I was spectating a friend that was in a multiplayer match because it was full and I couldn't join. I quickly noticed 2 things that I don't think were bugs but they were pretty annoying. First off, in the period that the map is selected and all the players are downloading the map osu!direct does not start downloading the map. This is annoying because for the first 10-20 seconds you are missing some of the map. I know this cannot be fixed on single player but it seems like something that could be easily fixed on multiplayer considering the the time it takes for the all the players to download the map. Second it doesn't show the "thing" on the side that shows what place everyone is in like it does when you are playing in a multiplayer match. Again I don't know if it is possible to fix these things but it is worth a try since spectating and communicating with my friends is a big part of osu! for me! Thanks!