I notice i can change the style to DDKK/KKDD inside osu settings, but it does nothing at all for my actual gameplay? so thats why i am confused about the difference between the two.. is there a keybind set for it? i want to try it just for fun, also i dont know what you mean by finishers and beginners? im not new to osu but im a terms noob because this is the first time ive interacted with the forum community about actual taiko tips..
I have been practicing alternating with notes i could easily click with one hand, unfortunately its hard in general cause my laptop is VERY low end (though id consider myself pretty skilled with this much lag XD), my ping is ok but my fps is often only at 31-46 so sometimes seeing the notes and being able to hit them correctly while alternating is a bit difficult if theyre too slow, but i dont have a problem if theyre fast aslong as theyre not insane and paired up with tons of DDK/KKD type of patterns