to hear than keyboard taps (I use earbuds and like having the volume fairly loud), and also more accurate to how the game is actually receiving your inputs.

For me playing without audio feedback is kinda like playing in an orchestra or a large band but you have selective deafness for your own instrument for some reason. Through muscle memory and listening to the rest of the group you can get in sync, but it's a whole lot easier when you actually sync your playing using your ears, and you can get that sync a lot more accurately as well.
IF it's particularly hard-to-read map or diff that are in the range of my limits, i'll definitely crank up hitsounds more than the music, and also toggling on custom hitsounds. It's quite helpful to get some insight on patterns that I struggle to understand.

I think of why is it important, is that you have reassurance since you can really feel you're tapping stuff. Because the visual feedback (as in seeing the circle is dissappeared when you 300 them, obviously) only is not enough to your mind when you're rapidly processing tons of patterns that can get you easily overwhelmed. And it can be more effective with custom hitsounds that are complementing the music rhythm.

Other than that, I usually keep the hitsound just slightly louder than the music and not using custom hitsounds.
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