
osu! Academy Doki Doki Adventures: The Beginning

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NoHitter wrote:

In case you guys want to read the OP's post alone to read the story: ... 5&t=181983

Brian you may want to place that link in the opening post.
You can't tell me what to do

CYOA thread is getting discontinued for being a trainwreck, same drill as before though. The earlier thread was just a test to see how you guys would take this nonsense. Anyway




Your name is Shirou Marinkovich, a completely bland and pathetic main character. Dark hair, slim figure, half-Asian, small dick, half something else... Of course, even a person like you must have had a beginning; a story. And it's a good one! Assuming you don't fuck up!

This is the start of your life at a circle-clicking academy for people looking to look into the art of rhythm and your amazing, heart-pounding adventures as you desperately try to score with anything, be it a warm and breathing cute girl, an actual beatmap, or a dead goat.

Hundreds of thoughts run through your mind. You're in an unusual uniform walking up to a boarding school you've only dreamed of. You never thought you'd have an aptitude for rhythm and get scouted into one of the most prestigious rhythm-based academies in the world for it—osu! Academy. It was a chance you couldn't pass up, but it also meant discarding your past life. Your friends, your hometown, and your family are all out of your reach. Well, you don't mind the friends bit since you don't have any.

Your father's only thoughts on the matter were "it's your mother's fault" as he scratched the back of his head while making sure he didn't pack in any of your third-rate pornography.

You shrug and step inside the school, where your vision opens up to a large, three-story hall. Wooden staircases and railings wind upwards to the sides, leading to unexplored floors and hallways. Sunlight peers through the tall windows and bounces off the polished floor almost making it too bright for an early morning. The hall itself is devoid of life, and its silence weighs down on you. Everybody's probably in their classrooms, but such a large, alien space should not be so empty. You can't help but feel somewhat alone.

This is a new school you're attending though, it's to be expected. You'll meet plenty of nice people along the way. You try to calm yourself with this thought as you take another step into the hall.

"Mr. Marinkovich?" a voice calls out to you from the side, stopping you dead cold.

"Huh? Oh." You turn to find a finely dressed bearded man, probably in his thirties or so, giving you a light smile. He is tall and slim, with eyes that seem to contain all the grace of the world. The only thing that's really bothering you about him would be the halo on his head and the golden aura around him.

"Hey, that's you isn't it?" The man asks.

"Yeah, I'm Shirou Marinkovich." You say, trying to avert your gaze.

"I'm Jesus. You can call me Jesse if you want, since I'll be your homeroom teacher from now on."

"W-Well..." You lower your head and bow to the man in front of you. "Nice to meet you... er..."

You pause, widening your eyes in desperation as you search for an answer—

What the fuck, how're you supposed to address this guy?! Is he actually the son of God? Aren't you technically witnessing a miracle?

[] Professor Christ
[] Genuflect
[] Jesus
[] Jesse
[] Professor Jesus
Professor Jesus
''You can call me Jesse''

then fucking call him jesse you despicable sons of bitches.
Kanye West
Genuflect. Then call him jesse
Kyonko Hizara
Professor Jesus
Genuflect bitch.
Jesus has comanded us to call him Jesse lest you burn in hell.
Trash Boat
Professor Christ
Jesse, you fucks.
When I try to type Jesse my hands don't listen and instead they type Jesse. It feels like I'm being brainwashed by Jesse.
Trash Boat

also, jesse ofc
Trash Boat
Can we ban Trash Boat from this thread please?
from all threads*
Topic Starter
"... Jesse." you finish your sentence, avoiding a completely awkward introduction.

"Nice to meet you too." Jesus pats you on the shoulder, probably happy that you've addressed him casually. [Homeroom Teacher +1]

Suddenly it hits you. Your palms are sweaty; knees weak; and arms are heavy. You vomit on your conveniently placed ugly sweater and get on your hands and knees in front of your homeroom teacher. You instinctively genuflect thinking of your mom's spaghetti. She sucks at making spaghetti.

"Whoa." Jesus grabs your arms and pulls you up. Your strength returns immediately, and you apologize just as quickly.

"Sorry, I felt a bit light-headed."

"You alright? The nurse's office is just down the hall."

"N-No, I'm fine, I think it was just..." You stop for a moment, thinking back on why you genuflected at all. The feeling was strange; as if you were possessed by some evil spirit or something.. You doubt a nurse could help with that. You decide to go by your family's default reply: "It was my mom's fault."

"I perfectly understand." Jesus nods and waits for a moment. "Well, let's introduce you to the class then. Come on, follow me."

