
Taiko BATs half-absent

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Hey guys,

as some of you may have noticed: The ranking process in our community has become pretty slow since a few weeks.
To make you not wonder what's going on, I will inform you all that most of the Taiko BATs have to write their exams really soon or do other important projects which causes a slower ranking process. In the time we are half-absent, I would suggest you to find as many mods as possible for your sets, so that the TBATs can rank them afterwards easier and faster. And as always, I will be around for any questions and support. But for now my main focus will be on the upcoming exams and the Taiko World Cup.

Have some usefull links in that time:
[Guide] Mapping Taiko Difficulties
Taiko Modding Academy
Taiko BATs

We apologise for any inconvenience and hope that you can wait until we are done with the current exams and projects!
May the Don and Kat be with you.
Kagami Yuki
so busy.
very friendly.
much powerful.
Good luck of your business :D/
Asagi Mutsuki
This certainly isn't a good thing zz
Some standard mappers might give up/delete Taiko GDs in their mapset simply because they can't find a Taiko-BAT to taiko-icon it D:

cdhsausageboy wrote:

Some standard mappers might give up/delete Taiko GDs in their mapset simply because they can't find a Taiko-BAT to taiko-icon it D:

cdhsausageboy wrote:

This certainly isn't a good thing zz
Some standard mappers might give up/delete Taiko GDs in their mapset simply because they can't find a Taiko-BAT to taiko-icon it D:
They have to understand it. If they don't... well.
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As I said, we are still here. But not as frequently as we used to be previously.
Should change in the next weeks.
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Well, slowly some of us are coming back or are more active.
For my case: My exam starts in about 1 month, in that time I only/mostly mod osu-iconed sets.

OnosakiHito wrote:

Well, slowly some of us are coming back or are more active.
For my case: My exam starts in about 1 month, in that time I only/mostly mod osu-iconed sets.
What about more than one mode and osu-icon still not here ? I got one mapper who's got 2 of 4 icons, only Taiko and osu missing so...
ow :(
that's why I cant find taiko bats QAQ

Anyways hope you guys come back soon :)
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Get an icon for the other game modes. Afterwards I will check the taiko maps. That's how I've set for my-self the priority at the moment.
Well.. the problem was that practicually every Taiko BAT (including Loctav here too) was busy with TWC (either being part of the Staff or participate on the tournament). I hope the amount of ranked Taiko Difficulties, especially Taiko Sets will increase with the upcoming weeks. The number of Sets which has been ranked from January until now has been decreased awfully.
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KanaRin and Tasha are out for now. TKSalt, aabc271 and me are the only Taiko BATs right now.

16.05.2014 are my exams ending. After that I will have much more time again. But I will be still around and mod some maps.
aabc271 will be somewhat soon free again. Not sure if it was end of the April or so. But he is having exams right now.
TKS is modding frequently. But he has to deal with a lot of requests since the other two BATs are busy. Please show mercy to him. lol

For the up-coming weeks I planed to reopen the TMT again. Contacted already the new and old members. Right now I'm preparing the system for this queue.
Noticed a lot of times that our modders / mappers are willed to help each other as long as we work together, so I think we can go on in this way.

Just be a little bit more patience please. Maybe prepare your sets or so. For now I'm monitoring everything as good as I can.
Good luck with your exams Ono~
Thanks for all the hard work~

OnosakiHito wrote:

KanaRin and Tasha are out for now. TKSalt, aabc271 and me are the only Taiko BATs right now.
i just noticed this btw ;___;

btw goodluck ono~!! :D
gl hf Ono and the others o/
Vuelo Eluko
lolt his would be like if BP said they couldn't act on their gulf oil spill because the CEO's had to have their diaper changes by their moms

r they all little
Tasha checks my map, becomes busy.
TKS checks my map for tasha, last seen 8 days ago after update from his check.
Who really is free?? @@

neonat wrote:

Tasha checks my map, becomes busy.
TKS checks my map for tasha, last seen 8 days ago after update from his check.
Who really is free?? @@
no one :|
You guys should consider recruit some Taiko BATs ;_;

Good luck in your exams btw \o/
There's already some things in the works to get more activity. Just be patient until then is all I can say.
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Alright, exams are over for most guys. Also we got some reinforcement.
Let's hope for the best from now on.
Good to hear that~ Taiko BATs are now coming back.
Let's strive for making more quality maps for Taiko.
I'm here to save the day.
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The Super-Reinforcement!

