
Unoriginal introduction title!

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Yello, I'm JRezR, or just Rez, makes everything easier. Some dude took that name and only played for a day so I can't use it and that makes me sad.

Anywho, I'm 16, I pretend I'm good at video games, and I suck at introductions. Pretty new to this game, got it just before the new year, and wow I wish I got it earlier. I've recently tried to make my own beatmaps but they turn out trash but I submit them anyway because maybe someone will help. Other than that, I get high ranks in easy songs and no-fail insanes to make me think I'm good. Outside of the game I'm just a student at a bland high school. I've played guitar for 9 years but I'm still pretty bad (kinda like my ability in video games).

I guess that's it, maybe you'll see me around the forums, but most likely not. Ta-ta!
Myke B
Hey Rez :) If you ask modders nicely, they might help you with your map :) Mapping is hard - don't worry. Welcome to the forums, and remember to read stickies in each section before posting in them!
Harurururu \(OwO)/ Nice goin there~ You can ask me for a mod if you want (gieheheheheh) but most of the time all mods do is break your heart. Don't be discouraged my em~ Anyways the forums are very fun desu :3 You should fluffy around them more <3
Welcome to the osu forums.
Please enjoy your stay here!

You can always ask someone to help you with a beatmap.
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