"Ah, okay." You say as you follow Jesus up the stairs to the second floor and into one of the unfamiliar hallways. You dispose of the dirty sweater on a trash bin along the way.

The well-dressed teacher walks down the surprisingly dark hallway as you follow suit. You pass by posters, boards, and classrooms, though the darkness doesn't let you focus on anything very well. There are no windows and the lights seem to be off. The only thing settling you down would be the sound of your footsteps and the walking light bulb in front of you. You feel tempted to ask, but you feel like you're better off not knowing.

"Sorry, mechanic said he'd fix the lights today, but you can't expect much from that guy to begin with." Jesus breaks the silence. "So, you want to do the introductions?" He adds, stopping right next to a door. Inane chatter can be heard from the other side.

"I'll do it." You man up and follow Jesus into the classroom.

The window on the side lets in a healthy amount of light into the room, at least compared to the dreary hallway. You note about two dozen students in the classroom, half of them hurrying to their desks at the sight of their homeroom teacher. Jesus walks up to face the class, you stand by his side. The students take their seats and prepare for homeroom while Jesus waits.

You take a good look at the class while they inspect you, save for the napping students. The class is mostly made up of foreigners, though you can't bother to identify them one by one. You can tell at a glance that they've practically got every ethnicity covered in here.

"Quiet everybody, we got a new student in here." Jesus nods at you.

You nod back and take a step forward.

"Hi, I'm Shirou Marinkovich. I'm a new student from Russia, though I'm half-Japanese. Pleasure to meet you."

Yep, short and simple. To finish, you ought to...

[] Bow and step back.
[] Kick over the podium and finish.
[] Genuflect.
[] Ask to be seated next to the window in the back row.
kick over the podium and finish.

followed by genuflection.

obviously aiming for off topic route here.
Kanye West
You've gotta keep with the genuflecting theme here. They'll think it's some half-russian half-japanese custom or something. Which is cool. Which will get you laid.

Kicking down the podium will make them think you're communist

Kanye West wrote:

You've gotta keep with the genuflecting theme here. They'll think it's some half-russian half-japanese custom or something. Which is cool. Which will get you laid.

Kicking down the podium will make them think you're communist
kicking the podium will lead to the off topic route.

the off topic route is obviously the goal. nobody plays for the chicks man.
Kanye West

Tanzklaue wrote:

Kanye West wrote:

You've gotta keep with the genuflecting theme here. They'll think it's some half-russian half-japanese custom or something. Which is cool. Which will get you laid.

Kicking down the podium will make them think you're communist
kicking the podium will lead to the off topic route.

the off topic route is obviously the goal. nobody plays for the chicks man.
Ah, the international bestseller "Why I'm Still Single" - by Tanzklaue
Ask to be seated next to the window in the back row.
Bow and step back.
Aiming for that typical main character "Plain and not so interesting guy" image.
Trash Boat
kick over the podium and finish
kicking the podium will lead to the off topic route.

the off topic route is obviously the goal. nobody plays for the chicks man.[/quote]

Tanzklaue wrote:

kick over the podium and finish.

followed by genuflection.

obviously aiming for off topic route here.
i think the character should state "that's all really" to sound even more of a loser wwww
but we can't have that

kick over the podium, then lean into the mic and ask to sit in the back row next to the window, like the main character in an anime
Ask to be seated next to the window in the back row.

And I demand more

Brian OA wrote:

Topic Starter

Tanzklaue wrote:

Kanye West wrote:

You've gotta keep with the genuflecting theme here. They'll think it's some half-russian half-japanese custom or something. Which is cool. Which will get you laid.

Kicking down the podium will make them think you're communist
kicking the podium will lead to the off topic route.

the off topic route is obviously the goal. nobody plays for the chicks man.
In games like these, the no gf is a death flag. bf doesn't count.

Then it comes again. Your body feels like it's made of lead; your vision becomes a blur and you fall to your knees.

"Whoa!" Jesus steps in and catches you before you hit the floor. Your vision sways to the class as you notice a devilish green aura towering above one of the back rows. You make out the silhouette to be none other than Osaka Bancho getting up from his desk, then sitting back down upon realizing you haven't crossed the line into the forbidden. [Osaka Bancho -1]

"That was close..." you mutter under you breath.

"That's it. Sorry guys, but you'll have to excuse us. I'm taking the new student to the nurse here."

The class erupts into cheers as your vision turns black.