MMzz wrote:

I'm here to save the day.
Shiro + kpy + MMzz
I call that the Macroreinforcement.
Asagi Mutsuki
Dat pun
All BATs are absent.


I'm serious.
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That's not true. - accepts osu iconed sets and more - checking bubbled sets and modding by his own. - he does accept mods sometimes. - He mods frequently - also modding by his own -> read userpage - unknown lol - Will be back mid july (soon) - Will be absent until august. - currently in Taiwan, can still contact him - AFK for some time

It's not all about "we need BAT", but more "we need experienced BATs".
However, if you want I can check your set when I have time. But if it happens that I find stuff you should have better get fixed before my apperances, then I would highly questionable your argument here. It could make me think that you are too lazy to find mods by your own and don't have any endeavor to improve your set, which of course isn't the case right? ;)

I still say modding = all (with exceptions when sets are flawless). It's not all in the BAT's hand. We just bubble / rank. The modding process is a community behavior.
So, to come back to the list I posted above... you can mod without us and knowledge us when you think, that there is a set which is -more or less- flawless mapped and should get some recognition. To rank a map, theoretically 2 BATs are enough. It's just about how rankable / flawless (?) the set is mapped, which is also a product of the modding process itself.

That's just what I think.
Sorry, I was a bit emotional. Maybe not all BAT are absent, but when I check their overall status, they're mostly busy and not accepting any requests.

I've been waiting for one BAT check for more than half a year. Mailed many BAT, most of them just ignored it. And some of them behaved somehow arrogant towards me :o

Of course mappers shouldn't be lazy to find mods if they want their map to get ranked. But many BAT gave me the impression of keeping ignoring mappers and only gives bubble or BAT-check to their close friends, certainly I hope it's not the case.
But one fact is that the frequency of ranking taiko diffs is much lower than that of ranking standard or mania diffs.

I really want to see more taiko sets or taiko GDs getting ranked upon sufficient mods from the community. :!:
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@mliencheng: Don't worry. Everyone becomes emotional sometimes. :P Yet I'm kinda interested about your said words.
About the guy you wait since half a year I can just say, that you guys problably shouldn't stick just to one BAT. If anything like that should happen, best would be to contact that one BAT and ask him about current situation. Sometimes it does happen (at least to me) that someone forgets a request. But that's most likley unintenional. So don't worry to ask once again. When a BAT says he wil mod it, he will most likley do so. It just may take some time. - Else, just ask another BAT.

That >beeing arrogant towards you< is something I won't comment. But remember that sometimes we may have stress. No one wants to harm you at all.

@Nardoxyribonucleic: Well, that's something I can't disagree with. Also I can't say much about it right now since I've been for 2 months mostly inactive due to exams and now my trip. But what I can say is that I will try to support you guys in the upcoming days. So at least up to that day, I can just ask one last time to be patiente. Maybe after that we can see how things go...? :3

Stay strong. Prepare your sets. For everything there is a solution.

OnosakiHito wrote: - unknown lol Let's say half here; pretty sure there is modding
fixed this because I am certain of it.

Also don't you ever know that every BAT is a human being behind, and not a modding machine. Sure some have time to kill and mod 50 maps in 5 days, but others have to deal with real-life issues, events, meetings, or even exams, which most of the Taiko BAT had to go through a few weeks ago. BAT isn't a job, it's a form of just being able to approve the sets to give the players high-quality charts to everybody, with the aspects of moderating and all that stuff.

As Ono says, sticking to one BAT is likely to be a bad idea as you're basically "following" them through his real life issues (read above) so you are likely to lose time. If you're switching to another, I am more than certain that the other BAT will tell the original one he's going to do it instead, because you have to know they talk a lot.
It is understandable that all of us are human beings and we need to deal with our real lives seriously.

