Hello there! We are actively looking for staff members to join us in the third iteration of the Drum and Bass Enjoyers Cup!
For active staffing, you'll be rewarded with a Staff banner
The tournament will start around mid April
For active staffing, you'll be rewarded with a Staff banner
The tournament will start around mid April
Available staff roles
(Asian and American timezones preferred)
Note: Staff are NOT allowed to participate in the tournament unless they’re a GFX artist/streamer/commentator
Being on the Discord is mandatory
(Asian and American timezones preferred)
Note: Staff are NOT allowed to participate in the tournament unless they’re a GFX artist/streamer/commentator
Being on the Discord is mandatory
- The tournament will be:
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- 2v2 & Team Size of 4
- Win condition: ScoreV2
- Rank Range: 10k-100k
- Double elimination with bracket reset
- Tournament is badged
Host: Haj | feli73
Admins: TheCZGovernment | Iite
Mappool Selectors (Closed): Peti
Pooler: NeoPixel201 | Dorgez | lia27 | Emery | Mikelito069 | BetterMeman | stanly_
Mappers: Alumetri | Singularius | Evgerable | quantumvortex | Bazuso | Yoanie |
- - - - Artrix909 | Mejiro McQueen | Seamob | Ciyus Miapah
Playtester: Cryptonit | Katharsis | -Vid | Mizuti | Shiragi | Emerald Ages | thanh792001 |
- - - - - NeoPixel201 | Dorgez | Lollps | mjmroh | qstronaut | Lisko | Alu | Setsoku |
- - - - - eddy | stanly_ | ByeDreamZ | Bingo6 | Redzy | Yoanie
GFX (Closed): Saow | TheCZGovernment | Haj
Sheeter (Closed): TheCZGovernment
Referees: Cryptonit | jojo_flower | Katharsis | Iite | TheCZGovernment | Emerald Ages |
- - - - - Faceie | Annaki | Dorgez | Lollps | GiyuGG | VST Doublemint | Yuno13_ |
- - - - - Yusuf1212 | Setsoku | Gamillie | renyoo | pericrayola | eddy | Noko_BSF |
- - - - - FrostTheFoxx | filomaster22 | BlueChinchompa | Stellamaris | KepalaBapakKau |
- - - - - Emezys | Mizuti | Aetern_ | Raybean
Streamers: Cryptonit | Mizuti | Faceie | ImKeks | ongon
Commentators: Mizuti | TheCZGovernment | ThatAvocado_Boi | Faceie |
- - - - - NeoPixel201 | Lollps | Zenguh | MinusBlak3 | ongon | Emery | Setsoku |
- - - - - Gamillie
Tournament Report Link
forum post created by haj46https://pif.ephemeral.ink/tournament-reports