
[Proposal] Recatagorize guideline about re-ranking/content bloat to a rule

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rosario wknd
Directly re-using your own Ranked difficulties in other Ranked beatmaps is discouraged. This is to avoid unnecessary bloating of Ranked content.

RC states that guidelines may be ignored under exceptional circumstances but I'm struggling to think of any sort of circumstance where re-ranking existing maps isn't considered complete malpractice.

Would make more sense for this to be a rule rather than a guideline tbh.
IMO the only exception I could think of, is if the map's concept was to reference another beatmap due to similar song structure.
I remember seeing a Touhou beatmap that used exact patterns from one of happy30's Demetori beatmap as a reference, which I personally thought was quite neat, but nothing more than that.
I do agree that a blatant copypaste would be somewhat controversial at least, and very problematic at worst.

Perhaps this could be expanded to not just someone's own ranked difficulties, but ranked difficulties overall?
Ryu Sei
If it's any ranked difficulties, that's just a plagiarism and said mapper whose map being referred can raise DMCA takedown notice.

If anything, it should be reworded, since the current guideline implies you can "rank exact same map twice" under reasonable circumstances (which I don't think there is any). At most it's partially similar patterns as a sort of inspiration/reference.

Ryu Sei wrote:

If it's any ranked difficulties, that's just a plagiarism and said mapper whose map being referred can raise DMCA takedown.
this would imply that it would be fine if the owner of a ranked diff somehow gave permission for it to be added to another map as a gd or something.

my suggestion is to both expand the rule to include any ranked diffs, and change the wording from "discouraged" to a hard ban.
Noch Einen
Scotty raised a good reverse uno there. Discouraging is hmmm.....for mania itself, there are "same mapper with similar/same mapping concept" but at least "isnt exact same difficulty" whereas indirectly ranking same stuff (i cant think of any, except general tv sizes at 2017-2021?).

Im not sure if same concept =/= same difficulty (i dont have proper wording 😔)
I'm quite sure that the maps Vulkin was trying to point out above are these two :

Demetori - Emotional Skyscraper ~ World's End (happy30) [Extra Stage] (2:39)


Demetori - Pure Furies ~ Vengeance is Mine (jonathanlfj) [happy30's Lunatic] (1:49)

Which is genuinely quite cool in my opinion, taking the throwback factor into account and everything.

All things considered, I'm in support of keeping things as is I guess, as there are indeed valid reasons for this guideline to be broken (albeit very rare).

If any, when such concern arise, I suppose things should just be evaluated on a case-by-case basis as it is now whether the practice is acceptable (e.g. in the happy30 case above) or a blatant "content bloat".


EDIT : Would like to add that I'm against a blanket "hard ban" across every Ranked diffs either, since stuffs such as this vs. this or even this vs. this exists (which are all very well-received due to their ingenious execution in retooling contents from the other map)

Niva wrote:

EDIT : Would like to add that I'm against a blanket "hard ban" across every Ranked diffs either, since stuffs such as this vs. this or even this vs. this exists (which are all very well-received due to their ingenious execution in retooling contents from the other map)
the guideline seems to specifically refer to cases of direct re-usage of diffs, so i would assume that using similar patterns/referencing ideas/concepts would be fine and not fall under this.
if this line was meant to be talking about literally copying an entire diff and dropping it into another set, then yes I agree it can be a rule and worded more clearly to support that.

but if it's meant to discourage copying sections of a map, or borrowing style so heavily that it basically feels like copying, then I think guideline is okay because it can still sometimes be cool as Niva mentioned.

kind of sounds in need of a reword regardless, seeing as the people in this thread don't interpret it the same way currently

e: just realised this is a duplicate community/forums/topics/1805519
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