I agree with Ono that the most essential element of ranking a beatmap is modding. So, we should not depend on a single BAT but actively ask the community of modders for mods. After all, BATs will fulfil their responsibility (confirm the set and bubble/rank it) when your work is ready.

Do what you perceive to be important, no matter in real life or this game.
@OnosakiHito : I'll probably ask you for a BAT check when you are back from your trip to Serbia , if problem still not fixed.

@Gezo : I never consider BAT as modding robots nor a job. Everybody has their own RL issues obviously.
But what I'm talking about is some morality. Modding someone's map upon a request for 3 days and still didn't check my map yet I requested for more than 3 months, or some ignoring my PM in-game (BAT not AFK), I cannot accept these actions. If I were them, I will not do such things even though I have great pressure in RL. Stress cannot be an excuse.
This problem doesn't only exist in one single BAT, but many.

@Nardoxyribonucleic : Yes, real live is always the most important. But if one is continuously absent and has real life affairs frequently, he could just quit the BAT. There's still many prominent modders in the community who are capable of taking the position.
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In general I share the opinion behind mliencheng's last sentence. At least to some degree. But I can't say how situation right now is of course.
But I see no reason why not to suggest sometimes someone who is dedicated into modding! Of course with well founded reason.

It's not in my hand, but you are free to give me some suggestion from time to time, if you want. I can show them to the TBATs and BATManagers when needed.

mliencheng wrote:

@Gezo : I never consider BAT as modding robots nor a job. Everybody has their own RL issues obviously.
But what I'm talking about is some morality. Modding someone's map upon a request for 3 days and still didn't check my map yet I requested for more than 3 months, or some ignoring my PM in-game (BAT not AFK), I cannot accept these actions. If I were them, I will not do such things even though I have great pressure in RL. Stress cannot be an excuse.
I know you're not considering them as machines, so do maybe 3/4 of us here; but you know some do consider BAT as their prime priority. You know the controversy about people.

i felt it was needed :lol:
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Says the one which last mods were 1 and 2 months ago.
Yet, we have BATs who still mod even with these messages.
Sorry, felt like it was needed to mention.

Better open up my mod request so people don't get upset that I won't mod their map and make arrogant post when 80+ other people have asked me first.

Dolphin wrote:

i felt it was needed :lol:
Sadly I still think it applies to many lols
Many BAT have that as a status because of the same situation MMzz showed above. You get FAR too many mod requests in a short period of time unless you say you aren't taking them actively. Truth is, many BAT are still looking at the pending maps forum and looking for maps to mod. I know I do at the very least... When I see a set that looks like its ready to go, or could use a bit of advice as its almost ready to go, I usually chime in when I have the time. I don't have the time for hundreds (yes, hundreds) of requests every week, which is what used to happen before I put that I wasn't taking requests up.

Also, I'm not going to disagree that sometimes there appears to be favoritism with BAT's modding maps. It's definitely there sometimes, but I don't think its nearly as bad as some people imagine it to be. My only suggestion towards that is to chat with the BAT every now and then regarding something other than modding your map. A small conversation leading into "hey, can you take a look at this? I've been working on it for a while and I'd really appreciate your input" can be incredibly helpful and often prompts (at least me) to look at the map if I have available time... heck, you can just ask them for a playtest and not a mod, there's been plenty of cases I've been asked to playtest and I end up modding the map on my own accord because I see the map has potential.

tl;dr: Some BAT who have *I'm not taking requests* in their profile will probably take them if you chat with them a bit and just be friendly while doing so.
also keep in mind that many bats (myself included) have that message displayed when we already have a queue of maps to mod and aren't willing to take many more to avoid getting overloaded and making too many promises
Ah well, either way, almost all of Modding Queues are closed anyway. It's just more obvious for BATs because people check them much more often than any other regular user. Still makes people disappointed to see that but it's not like anything can be done about that lol
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