
[Proposal - osu!taiko] More clarity/leniency regarding uncommon difficulty specific snappings

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This is mainly geared towards kantans, Fustsuus and Onis consensus on using 1/2, 1/3 and 1/8 snappings respectively based on the RC's wording where they are expected to be followed by a rest unless a supposed sufficient reasoning is given otherwise. The issue with this is, if taken literally, would lead often lead awkward and unnatural pauses/rhythms in a lot of scenarios.

For instance if I were to use a 1/2 doublet at some point in a Kantan difficulty, if the second note is on an offbeat (red tick) the next note 3/1 away would logically also have to be on an offbeat if RC is to be taken strictly which would probably not be ideal if an important sound which is likely going to be on the downbeat or on a 1/1 tick were to missed because of this possibly forcing a 4/1 break to be used instead.

Due to this discrepancy it be would probably be accepted in many cases to just use a 2/1 + 1/2 which should good enough for most players at that skill level anyways rendering this a bit redundant at best. This concept would also apply to swing Futsuu maps or maps that may have swing elements and perhaps way less commonly Onis as well.

However the Futsuu guideline regarding 1/3 usage already sort of addresses this by stating (I think, I'm lead to believe so as this type of phrasing isn't really used anywhere else regarding this specifically):

Anything longer is very situational and usually too complex for newer players. These patterns should be followed by a rest moment within 2/1

Though I still feel the wording could be a bit clearer in my personal opinion. Nevertheless I'm a bit uncertain as to why this wasn't done for the other diffiulties especially for Oni where 1/8 is an arguably minute difference in spacing that most players, again shouldn't have much of an issue with it. Therefore I am suggesting the RC wording could be changed to account for this.

As a rough example in regards to Kantan and Oni:
If a 1/2 pattern is used, the patterns must stay simplistic and be followed by a rest moment with a leniency of 1/2.

1/8 patterns should not be longer than two notes. Anything longer is very situational and normally too complex. Patterns like this should be followed by a rest moment, 7/8 is however acceptable as an alternative in this case.
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