Artist-Title: Shunichi Toki - Another Birthday (TV Size) Length: 1:23 Link: beatmapsets/2134545#mania/4491367 Extra info: 1/2 Stream, 1/8 Roll, Mini Jack I think
Thank you very much
Please Visit My Profile if you want Converted 4K STD Map that can be used for Warm-Up
Artist-Title: Kanako Ito - Skyclad no Kansokusha Length: 3:46 Link: beatmapsets/2137606#mania/4498596 Extra info: The map is Rice and CJ. I tried to get the proper BPM I think I got it but 1 of my friends/playtesters said the timing felt weird. Thanks, Kojodat.
Hello! I'm Kojo. My favorite color is purple :p
Most people recognize me from my weird playstyle! (A ,down arrown , S, right arrow) aka 1324 playstyle. Got into some drama cuz of it. People just can't accept I just play like this smh.
I also really like to play rhythm games. I started playing on Ro-Beats back in 2020 but slowly moved to Osu!mania 2 years later thanks to Domajnyk_Pear. Well that's it maybe see ya around!