
...then came the defenestration!

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I'd assume that kind of title would make for an interesting end to a story, ja?

And... I have no idea what to put here. I was contemplating just being "one of those players", but I figured I wanted to get into modding since I have the spare time/attention span/desire to help out with the ranking system in whatever small way to give the community a hookup/insert excuse here. So I'd probably do well to get active in the forums and chat and stuff.

Shorthand: Salutations Osu! formus. My name is Kat, my name and measurements are irrelevant to you, and I am a proper grammar fetishist who probably uses too much snark for my own good. It's a pleasure.

Or something like that.

Now for something a bit more relevant, I've never used IRC and the in-game chat bugs my eyes out of my skull due to my old 90's monitor. Can anyone here give me a hook-up to get the chat in MIRC or some similar client?
Or, ... tices=true (for osu! chat lol) o__o

someone once told me if you type too proper, you might sound a bit cold and mean.

welcome~ :)
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Awesome. Thanks bro ♥

And yeah, I get that a lot. But I work as a secretary so it's always MUST TYPE CORRECTTTTTTTTTTT and stuff.
I'm trying to get better at it? :oops:

xDionysian wrote:

My name is Kat, my name and measurements are irrelevant to you
aaaaAAAAAAAAAAAA what is the meaning of this

A lot of us snobby elitist folk like to use irssi for our IRC adventures. It's simple and deep at the same time; if you want something plain and straightforward for chatting (like myself) then all you need to do is type


and you're in. (Alt+2 to switch to the #osu channel where the bulk of English chat goes down, if you're into that kinda thing.)

And if you want it to tell you how long you've been online, how many songs you've listened to, what your net income before taxes are, or anything else, there are scripts/plugins for that functionality too. Me, I can't be bothered with anything beyond custom short-hands.

@Cheery: I hear argument from both sides of the "Typing correctly" fence. The "Cold and mean" reasoning comes from the fact that people who type properly generally aim to appear mature or sophisticated, and that gives off a "holier than thou" vibe to the more plebeian folk. (Fun fact: I don't spell plebeian correctly.) These people are unholy vagrants that must be exterminated before their infectious absence of etiquette spreads to those more noble.
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
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I meant my full name, unless you were referring to the measurements part. In which case, please send in a formal request and I'll send out a polite rejection letter in four to six weeks.

Oooh and what's this about custom shorthands? Done and done.

awp wrote:

@Cheery: I hear argument from both sides of the "Typing correctly" fence. The "Cold and mean" reasoning comes from the fact that people who type properly generally aim to appear mature or sophisticated, and that gives off a "holier than thou" vibe to the more plebeian folk. (Fun fact: I don't spell plebeian correctly.) These people are unholy vagrants that must be exterminated before their infectious absence of etiquette spreads to those more noble.
this this thisssss
Accursed people giving us comma lovers a bad name. Beaten with sticks, they ought to be, yesss

@Pokebis: In order - Awesome I'm a suitable introduction post. Guhhhhh tildefags drive me nuts, then again I have a tendency to hold down a single letter in emphasis to demonstrate how long I'm /sigh-ing on my side of the monitor. So maybe I have no right to talk. And I can forgive mild typos, lack of excessive paragraphed speech, or even forgetting capitals or periods. I'm a merciful dictator. But when they start chatspeaking at me is just... ffffffff. And people who find proper grammar rude clearly have never written a thesis.

'Tis a pleasure to be welcomed to your domain, good sir. And it's ma'am, but hey. Being confused for sir makes for a better story later mwahaha

xDionysian wrote:

'Tis a pleasure to be welcomed to your domain, good sir. And it's ma'am, but hey. Being confused for sir makes for a better story later mwahaha
You never know, most of the men here think they're women.
Topic Starter

Pokebis wrote:

xDionysian wrote:

'Tis a pleasure to be welcomed to your domain, good sir. And it's ma'am, but hey. Being confused for sir makes for a better story later mwahaha
You never know, most of the men here think they're women.
Just like 90% of the rest of the internet.
Masquerading to confuse others and just being inherently confused yourself are two different things, however.


Also, be warned: I am a tilde-fag~

awp wrote:

Masquerading to confuse others and just being inherently confused yourself are two different things, however.


Also, be warned: I am a tilde-fag~
Stop it.

Pokebis wrote:

You never know, most of the men here think they're women.
Oh Pokebis, you dark horse. You're referring to animask or Derekku, no?
Oh hi, I almost forgot to greet the new gal.


Glad to see that the source of proper grammar hasn't run dry yet. You should compete in that forum game "Type until you make a typo". Lots of fun. I'm the same when it comes to grammar, but when in lack of time or in abundance of fatigue, I tend to summarize my overly long sentences to one lowercaps word. Exchanges the "holier than thou" attitude for a more humorous approach. Who knows, you might want to try that, humour makes people open up to you.
Oh, and never ever stop playing. This community definitely needs people like you.

Pokebis wrote:

xDionysian wrote:

'Tis a pleasure to be welcomed to your domain, good sir. And it's ma'am, but hey. Being confused for sir makes for a better story later mwahaha
You never know, most of the men here think they're women.
Nobody gave me this warning. -looks around accusingly-

Then again, I do wonder if the "takes one to know one"/"he who smelt it dealt it" rules come into play here.

... -insert some witty, rude remark towards Pokebis- I've got nothin'.

Welcome to the madhouse, Kat. :)
Whether or not the men in question think they're women, they do a marvelous job pretending, at any rate.
Pokebis is being courteous and polite?

oh fuck oh fuck something's going on

Todesengal wrote:

oh fuck oh fuck something's going on
Yeah, the OP is typing correctly and isn't being a weeaboo it's like a dream come true to him or something.
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.

5ku112 wrote:

As for the whole spelling debate, I find it fun to criticize people on Myspace for that fact and pissing them off. I don't find that spelling correctly and grammar give people an air of supremacy or superiority, I just find that it's not too much of a hassle to work on typing.
You're quite clever.

Pokebis wrote:

5ku112 wrote:

Something has gone wrong.

Pokebis wrote:

5ku112 wrote:

Indeed it has. :O
I wish you guys could read my sarcasm. I was hoping you could tell with the genericism in skull's post.
I used :O

Pokebis wrote:

I wish you guys could read my sarcasm.
Right back at you
I like how Wojjan does the same thing I do: if the statement has an emoticon, it's obviously sarcasm/not serious.

:P :P :P :P :P :P :P
Oh yeah we're like soulmates

I'm a bisexual otherkin dragon. I'm looking for other bisexual otherkin dragons with special talents and skills, like applying black makeup and drawing emo furries.

Please don't make fun of me, THIS IS MY RELIGION. It's just like Christianity. If you don't like it... Fuck you, I'm a dragon. This is srs business, I am not RPing anymore! I just want to talk to bisexual wiccan otherkin dragon-spirited psychic feeders.

why do otherkin dragons even need makeup
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