You wake up in a white room, lying on a somewhat uncomfortable bed. The smell of antiseptic and sterility fills your nose like fire in an old folks home. You get up slowly, processing what just happened.

"Hold it." A person you assume is the nurse—a black man sitting on an office chair wearing large shades and a white coat—raises his hand to you. Your head spins just as he finishes his next sentence. "Don't move too quickly." You hold your hand against your head.

"What happened to me doc?" You manage to say after a pause.

"Finally, someone gets it fucking right." The nurse comments to himself. "Apparently you ate something horrifying, because shit is better than what I pulled out of you. I'm guessing indigestion happened."


"No, I said indigestion."


"Anyway, I pulled out a monster out of your digestive system; it's still trying to claw its way out of the specimen jar as we speak. That aside, you should be okay now. No more "genuflect" options should appear in the prompt."

"I-I see."

"Speaking of which, what the hell did you eat?"

"I blame my mother."

"I perfectly understand." The nurse rolls over to his desk, picks up a file, and then rolls back to you. "You slept through most of the day, but you might be able to catch your last class if you hurry. Not that I care, but you can do whatever you want for now. Apparently it's called being sick." The nurse finishes while going through the folder.

"Uhm, could I get your name before I go?"

"Call me Doctor West." The nurse says as he tosses the folder into a cabinet.

"Alright, thanks."

You collect your things and leave the nurse's office, wondering where exactly are you in this school. If class is almost over, it must be an hour or two after noon. You really do want to meet the people in your class, but then again you're curious about a lot of things in this school too. You're also pretty tired after having your mother's cooking removed from you.

What do?

[] Head to class
[] Head to the dorms
[] Head to the main hall
[] Head to the gym
head to class
Head to class.
I want to see what Impact I made on the other students.
Head to class.
Trash Boat
Get your head to class (ba dum pss)
you guys are fucking dumb
go to gym
Head to the gym
There's bound to be a clumsy senpai needing help carrying stuff, then obligatory door lock & stuck in storeroom situation
Kanye West

cheesiest wrote:

you guys are fucking dumb
go to gym

Kanye West wrote:

cheesiest wrote:

you guys are fucking dumb
go to gym
Head to the gym, clumsy senpai is the way to go.
head to class
I require my update
Topic Starter
Why did you people pick the gym, are you dumb

You decide to head outside and get a good look at the school from the outside. You're going to be here for a while, so you might as well get familiar with campus. The first thing to catch your eye is a wide structure with an arch-shaped roof over it; the space between it revealing some of the internal structure yet allowing fresh air inside.

You walk towards it, doing your best not to catch anybody's attention. You go inside to find that it's the school gym. A large basketball court spans the whole of it, with seats for spectators on the long sides and a stage for performances on the far short end. The elevated, arch-shaped ceiling makes the interior feel larger than what it seemed outside, and the open space lets in the wind's sighs. You take a few steps inside.

Then, you hear a slam reverberate through the air. Another slam comes as your eyes lock on to the source: a figure on the other end of the court. The person is rhythmically bouncing a ball. You get closer and confirm it's a girl, no doubt. She seems focused on the basket in front of her. With her back against you, you approach the girl ever so carefully, making sure to time you greeting properly. By the time you're in what you assume to be proper talking distance, she takes the shot.

She missed.



The girl in front of you jolts away from you in surprise. Guess you got a bit too close.

"Oh, sorry, I didn't mean to—"

"YOU ALMOST KILLED ME", she screeches.


You're taken a little aback from her reaction, but more so by her appearance. You take a moment as she desperately gathers herself, panting, to look at her. Long, light-colored hair runs down to her back, and her dark eyes are complemented well by her smooth, white skin. Her gym uniform reveals enough to tell you she has a slim figure, as well as a tiny bust. All in all, she looks like a light, frail girl. She's still about as tall as you, though.

You confirm the smooth bit about her skin by grabbing her arm and rubbing it up against your cheek. You don't actually do that but you sure would love to.

"I-I'm Shirou Marinkovich, sorry if I..."

"Wait.. hang on..." she holds up her hand, her eyes widened and looking into yours as she finishes hyperventilating. You stand in front of her, watching her take deep breaths for about a minute.

She finishes.


"NO, AS PUNISHMENT YOU'RE GOING TO HELP ME", she engages dictator-mode.


"GYM EQUIPMENT!" she points to a large pile of balls and a portable volleyball net. Her frail appearance and her flushed face betrays her personality somewhat but you decide to roll with it anyway.

