
What's your thoughts on content creators quitting YouTube?

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recently, there have been a lot of videos from youtubers who suddenly want to change their content or just quit the platform entirely. the most popular video of this style is certainly The Game Theorists' goobye video, but there are also big youtubers quitting or switching content like SethEverman, Tom Scott, MeatCanyon, etc.

the reason for all this turmoil may be due to the enormous changes the platform has undergone in recent years which is why content creators have lost their dedication into YouTube. compared to before, there are a lot more censorship and unfairness towards those who are making contents for the viewers.

what's your thoughts on content creators quitting YouTube? do you think there are other factors that have influenced the discouragement of youtubers?
I doubt it's YouTube's fault, especially in MatPats case.
It's very sad to see a lot of these content creators leave the platform. I lot of the content creators who are leaving have already been on the platform for so long. It was probably about time anyway. I hope some come back.
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BlueChinchompa wrote:

It's very sad to see a lot of these content creators leave the platform. I lot of the content creators who are leaving have already been on the platform for so long. It was probably about time anyway. I hope some come back.
most of the OGs are too old to come back on YouTube because they feel like they have accomplished everything they needed, but now it's time to flip the page...
If they're moving to a more profitable platform, good for them. If I can't watch without an account on that platform though, I'm likely not viewing it.

If they're moving because of disagreeing with YouTube platform rules, I imagine their content won't be missed and good riddance.

YouTube is the only place I trust to post videos without worrying about them expiring or getting flag-bombed or whatever people do to take down content they don't like nowadays. And YouTube hasn't given me a reason to not post videos to their platform.
Some of them have been doing it for a long time, so either they need a break, or are just stopping altogether and going into other ventures, or stopping a certain type of content, and then going into other types just to change things up. Sometimes, we need a break, and I had done this before. Otherwise, I don't think it's too big of a deal, unless this is related to something they did that was so unethical, it basically forced them to go into hiding.
S a x o
Like everyone doing something as a career, they'd get tired and move on. Which is understandable and it shouldn't be up to so much backlash, especially when they're getting older and some starting to have families
For me, it's understandable. Some have earned enough money to never need to work again, and so, that plus the fact of getting bored or even having a family life can be very complicated, not to mention the number of YouTubers chasing numbers
YouTube has, for the past few years, slowly inched it's way into becoming a shithole.
well, they can't just make content forever. matpat literally has a child, he can't just theorise about freddy fivebear all day.
To each their own. Not every people work the same job at the same workplace until they retire. In fact, those instances are not common at all.
Ahh, well. Wish for better future and good luck

*Clicks another video force-fed from the almighty algorithm*
they can do whatever they want. if they feel tired of making content they can take a break.
On one hand, it is sad to see a beloved content creator quit YouTube after being on the platform for many years, and having left a big impact on the platform and their community. But on the other hand, it is just the way things go, since somebody can't just continue uploading content onto YT forever.
Sad for some, specially MatPat, because I was an idiot for not watching him when he was still the host
Well it's their life, if they don't enjoy making videos anymore then they can quit and do something else they enjoy. I imagine anyone would get burnt out doing the same thing more or less for 10+ years
S a x o
They can only do youtube for so long, Afterall I would imagine it'd start feeling like: "Wow, I spent x amount of years on just recording videos in my room, instead of doing other things with that time." Especially when they start getting older or starting to have more careers or even a family to tend too
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