
[STD] Lela’s Tech Cup | 1k - 50k | 2v2 TS4 [REG CLOSED]

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Welcome to Lela’s Tech Cup!
Henlo, some of you may know me as the coolest elf vtuber. Due to my undying love for unconventional maps since I first started playing osu, I thought it was only fitting to host my first “tech” oriented tournament. As I have progressed in my interest in tournaments, many would call me a nm4 one trick (I wouldn’t say that's a bad thing :)) but “tech” can mean a lot of things. This will NOT be a nm4 ONLY tournament. We want to highlight the types of maps that do not get showcased as often. Life is so much more fun with a little sparkle!

Discord Main Sheet Twitch Rules/Info Doc Team Regs Staff Regs

  1. This is an international 2v2 osu!standard tournament.
  2. This tournament is for players between rank 1,000 and rank 50,000. ±50 rank buffer. Badge Weighted Seeding (BWS) will be implemented.
  3. Minimum number of players per team is 2, maximum of 4.
  4. Screening will be conducted manually, hosts reserve the right to remove players.
  5. All matches will be Team Vs with ScoreV2, and NoFail on.
  6. All players must be within rank range by the end of registrations. Once screening has concluded, feel free to rank up (or down) as much as your heart desires.
  7. All players are required to join the Discord Server.
  8. All times will be in UTC 24-hour format.
  9. Mappools will NOT follow standard tournament mod slots. All players must refer to Mod Slot Description and in the Rules Document.
  10. This tournament will include experimental mappools and will be almost exclusively tech maps, with potential custom maps made for this tournament.
  11. The basic format will go as followed:
    Qualifiers ~6.5🟊
    RO32 ~6.2🟊 BO9 ♡ 1 Ban
    RO16 ~6.4🟊 BO9 ♡ 1 Ban
    Quarterfinals ~6.6🟊 BO11 ♡ 2 Bans
    Semifinals ~6.8🟊 BO11 ♡ 2 Bans
    Finals ~7🟊 BO13 ♡ 2 Bans
    Grand Finals ~7.2🟊 BO13 ♡ 2 Bans
Specifics will be detailed on the Rules and Information Document

  1. There will be NO FreeMod in this tournament.
  2. This will not be a normal pool, and will not be mechanically heavy. Raw aim and tapping will not be tested.
  3. Although there is a general SR for each mappool, “tech” star ratings are fairly complicated. Do be advised the pool’s difficulty may seem harder than normal.
  4. The mappools will be unconventional overall. There will be no strict format to the slots in the pools, please pay attention to the skillset/notes attached to the maps. We will aim to include maps that have not been pooled often.
  5. Every mappool will aim to test the following skillsets:
    conventional tech, slider aim, finger control, aim control, obscure reading, and more niche skillsets.
  6. There will be one host pick during bracket stages, each week the mod of the map may vary. I enjoy funny maps 🙂 you will like them.

Registrations Open: 29 DEC 2023
Registrations Close: 12 JAN 2024
Screening Begins: 13 JAN 2024
Screening Ends: 19 JAN 2024
Qualifiers: 26 JAN 2024
RO32: 2 FEB 2024
RO16: 9 FEB 2024
Quarterfinals: 16 FEB 2024
Semifinals: 23 FEB 2024
Finals : 1 MAR 2024
Grand Finals: 8 MAR 2024

First Place : 1 year Supporter + Team Banner
Second Place : 6 months Supporter + Team Banner
Third place : 2 months Supporter + Team Banner
Everyone Else : Participation Banner 🙂 and the friends we made along the way
Tournament MVP : Two cookies 🙂 and something special
Tournament Staff : Individual Banner

All prizes will be coming directly from me. If you’d like to contribute feel free to DM me; however, it is not necessary.

Host: lela

Admins: leggings Finana Ryugu hiyah

Mappool Selectors: lela leggings Finana Ryugu hiyah FlatPaper gunjika ikaenia

Mappers: Creepattack Cocoyu 9ami Arushii09

Playtesters: leggings Finana Ryugu hiyah FlatPaper gunjika ikaenia Zefkiel Kariyu FrenZ Teini Stravez0r DestinysX Blest Binfy bazingasdead Fulserish Seamie

Referees: ikaenia Zefkiel Lunage amazonboxman WLgummybear Confused Child dky_s -Piggy- Satou Matsuzaka Fulserish Emerald Ages Bastaku TheCZGovernment normanzerga [Caveman] toti yiyao1229

Streamers: lela Wingo

Commentator: lela Wingo Binfy Fulserish [Caveman] HyBer

GFX: dinonesie

Sheeter: hlv

If you would like to help with staffing, please fill out the Staff Registration Form. Anyone is welcome and I appreciate your interest. We would be thankful for any additional help!

Thank you for stopping by! I hope to see you all soon, and hopefully it will be a lot of fun!
You’re all so cute < 3 stan miku!!
You all know I cannot spell so if you see something, no you didn't. I will sob

im not even in rank range
LELA TOURNEYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
this tournament is so gas
this tourney is gonna be so fire.
q ase bastaku
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