
Good/Bad habits that you developed from osu

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Trash Boat wrote:

u used to love my posts Gladi, what happened?
Sorry, FireFoxZX is now my favorite poster
Then again rightfully so

His posts have a certain type of quality to them that are rarely seen

Same for his signature
-Left middlefinger got really achy after a few weeks of playing mouse+keyboard, couldn't take streaming at all. Switched to ringfinger and had no probs since.
-I get angrier and angrier at my own lack of ability every time I play this game, dammit.
-Mouse accuracy has improved quite a bit.

not really habits but guhh /o/
Osu cured my autism t y based Osu
Trash Boat
the post you are.... uff, you know the drill
I've started to fucking tap on tables, it's fucking annoying
In school, when I'm not writing, I'm actually doing spinners with my pencil. Even though I use mouse
I have a hard time using a mouse with higher sensitivity than 600, heck I'm struggling with 600 or anything below 400, even though I used to use 1600 before. Also, I don't need a music player anymore whenever I go anywhere. I played so much that the songs are basically drilled into my head and I can replay those I want to hear
I can hit the esc key fast and precisely without missing.
I can click faster and spin my mouse in sexier circles. Ya know, important life skills.
tapping everything when i heard a song playing

stay in front the computer all day long

Chris9427 wrote:

I can hit the esc key fast and precisely without missing.
8-) yeah, years of quitting for me when I see a 100 or a miss

Chris9427 wrote:

I can hit the esc key fast and precisely without missing.
To be able to retry at the speed of light is a handy skill to have.

Also, even though I don't use a mouse to play I find myself moving it in a much more efficient manner than before.
playing songs in my head and starting to tap to the rhythm using my fingers

also secretly practicing drumrolls
Restless Spirit
Good thing is I immedeately move my cursor and click on something the first second I notice it, giving me an edge in various games or reducing the time something takes by a few seconds. On the downside, I sometimes double-click automatically even if I didn't intend to, leading to various angry moments on the computer.
Good habit = Better, quicker reflexes.
i can tap to any song i hear! listening to music has never been so fun!
i'm a weirdo
I don't miss my 0,5 cm wide tabs in my browser anymore. I also don't accidentally close 'em anymore.
That was a huge problem before I started playing osu!.

Chris9427 wrote:

I can hit the esc key fast and precisely without missing.
Trash Boat
sometimes i check the forums at bit late hours

Chamelo_Th wrote:

OT: My head is now like an ipod shuffle, containing every song I played in osu!
I don't even know how to stop it. ._.

AllRiseSilver wrote:

tapping everything when i heard a song playing

stay in front the computer all day long

mrdumpling64 wrote:

playing songs in my head and starting to tap to the rhythm using my fingers

also secretly practicing drumrolls
^^^ those have become an everyday occurrence
also, insomnia, going for runs while listening to brain, and incessant OCD combined with sped-up reflexes.

forgot to mention that i now have a song reference for nearly every moment in life :? :( :o :)

(i hate all of it except for the reflexes quite honestly)
its in the blood
Not a habit, but a good mention:

Thanks osu, totally needed this.

Mara wrote:

Not a habit, but a good mention:

Thanks osu, totally needed this.
Is unreasonable, uncontrollable laughter a symptom?
Nah luckily you are clean Brian.
Can't wait to use this on /v/
Critical Dude
Good/Bad habits (or rabbits whatever you guys like):
- Obsessed with getting above the A - rank, I only like S and SS which means that sometimes I will not give up on a song and play for long hours just trying to get S or SS.
- I never ragequit on osu, this makes me upset.
- I'm addicted playing beatmaps made from video games music and anime music.
- I'm not sure if playing this song and "/np-ing" it when Remi_Flan is around on the osu channel is trolling or complete madness.
Trash Boat
Its complete madness, trolling is worse, Trust me

Mara wrote:

Not a habit, but a good mention:

Thanks osu, totally needed this.
man Monty on the Run is such a good song
Critical Dude

Trash Boat wrote:

Its complete madness, trolling is worse, Trust me
I don't get it ._. (still new here)
Is that guy a troll?
Trash Boat
if i were a troll could i do this?
Good habits : I understand more things about keyboard.
Bad habits : Nothing. Yet.

I don't know if it's good or bad, but I rarely listen to songs anymore when not playing osu!
half good/bad habit: I take care of my hands more (esp my cursor aiming hand) (i.e refraining from carrying heavy objects, attempting to break things apart with my hands when i'm bored, punching people random crap, ...)
But then i still carelessly handle sharp objects
Everytime I pick up a mouse I will practice my streaming my alternating the left and RMB.
I picture beat maps in my head if i hear a song i like
Good: I'm a lot better at dealing with momentary panic (Particularly helpful for Dota 2, when your ability to respond properly can change games). Discovered a lot of music that I like via osu! Learned a lot about how to change my hardware settings (mouse).
Bad: Even more antisocial IRL. Lost a job because I just wanted to stay home and play osu, too.

Trash Boat wrote:

bewaredrev wrote:

i also see circles everywhere i go and it freaks me out at times
lol that reminds me of the comic Brian OA made the past year

Good: I actually feel good when I do good in osu!
Bad: when playing ctb my fingers hurt or can't reach the button to dash :< and I become the lazy person in the house.
Good habits: I learned how to improve my english
Bad habit: My diet is getting worst DX
I think I annoy everyone at my school for practising my streaming constantly whenever I get on a computer.
Trash Boat
are you playing osu! there or just streaming at Microsoft Word/Excel?
Neither, just spamming LMB and RMB~
Bad habit to always wanting to be in the rythm when walking and listening to music, same goes for games.
Comfy Slippers

tn5421 wrote:

Bad: Even more antisocial IRL. Lost a job because I just wanted to stay home and play osu, too.


B1rd wrote:
Holy shit, I've been looking for this! Thanks.
Retry, retry, retry.
Good habit
-Git gud at mania like mobile game real quick
-Can play ping pong now lel
-Consentrate better while drawing
-Type a bit faster

Bad habit
-Shaking legs while music is on all the times
-Play mania in class
-Wear headphones all the time
-Brag with friend about being git gud at mania (Which my rank is dropping ;w;)
-Tapping keyboard loudly without any reason
good habit

bad habits
-stiffen up when playing lmao, have shoulder aches
-tapping keyboard loudly without reason ^
-fingers are tired so i'm able to write less & get more fatigued
-OT has taken up my life
-draw osu related doodles
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