
[o!std] PurpleTourney - Freemod ver. SS2 [OPEN RANK, 1v1] [Player regs CLOSED]

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🌸 Player Regs 🌸 Staff Regs 🌸 Main Sheet 🌸 Discord 🌸 Twitch 🌸 Challonge 🌸

🌸 osu!Standard tournament, OPEN RANK with Elitebotix screening.
🌸 Format: 1v1, starting from RO32 with double elimination.
🌸 Main gimmick: Pool will revolve around Freemods and their unique ruleset.
🌸 All staff members cannot join the tournament, except for Commentators and Streamers.
🌸 All players are expected to join the discord server and follow the rules. If one is banned from the server, it means that player is banned from future PurpleTourney iterations.
🌸 We reserve the right to remove any players if said players conduct bad behavior (racism, sexism,...), as well as changing team names if we deem them to be toxic/suggestive/...
🌸 Connecting to Elitebotix is required to participate in this tournament.
🌸 Certain criterias provided by Elitebotix will be used for screening. Details at Screening.
🌸 All times mentioned will be in UTC+0.
🌸 Note: Tournament timeline and Mappools are subject to possible changes.

*note: Qualifiers result may be delayed by 1 week, depending on how long screening arrives.
🌸 Dec 27: Staff and Player Registrations open
🌸 Jan 9, 2024 (16UTC): Player Registration closes
🌸 Jan 10 - 13: Screening (Elitebotix)
🌸 Jan 14: Showmatch (Rules showcase)
🌸 Jan 19 - 21: Qualifiers (Pool release at Jan 15, 16UTC)
🌸 Jan 26 - 28: Round of 32
🌸 Feb 2 - 4: Round of 16
🌸 Feb 9 - 11: Quarter Finals
🌸 Feb 16 - 19: Semi Finals (Might delay a week for Lunar New Year)
🌸 Feb 23 - 25: Finals
🌸 Mar 1 - 3: Grand Finals

🌸 Screening will happen once the registration period is over, a set of data will be retrieved immediately after registration closes for screening.
🌸 An eligible player has to satisfy ALL of these criterias:
  1. A player's Elitebotix rating must stay BELOW 6.75*.
  2. A player must not have more than 2 tournament top plays exceeding 480pp in the last 6 months.
  3. A player has to have played AT LEAST 10 MATCHES. (Elitebotix matches count).

🌸 Players will be pinged by their room’s referee around 10 minutes in advance.
🌸 Players have until Tuesday 0 UTC of that week to sign up for a qualifier room. Any sign ups after that time will not be accepted.
🌸 For Qualifiers, warmups will not be allowed. Players will play all maps in the pool once; from NM1 to FM2.
🌸 NF will be enforced on all maps, including FM. Mods allowed in FM are: HD, HR, EZ. For each FreeMod map, at least 1 mod must be used.
🌸 Multipliers: NF only = 0.85x, EZ = 1.65x, EZHD = 1.5x
🌸 For FMDT: There are NO PENALTIES for NF only. Multipliers are EZ: 1.65x, EZHD: 1.5x
DISCLAIMER: Bracket stage’s Freemod rules are different from Qualifiers’. NF multiplier only applies for NF ONLY scores.
🌸 If a player disconnects or encounters problems within the first 30 seconds of a map, they will be allowed to replay at the end of that room.
🌸 The referee will create a lobby for players. Players have to respond to their pings and join the room on time.
🌸 Players are allowed a warmup of their choice (shorter than 3:30). They can skip warmups if they wish to.
🌸 After warmups are finished, players will roll to decide ban/pick order. The winner will get to choose between First Ban - Second Pick or Second Ban - First Pick. Roll winner gets First Protect. Roll loser gets First Forced pick.
🌸 Double banning is allowed. Double picking is allowed. Ban order will be ABAB.
🌸 Freemods are permanently protected until Semifinals, then, after a Freemod has been banned, the remaining Freemods become protected.
🌸 Each player will be granted a ’Force Pick’.
=>They can then proceed to assign a map which their opponent will have to pick in match. This map is forced, meaning a player will have to play this map in order to win the match. They do NOT have to win the map.
=>A player can choose to play their assigned ‘Force Pick’ whenever they want. If a player is 2 points away from winning/losing and it's their turn, their forced pick must be played. Picking then continues as normal.
=> E.g.: If match is 3-0 and player A hasn't played their FP, that map will be picked. Picking then returns to normal. Refer to #ptfm2_faq for more info.
🌸 Tiebreakers will be played with Freemod enabled, Freemod rules are not enforced, NF multiplier will not be used.
🌸 From Semifinals, players are given a 120 seconds timeout period, which can be used at any point in the match. This timer will be applied in the best interest for the player, with common sense in mind.
🌸 In the event of multiple disconnections (3 instances or more) or suspected foul play, the referee has to contact an admin to assess the situation immediately.