You spend the next fifteen minutes putting away equipment with the strange girl. While doing so the thought of her tricking you to do her dirty work crossed your mind once, then four times as you carried the volleyball net to the storage shed all by yourself.

After you're finishing, you find the girl sitting on the floor on the side of the court.

"All done", you announce.

"Oh, thanks." She pauses. "Sorry if I took up your time, I get like that when I get nervous or scared."

"It's alright, I was the one that scared you." You say while scratching your cheek and looking off to the side.

"Uhm, what was your name again?" The girl asks, looking up to you.

"Shirou Marinkovich."

"Shirou... Are you Japanese?"

"Half. What about you?"

"Polish." She answers with a warm smile.

You did good, Poland.

"Oh, my name is Blanca, Blanca Wilk."

"Nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you too, Shirou." She stops to think for a second."Uhm... you said you were half-Japanese, what's your other half?"

"Oh that? I'm—"


YOUR PHONE RANG, PLAYING THE THEME TO no wait it's set on vibrate.

"Hold on a minute." You say while pulling out your phone. It's a text from your father. It reads:

[Hey son, I got a call from work so I won't be able to see you off. I made sure your room was all set up and ready for a life of mindless education.]

That's either good or horrible.

"Sorry about that. Anyway, I'm half—"

And then you hear a horrible sound reach your ears


"Whoa what." You turn to find a towering gorilla—literally a fucking gorilla in a red tracksuit—tromping its way over to you and Blanca.

"C-Coach Williams?!"



"I- uhm--"


Coach Williams picks up Blanca.




Coach Williams trudges off into the distance as Blanca awkwardly waves at you, probably eager to see you some other time.


You walk outside.

The sun's not even down yet, but you seem to have some free time. Class is already out of the option.

What do

[] Cafeteria time
[] Go back inside and shoot some b-ball
[] Find Jesus
[] Genuflect Go to the bathroom
[] Rest up at the dorms
cafeteria time.
I mean c'mon, I puked out breakfast. gotta satisfy mah basic cravings.
Kanye West
i wanted to make a blanka joke, but decided against it.

Cafeteria, that day was really strange and exhausting and you can't go to sleep without eating first.
Trash Boat
cafeteria. you may found something that makes u fell better

Brian OA wrote:

[] Genuflect
Oh come on guys, everyone knows you need to farm flags for the first girl you see.

Go play some bball
[ Pingu ]
Bball epic dance time.

Brian OA wrote:

Long, light-colored hair runs down to her back, and her dark eyes are complemented well by her smooth, white skin. Her gym uniform reveals enough to tell you she has a slim figure, as well as a tiny bust.
[x] Go back inside and shoot some b-ball

Topic Starter
Shit, forgot the nonsense a little way back. [Blanca +1] , [Coach +1]

Tanzklaue wrote:

well done

You walk back inside the gym.

You don't know why, but seeing a foreigner getting carried off by a gorilla gave you an irresistible urge to play some basketball. You get a basketball from the storage shed and start taking shots at the hoop, recalling the few times you played basketball back in your old school. Your unfit uniform gets in the way, so you loosen up a few buttons and place your necktie to the side. Magical beats start playing your head.

You spend your time alone in the gym, putting everything you got into that basketball. You miss often, but you manage to get in a few shots in every once in a while. You do your best to recreate tricks you've seen and heard of, though you give up on that shortly after. Running around to get the ball after a miss already takes you some effort; a clear sign you're out of shape.

Things would be easier if you were black, but then yet again a lot of other things would become exponentially harder. Like living.

You take one last slam at the hoop before taking a break. You miss. Depressed and tired, you hold the ball under your arm and lean on the basketball post. You relax, partly enjoying your time and partly feeling bad about how much of a wimp you are. At the very least you can take pride in the fact that you're putting effort into it.

You hear a sound come from the other end of the gym and turn to meet it.

Blanca stares at you from afar, you decide to be friendly and wave to her. She waves back and runs up to you.

"Hey." You greet her as slows down. "Do I want to know about Coach Williams?"

Blanca cocks her head to the side. "What about him?"

"..." You suppose it's the same deal with Jesus. "Never mind."

A short silence passes like a small breeze.

"Were you just playing?" Blanca asks.

"Yeah, I'm not doing too well though." You beta, admitting your lack of skill.

"That's alright, all you need is some practice!"

"Do you play often?"

"I do!"

She seems a bit passionate about basketball, it seems. You look into her dark eyes, apparently gleaming with excitement. This reminds you of Ro-kyu-bu! a bit, except instead of a bunch of lolis you just have one girl your age. That, and you'd be the one getting coached. This really isn't much like your Japanese animes.

