
osu! Academy Doki Doki Adventures: The Beginning

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Trash Boat wrote:

who the hell is Ilya? no offense
Trash Boat
ignore this
what the
Now that you've finally witnessed the dark side of internet retardation, can we just ban/modQ/get rid of Trash Boat already? Please? For the sake of not only OT, but the entirety of the osu! forums.
Kanye West
apparently modqueueing is "cruel and unusual punishment"
Having to witness him is also cruel and unusual punishment.
Haven't I made this clear enough yet

Even if you keep asking for it it's not gonna happen. It has to be a decision taken by the higher ups if they wanna sack him. I've tried as well but to no avail. You literally have to bear with it for now

>The city of Off-topic moderation
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How about you niggers take moderation to another thread while I figure out how this is gonna play out
I say this isn't right.
Trash Boat
sorry for the previous. i already edited them. i was very upset for something when i made them. keep going with your game Brian, you're the most creative person i ever met.
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You spit the blood in your mouth to the side. You turn to Blanca and shoot her a shit-eating grin.

"Huh?" She responds in her cold tone. She backs up her head just a little bit.

"Hey... yo..."

"What are you saying?"

"...Whatchu gon' do?" you continue.

"...What?" Blanca looks around, unsure of who or what you were just talking to.

"H...Hey you, whatchu gon' do?" you keep chanting.

"W-What are you talking about?" Blanca shouts, "I just asked you tha—"

Then it happens. Instantaneously, every bone and muscle in your body reconstructs itself for one sole purpose. Your Rhythm Circuits devote every once of prana into one point in your body.

"W-W-What's going on?!" Your enemy's composure breaks apart faster than that ball smacked you in the face.

"Hey you, whatchu gon' do?!" Your lungs cry out in pain as you chant again: "HEY YOU, WHATCHU GON' DO?!"

You pop a boner so powerful—

"COME ON AND SLAM!" Your shout booms across the hallway, making the Dragonborn sound like a little girl crying over candy. The mere shockwave of it clears the halls of students, blasting them out of the way. Then, your massive erection takes form, beating at the rhythm of the song of your soul, and sending Blanca flying through the main hall and out the school gate at an imperceptible speed.

"AND WELCOME TO THE JAM." You say before getting dragged to the nurse's office.

Thankfully, the man nurse doctor's treatment was effective enough to let you attend classes for the remainder of the day.

You walk back into your classroom, trying to repress all memory of the pain, agony, and embarrassment you went through in the past hour. You excuse yourself for arriving late. You kind of manage to wave to Xu as you take your seat, though he just adjusts his glasses in response.

It's just your mapping professor talking about object placement depending on certain elements of a song. You pull out your notebook and mechanically jot the lecture's notes.

"Alright, you guys might want to open your books at page 362..."

You pull out your textbook and a note slips out from it before you can even start looking for page 362.

"Hm?" You open it. It reads:

"Come after school, behind the club building. Don't bring anyone with you and come as soon as possible."


You take a quick look around the classroom, some students still searching for the fated page 362. You notice Kamikita's just talking to some cartoon on his phone, Xu's furiously adjusting his glasses, Elie is sleeping, and Osaka Bancho is breathing down your neck from behind. Nothing unusual, you guess. Who could've sent that, though?

Giving up on the prospect, you continue taking classes until the day ends.

Well, what should you do now?

[] Go behind the club building
[] Go to the roof
[] Go to your dorm
[] Squat like a slav around the school entrance
go behind club building, but prepared with all your rhythm spirit.
Kanye West
squat like the slav you are
Trash Boat
go behind the club building. let's hope it's not a trap
Go behind club building.
Great read.

Let's continue behind the club.
Go behind the club.
Vuelo Eluko
slavs rock
drop it low
Go to the roof that way you can see if this note is a trap or not.
It's totally a confessio- trap.
Go behind the club building anyway B-)
strictly speaking, i'd go to the back of the building.

however if i could see the back of the building from the roof i'd rather go there a little ahead of time to see whats waiting for me at the back of the building and make decisions from there.
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You sling your bag on your shoulder and head out the classroom. You follow the rush of students down the stairs and through the main hall while pulling out the note you got before.

