
[osu!mania] Various Artists - Technical Complexes Vol. 1 by [Crz]hinako1804

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Should Various Artists - Technical Complexes Vol. 1 be Loved?

Total votes: 111
Polling ended
Topic Starter
Silhoueska Elze
Main thread: [osu!mania] Project Loved: January 2024

Various Artists - Technical Complexes Vol. 1 by [Crz]hinako1804, -Deepdive-, [GS]hina, cherrychou, FDShijing, gzdongsheng, Lo_liFish2000, Resurak, Sakura006, SaltedFISSH, and tyrcs
124.98 – 230 BPM, 4:00 | 4.79★ – 6.04★
The [qingshenshen yumengmeng] difficulty is not being nominated for Loved.

Captain's description (by Silhoueska Elze):
This pack, which was compiled by [Crz]hinako1804, has already brought in lots of various maps in the jumpstream category with their [url=]
Jumpstream Complexes Vol. 2A[/url]. But now, another one of their packs titled Technical Complexes Vol.1 is being added to the candidates of this Project Loved wave!

Technicality is such an important aspect in VSRGs in general. osu!mania is certainly no exception, with its importance in being able to hone your skills as a physical player, and especially your ability to play in tournaments. What is to be expected in these maps? Well, there are certainly a lot of grace notes, rolls, and minijacks, in the middle of having numerous jumps and hands.

These mixtures of patterns in a single map help the creators express themselves much more, and make difficult maps while having a lot of time signatures to consider. However, they would pertain to a much more difficult map than a more straightforward one, as unlike those kinds of maps, you really have to make sure that you are staying on beat while still being able to hit the difficult patterns.

Not to mention, this pack also gives you a different set of challenges per map. Some maps are short like Rinjuu but have so much difficulty all throughout the map, and that kiai section is one not to be taken lightly. There are also maps like Sunset Tea Cup, which is one of the maps with a lower star rating, yet definitely makes up for the difficulty with its length of three minutes. Overall, there's just a variety of technical maps in store for you with this pack, as well as a lot of surprises laying in wait!

Do you want to discover more about the realms of technicality that this pack offers? Well then, better give it your "yes" vote NOW!!

Please use this thread to discuss why you believe this map should or should not enter the Loved category!
Must >:D
Topic Starter
Silhoueska Elze
This map passed the voting! It will be moved to Loved soon.
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