
Best skins for awkward patterns/ wierd tech

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(Maybe I should have posted this in the skinning part?)

Hello everyone,
I have been playing tech and awkward maps for a bit of time, and since there is no post discussing this topic, I wanted to share the skins I use for this kind of maps !
Please note that my main reason to choose those skins is the amount of focus you can get on the map, and my personnal experience with them.

1/ Azerino
What skin could better for tech than the one Maliszewski himself uses?
Please notice that in this file I removed the big distracting box with the two characters.

2/ Bacon boi 1.0 (blue)
This skin is extremely clean, and nothing distracts you when aiming this impossible 155 BPM scattered spaced stream. Plus, you can really play anything with this skin, from honesty to C-type !

3/Azerite #2
I have played with this skin a lot, especially when I was playing long streams, but it was a good pick on some tournament-style maps. I do not use it a lot now, but I do recomment playing with it

4/Gigachad (WaitWhatWolf)
This one is wierd... As much as it is EXTREMELY distracting, I have been able to play slow wierdly shaped streams extermely well with it (example)

5/GalpeX [Skin Mix] (trn)
I made this skin for tournament pool training, it is inspired by Varvalian's skin but with Whitecat's cursor, and a few other changes...
Touhou themed !

6/ Rohulk 4.0
This is my go-to HD skin!
I could not find the skin I have but this one is basically the same... If anyone finds the exact skin Umbre FC'd We luv lama with, please respond with the link !
Oh wait I can just upload it

7/ Varvalian
I just play pretty well with this one so it's cool.

8/Zylice skin mix 2023
Pretty good for alt maps like This
tbh every skin with simple slider balls and easy to read slider tick is gonna be good for tech maps

for tricky circle patterns, find a skin with hot cursor colours (like red or yellow) and no cursor trail or cursor trail that doesn't use the same colour as the cursor, it's gonna help you know the exact place of the cursor easier in fast paced gameplay

for both type of maps, make sure the skin's hitsound you use is gonna give a ton of feedback, which will help your consistency on these kind of maps
I like skin that emphasize on slider as clearly as possible. I use this numberless skin and modify it further into my liking
The Cookiezi NM skin V2 is my main skin that's applicable for literally anything, tech, jumps, etc.
Kayzer Turco
is default skin a good skin? .w.
Kayzer Turco

MrMcMikey22 wrote:

is default skin a good skin? .w.
not really

MrMcMikey22 wrote:

is default skin a good skin? .w.
It's a good skin, but it's not really optimal for gameplay. Setting scores with it is a little more impressive though, especially if you use one of the older default skins.
tlqkf is also good for awkward patterns
Been rocking bacon boi blue for a while now, its pretty good, there's also
Pretty gud skin I see rektygon and others use this for cool spaced streams, should work for anything really
I find 404 ANF skin to be really good for low AR reading and slider tech.
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