
questions i've been scared to ask

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  1. what is ar?
  2. what makes the fruit bigger/smaller or slower/faster on certain maps?
  3. does pp weigh streak or misses more?
  4. is the skin i use *that* bad for reading? (community/forums/topics/1355047?n=1)
  5. why is ezdt a "trap"? i've played it a good bit and while farmy, it does get insanely difficult at certain star levels. i prefer nomod, but im curious
and then the obligatory: any beatmap reccs? i've been stealing top plays from people slightly above my rank
- AR = Approach rate, it determines how fast the fruit will fall. the bigger the number the faster the fruit will fall, max AR is 10 (11 if use DT as far as i know)
- CS = Circle size, it determines the fruit size the bigger the number the smaller the fruit will be, and as i said before the fall of the fruit velocity are determined by AR
- I'm afraid i don't understand what u mean, but in CtB if u miss a fruit then say good bye to ur pp (FC is a must if u want to get a good amount of pp)
- If it's comfortable for u then just use it, although it's a little bit too flashy for me..
- I don't have an answer about this one because i never play it with such mod, maybe others know about this..

If you want some reccs then i suggest you to just go to beatmap listing, set mode to osu!catch and click the "recommended difficulty"

Hope it helps you :)
1. AR stands for "approach rate" this, in a catch context refers to fast the fruits appear on screen. Hence a higher ar means the fruits drop faster.

2. Already answered the speed part of this question, CS or "Circle size" determines fruit size so the higher this value is the smaller the fruit becomes.

3. PP for catch at the moment heavily favours consistency and maintaining a high combo over anything else such as accuracy which kind of encourages unhealthy habits.

4. It's fine, ideally the fruits should one shape with a simple coloring and/or design for maximum ease of reading. Not mandatory for higher level of play by any means but helps greatly. Most players probably use circles I Imagine but some find squares easier to read for whatever reason, I find the hitbox very misleading at time but that's my personal opinion.

5. Never really heard it being a trap per say but it's not a playstyle I'm versed in the slightest so what do I know. I guess the biggest issue would be adaptability since you're narrowing yourself to read maps in a very particular way that trying anything else like HR which is the exact opposite of EZ would pose more of a challenge than the average player but that's just my educated guess. That's it.
1+2. move your cursor

3. miss count = higher combo > droplet(acc)
2831x 99.48% 16miss 511pp  2326x 99.71% 7miss 582pp
2722x 99.87% 1miss 799pp   2255x 99.82% 4miss 625pp
2771x 99.82% 5miss 715pp   2223x 99.76% 7miss 563pp
combo is close but miss count make pp much lower

2831x 99.48% 16miss 511pp
1737x 99.84% 5miss 493pp
high combo but miss a lot vs low combo low miss

2722x 99.87% 1miss 799pp   2831x 99.48% 16miss 511pp   1737x 99.84% 5miss 493pp
1967x 99.97% 1miss 620pp   1463x 99.42% 17miss 291pp   1216x 99.79% 5miss 370pp
combo gap diff

fruit is fine if you dont mind that colorful, ppl usually like all white or hollow
scorebar(hp) unfriendly for read from high place
drop too small, droplet just acc but drop count the combo

imgur lol
The other questions people have answered well enough so I'll just talk about the last one.

It's mainly considered "a trap" as it's easy PP at low levels but you eventually run out of maps you can realistically play EZDT and it makes it very hard to play anything else. Most EZDT players eventually have to either abandon the mod combo which takes alot of time re-learning or they continue trying to push EZDT but will hit a wall being unable to progress without tons of effort. It's also not a skillset used in tournaments if that is what you are interested in doing eventually.
Topic Starter
ty for all of the answers :) im glad i asked

Kasen- wrote:

Hope it helps you :)
very much! thank you :D i appreciate the time to explain the concepts to me

CatzerTM wrote:

3. PP for catch at the moment heavily favours consistency and maintaining a high combo over anything else such as accuracy which kind of encourages unhealthy habits.
i can see how that'd be. definitely frustrating when you have one miss but its in the middle of the map instead of the end hah

I CAN FC wrote:

imgur lol
thanks so much for the in depth answer! the images did help lol. i might make some edits to the skin for the fruit. not sure what you meant by drop too small tho, but i'll try some other skins and see if i notice anything thats easier for me to read! i'm just super accustomed to this one

Edgar_Figaro wrote:

It's mainly considered "a trap" as it's easy PP at low levels but you eventually run out of maps you can realistically play EZDT and it makes it very hard to play anything else. Most EZDT players eventually have to either abandon the mod combo which takes alot of time re-learning or they continue trying to push EZDT but will hit a wall being unable to progress without tons of effort. It's also not a skillset used in tournaments if that is what you are interested in doing eventually.
this makes a lot of sense. i did notice while playig ezdt a year or so ago that at a certain point it's just not as fun? like it becomes incredibly tedious. i respect the ppl who can play it, but i def want to get to a point where i can play an impressive nomod !

animetibs wrote:

thanks so much for the in depth answer! the images did help lol. i might make some edits to the skin for the fruit. not sure what you meant by drop too small tho, but i'll try some other skins and see if i notice anything thats easier for me to read! i'm just super accustomed to this one

1594 fruit, 5 drop, 194 droplet

slider in game

bigger hollow is drop, small is droplet, compare with normal fruit
and what your skin screenshot show

point: drop pic size should be 128px (256px@2x) wiki/en/Skinning/osu%21catch
but this skin use 53 and 106
you can just change bigger one drop
As a player starting out, I remember playing ezdt using a skin with very tiny fruits which made it much easier to see and do edge jumps, but it made no-mod really small and unreadable as a noob so I had to use 2 types of skins. However, this in fact ruined my overall improvement at the game because being forced to adapt to 2 different platter sizes hitting the same size of fruit hindered at me reading maps consistently.
Other than this problem, i don't see ezdt being that much harmful to be called a "trap". I actually think it's a great way to learn low ar maps. It's mostly just a meme because many newer players (me included) like to see absurdly inflated pp numbers so they spend hours trying to fc maps like nemu's place or kac. Just refining your ezdt catch skills by playing better maps can make farming these maps simple.
The -Yugen skin i like the most myself, adds slight transparency to the fruits which sometimes cover the juice drops.
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