🌸 All Freemods are played with NF enabled, except when a player chooses NoMod.
🌸 Each player will have to use a mod for FreeMod picks. Available mods are: NF (NF only), NoMod, HD, HR, EZ. Each mod is allowed ONCE ONLY.
-- For NoMod: Players will remove NF and play the map. Please make sure the room is set to TeamVs, ScoreV2. They will have to notify the referee that they want to play with NoMod. If a player fails in the middle of the map, the point goes to the other player.
🌸 Each player can decide what mod they want to use, assuming they haven't picked that mod yet in a previous map. Multiple mods can be selected on one map, but both mods will count. (e.g. HDHR uses up both your HD and HR mods and you cannot pick either of them again in the match. Wildcards are the only exception.)
🌸 From Semifinals, Wildcards will be granted. A player can use a mod OR a mod combination that was already used. This can happen once per match, per player. (e.g. If a player used HDHR before, they’re allowed to take HDHR again with their Wildcard.) Refer to #ptfm2_faq for more info.
🌸 On FreeMod picks, DT/NC or HT cannot be used.
🌸 On DTFM picks, DT cannot be taken off. There are no mod restrictions for DTFM. Multipliers are the same as Freemod.
🌸 In the event of a player not able to satisfy the mod requirement for a Freemod pick, the point goes immediately to the other player. Picking then goes to the other player.
🌸 Multipliers are as follows: NF only = 0.85x, EZ = 1.65x, NM = 1.05x

🌸 For Bracket stages, ‘Mod picks’ will be established. They will be in place of the usual modded picks (HD, HR, EZ) and will vary in number per round. A mod pool will not appear more than 3 times per round. Mod picks will be different for every round.
Qualifiers: 6.5*
| 4NM | 1HD | 1HR | 1EZ | 2DT | 2FM |

Round of 32: 6.1*
| 4NM | 3 Mod Picks | 3FM | 3DTFM | 1TB |
Best of 9 🌸 1 Ban

Round of 16: 6.25*
| 4NM | 3 Mod Picks | 3FM | 3DTFM | 1TB |
Best of 9 🌸 1 Ban 🌸 1 Forced Pick

Quarter Finals: 6.4*
| 4NM | 3 Mod Picks | 3FM | 3DTFM | 1TB |
Best of 9 🌸 1 Ban 🌸 1 Forced Pick

Semi Finals: 6.6*
| 5NM | 5 Mod Picks | 6FM | 3DTFM | 1TB |
Best of 11 🌸 2 Ban 🌸 1 Forced Pick

Finals: 6.8*
| 5NM | 5 Mod Picks | 6FM | 3DTFM | 1TB |
Best of 11 🌸 2 Ban 🌸 1 Forced Pick 🌸 1 Protect

Grand Finals: 7*
| 5NM | 5 Mod Picks | 6FM | 3DTFM | 1TB |
Best of 11 🌸 2 Ban 🌸 1 Forced Pick 🌸 1 Protect

Winner: banner, badge, probably a fumo, (extra prize)
Second place: banner, (extra prize)
Third place: banner, (extra prize)

Host: TheBear53
Admins: Colgate Enjoyer, TheBear53, BCraftMG, AmatsukaUto, Cartoonknight
Poolers: TheBear53, Cartoonknight, james2323123
Playtesters: TheBear53, Cartoonknight, james2323123, _sPekTrE
Referees: Colgate Enjoyer, TheBear53, BCraftMG, Tayuno, james2323123, qwartaL1, ShiruoX, Cartoonknight
Streamers: BCraftMG, Tayuno
Commentators: TheBear53, ArtoriaMyAngel, Tayuno, ShiruoX
Graphics: Lunasa
Sheets: james2323123, BCraftMG, TheBear53
Mapper: Amamya Kokoro, namirin1, netnesanya, namriee, Orkay, My Angel RangE
Accurate listing on sheet i can't update them frequently lol
If you are interested in giving staffing a try, this may be the place for you!

open rank but below 6.75 HEAAAAAAAT
no way
absolutely schizophrenic

polski1 wrote:

open rank but below 6.75 HEAAAAAAAT
Pretty sure the point is to just do away with rank as a screening metric entirely which allows 4 digit farmers for instance to participate, instead of restricting access to what would typically be a 5 digit / 7.5k tournament.

It remains to be seen whether there will be relatively unknown but strong players that are able to participate by playing 10 etx matches which they have no incentive to perform well in -- this is going to be an issue with any elo system that surfaces, and the only good solutions are for widespread implementation of such systems such that eventually a good deal of the playerbase is accurately assessed.
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junk my angel
why is furina on here
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megahello wrote:

why is furina on here
she needs some love after what shes gone through...
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furinaa appreciation post
bad bear
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