"Come after school, behind the club building. Don't bring anyone with you and come as soon as possible."

It sounds urgent but at the same time it sounds a little... dangerous. You just barely escaped a near-death situation a while back; you wouldn't be surprised if this would lead to another. Still, you're curious, so you ought to be fine. Curiosity only kills cats.

You break off from the mass of students and walk towards the school's club building. It's three stories tall and pretty large, though it seems slightly old and weathered. You hear a lot of shit goes on in there, but that's probably for another story. You walk around it to reach a small yard behind it. It's enclosed by the club building's L-shape and the wire fence spanning the campus's limits.

There isn't anything here save for a tree, you, and a pretty decent view of the surrounding forest.

Guess you stopped by too soon.

You decide to sit down by the tree, away from the sun's punishment, and contemplate the view for a few minutes. Setting aside your bag, you look towards the woods. You can hear the faraway buzz of students doing whatever they do after school. You can hear the birds chirping away, the wind whistling past the nearby trees, your voice being said over and over again, and the sound of cars passing by, far away—wait a minute.


You turn around to find a little girl in a frilly dress calling out your name. Seriously, she brought the whole package with her. Black hair, black dress, black parasol, and frills up the ass.

Not literally, but you hope so. She's pretty cute that way anyway.

"Yeah, that's me," you respond while sitting down indian-style.


"Uh, did you send me this note?" you pull out the note from before.

"..." The girl just purses her lips in response. She's clearly troubled by something...

"Did you need somethin—"

The girl drops the parasol as she places her hands on your face. They're kinda cold.



She stares at you intensely with her clear blue eyes.

You're not entirely sure what to do here, plus you have a policy with little girls considering the law and all...


[] Talk about your nationality
[] Put it in
[] Get up
[] Grab her face
jam it in

no get up
What a fine set of choices..

I'm joking. I'm going with the 'Get up' option.
Let's handle this like adults.

Grab her face too.
get up, I guess
grab her face too.
One should treat others as one would like others to treat oneself.

Grab her face
Better return the favor then.

Grab dat face
Trash Boat
mmm im kinda confused........ grab her face
[X] Get up

opened ended answer:
place your hand on top of her's (preventing it from moving away) while getting up, then holding it with both hands after you get up and lead her towards a secluded indoor place (while trying to maintain a blank confused look on your face)

fyi put it in != jam it in
jam it in is from a fate/stay night doujin, put it in is from excel saga (the option keeps appearing in the list of choices)
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"..." You place your hands around the girl's face as well.

But nothing happens.

Your staring game continues as the wind keeps whistling by and the mundane, everyday chatter goes on in the distance. Just you and a loli behind the club building holding each other's faces.

You suppose this is fine. For now, anyway; you have homework due tomorrow, you don't have plans for the weekend, and you need to take a huge dump.

"Hey, uh, what's your name?"


"Er... how'd you know mine?"


"Are you some kind of mute?"

Looks like you'll have to step up your game.

[] Pretend to get up and leave
[] Start singing the national anthem of Uruguay
[] Kiss her
[] Pray to Jesus
Well, time to pick the only choice that isn't retarded

[X] Kiss her
kiss her and and your existence as the most beta of them all!
kiss her. then proceed to bone her.
Trash Boat
finally some common sense here. kiss her, but nothing more else
kiss her
[quote=loldcraft][X] Start singing the national anthem of Uruguay
(Assuming you can sing it right)
Now look at her reaction and see if she's really deaf[/quote]
Well, toldya there's more to it

Supposed to edit not post whoops
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ugh edition

That's it—you need a reaction out of this girl and you need it now.

