Hello Guys and Gals.
This is a Q to try and push some diversity into osu!.
What do I mean by that?
I acctually wanted to show you a screencap that shows how much japanese/anime
Stuff is ranked on the first page but I am afraid I'll get a shitstorm for this because I am 100%
sure that I will mark them out incorrect. But I will show you this:
The marked maps show the amount of Non-Japanese Songs..
There is one english song on the front. I feel like we need to change that a little bit...
Stuff is ranked on the first page but I am afraid I'll get a shitstorm for this because I am 100%
sure that I will mark them out incorrect. But I will show you this:
The marked maps show the amount of Non-Japanese Songs..
There is one english song on the front. I feel like we need to change that a little bit...
I am sick of all this Moe-moe-Japanese-Korean-Vocaloid-Touhou-Shit.
I feel like I need to explain this a little bit so you guys dont get pissed.
I love anime, I love japanese songs, heck I even love Vocaloid and touhou. But there has to be a limit.
I hate to see only 4 -6 non-Japanese/anime related songs on the ranked maps page, Id love to see an equality
between Instrumental, Anime and English. Obviously, there are a lot of other languages as well, and those
should get an equal chance in that toumoe-cluster of maps.
I love anime, I love japanese songs, heck I even love Vocaloid and touhou. But there has to be a limit.
I hate to see only 4 -6 non-Japanese/anime related songs on the ranked maps page, Id love to see an equality
between Instrumental, Anime and English. Obviously, there are a lot of other languages as well, and those
should get an equal chance in that toumoe-cluster of maps.
One more thing to help you understand my view
There is in general a lack of Songs from other languages such as English. I know
I keep pointing to english when there are so many other languages but I do this because
English songs are as much present as japanese and anime-related songs around the world so
I feel like we need to get them into osu! more.
I thank you all for your support and criticism and I hope that we can make a little change in osu!. I know
it takes more than just one Q, but it is a small babystep into the right direction I think.
I keep pointing to english when there are so many other languages but I do this because
English songs are as much present as japanese and anime-related songs around the world so
I feel like we need to get them into osu! more.
I thank you all for your support and criticism and I hope that we can make a little change in osu!. I know
it takes more than just one Q, but it is a small babystep into the right direction I think.
This is why I open this Queue.
I'd love to see others participating in this Q and maybe I can get together a Modding Team for this.
- Only Non-Japanese/Korean/Anime
- Please take a second and count the number of posts that have taken a slot.
- WIP is fine, as long as there is at least one diff finished. I will only mod the finished diff.
- No maps for approval as they tend to be very long
- No Bubbled maps
- If you've taken a slot, and havent recieved your mod within two weeks pm me. I
probably forgot about it. - If you M4M with me, your map will get modded first and you can even post when this Q is closed.
M4M Map: Chris Kirkpatrick - My Shiny Teeth and Me
For now, I will take 3 Maps each round.
Also, to make it somewhat interesting, give your favourite quote from
someone you admire.
I hope you guys can excuse my grammatical errors, lets get this started.