You take a good look at the girl in front of you. She's probably no more than thirteen at most, but she's showing the first signs of development already. That fleeting beauty you can only find in little girls—slim figures; smooth skin; innocent eyes... Her dark hair and clear eyes show a great contrast and those frills are really doing it for you. Damn, you're kinda getting into the mood. The loli's stoic gaze isn't as off putting as you would expect.

Anyway, your beta kicks in so you decide for a peck on the lips. Nothing much; should still raise the sexual assault flag anyway.

You take a deep breath, close your eyes, and in one swift motion, lock your lips with hers. You quickly retrea—

"?!" You open your eyes. You can't move your head back?

The girl's expression is still the same as ever, as if absolutely nothing happened. But her powerful grip on your face implies otherwise... What's going on with this girl? Is this some kind of mental disease? Well it can't be so bad if it means your kiss lasts longer...

Not a moment later, she closes her eyes and starts moaning into your mouth.

Wait, it's not moaning. It sounded like it at first but it's slowly forming into something else—something familiar... Guitars? It sounds like a riff from—

"BWAUGH!" you violently wrench your face away from the frilly girl. Pain assaults your body, running up and down your spine in waves. You collapse onto the dirt, writhing.

"Looks like it worked!" a voice playfully announces. You open your eyes while trying to block out the pain. It's a girl—almost identical to the other, but dressed in white—walking up to you. They seem to be playing some kind of yin/yang motif bullshit.

"It seems like it did." The black-dressed girl says.

"AARGH," you retort.

"Well, let's get out of here, we got what we needed."

"But sis."


"I can't move."

"What? Why no— Oh."

You set the rest of your body to writhe in agony as your arms latch on to each of the black dressed girl's ankles. From a distance it could look like you're humping the ground.

"Well damn, he's covering his weak point."

"Maybe he'll let go if we tell him what just happened."

"What? How can you tell?"

"I know some things about crying."

The two girls continue their exchange, one with exaggerated confusion the other with cold stoicism as you gather your strength to speak.

"JUST TELL ME ALREADY!" you shout.

"Hm... I don't think so!" the white dressed girl turns her attention away from her sister and runs her hand through your hair. "Oh, that's pretty soft hair you have."

"THANKS BUT—" she pulls up your head by the hair, "SON OF A BIT—" then slams her foot on the nape of your neck. You only let out a small wisp of a cry as your face lands on the ground. You don't even want to know how much hair you lost from that alone.

"Well, let's go then," says the white one.


The two of them start walking away, briskly. Your body doesn't hurt anymore, but you don't have the energy. You don't know what just happened but... you can't leave it like this. You need something to work with—a lead.

You gather up your willpower and slam your fist onto the ground.


"?" the two of them turn around.


"Bases?" the black dressed girl says.

"I don't think we ever brought up baseball, though that'd be nice to farm sometime~"

Shit, you guess they're still little girls.

"Sorry mister, but we can't answer that!"


You collapse on the dirt for the last time, only hearing the next scraps of conversation from afar, but barely.

"Like he could with his Rhythm Circuits in that state."

"What is he going to stream on?"

"I have no idea."

Your world fills with remorseful darkness.


Should've just prayed to Jesus. ;)
Next part as in the part with the spiders or the part yet to exist

Whatever happened with the spider story anyway
Interesting take on White & Black Len.

Should've just prayed to Jesus.
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Faust wrote:

Interesting take on White & Black Len.

Should've just prayed to Jesus.
Dont sue I changed their eye color
i lost it at rhythm circuts 10/10

Faust wrote:

Interesting take on White & Black Len.

Should've just prayed to Jesus.
I thought it was that too. I'm glad I caught the correct drift.
The lack of blood made me feel down.
But hey true end.
Hey, I have an idea! How about we go back a page or two, and randomly bump a random thread with nothing more than a single irrelevant emoticon that doesn't contribute to the discussion in any way imaginable! That sounds productive! What a clever idea! It's such a good idea, I may as well be the staple of humanity. Productivity starts with ideas like these. People like me move society forwards!
hi mimitsune
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