Well, plenty of things to do here with a beautiful foreign girl...

[] Make small talk
[] Challenge her to a one-on-one
[] Ask her to coach you
[] Trick her; place your hands on her chest, honk honk
[] Wrap things up and go take a shower
Ask her to coach you, she seems nice.

we also need to drastically decrease the wimpiness since we lack other qualities that could balance out the wimpiness.
Kanye West
one-on-one, take that bitch to town nigga
Vote: Kanye West

his bandwaggons keep pulling us into shit. everyone who is town sheeps coaching.
Trash Boat
one on one blaze it

Kanye West wrote:

one-on-one, take that bitch to town nigga
One on one.

Were bound to collide with her like a beta and land with our hand on her boobs.
one on one
1v1 you beta bitch show her how alpha you aren't.
Topic Starter
Voice, Quote

Tanzklaue wrote:

Vote: Kanye West

his bandwaggons keep pulling us into shit.
The choice doesn't matter, this being the beginning.

Shellghost wrote:

One on one.

Were bound to collide with her like a beta and land with our hand on her boobs.
You just changed the story, congratulations

Voice 1
"Hey Blanca, you practice all the time, don't you?" You alpha up.

"H-Huh? U-Uh... yes!" She snaps to, coming up with an energetic response.


You like energetic.

Glad that your iron tight pants are holding down your erection, you utter words that you'll regret for the next few weeks:

"Let's play one on one, first to ten wins." You pick up the ball and walk up to the middle of the court. Blanca looks at you with such excitement you'd think you just invited her on a shopping spree.

She looks to you, her face brimming with competitive spirit.

"You're on!"

She walks up to the court. You start off with the ball while she defends. And then the two of you play some basketball.

"HOAH" you shoot, only to have Blanca block it.

"WADAFA" you knock the ball out the court in a pathetic attempt to dribble past the Polish girl.

"HUARGH" you literally jump into a feint and let Blanca score.

"Three to nothing!" The foreigner asserts her superiority with the use of numbers. Fucking numbers.

You hold the ball, panting under your breath and ignoring your aching muscles. You're totally out of it, bu the frail girl in front of you hasn't even broken a sweat. You think for a moment about Blanca getting sweaty in that gym uniform but quickly perish the thought. You're playing right now, and Blanca is standing between you and the basket looking real smug. Plus there wouldn't be much to look at anyway

"I'll show you!"

Voice 2, Audio
You close your eyes. You think. You start thinking not about what can beat her, but what will. That's right; you can't win, but something else can. An image forms in your mind as your Rhythm Circuits pulse with energy. You utter inaudible, Duwang tier words under your breath.

You open them again.

The world is circles.

The gym has become a circle; Blanca is a circle; the sun is a circle; but you..! You are a cursor.

You start sprinting at Blanca, making no effort to dribble past her. With a violent charge, you jump up into the air and throw the orange circle in your hands with a force equal to that of a giant steamcircleroller. The orange circle follows a line of followpoints into another circle—the basket. Unable to do anything, the white hitcircle stands in awe at your glorious display of skill.

The orange circle travels along the path leading into the basket as you start falling down.

It misses.


You curse your mother as you fall down to the ground. You close your eyes, bracing for a hard impact.

Blood rushes to your head as you approach terminal velocity

Duck and roll is the only idea in your mind right now.

You prepare for the inevitable impact with the floor.





You land on something soft, breaking your fall. On top of that, your head and hands have landed on something else. You can barely feel it, but a bit of groping confirms it's quite soft.

You're not sure what happened next, but you're sure you heard a "Kyaaaaaah!!!" and then everything became a blur after that. The world stopped being circles, and you clearly saw Blanca's beet red face as she violently swung her... fist? You're not sure what she did, really. Too fast. Needless to say, you wake up beaten and battered in the school dumpster.

You get up and remove a banana peel from your head, as well as a used condom off your shoe. You note your necktie has been placed on you, but it's soaked in blood, like the rest of your uniform. You can finish that match later. [ Blanca +0.33 ]

It's dark, so you head to the dorms.

You make your way to one end of campus to find a sizable building, much more wide than tall, with white-washed walls and a small courtyard in front. A plain sight, no doubt.You'll have plenty of time to check it out later anyway. You head inside to the lobby where you take the stairs, trying not to wander too far. You recall something and pull out a scrap of paper from your pocket.

The blood didn't smudge it too much. It reads: "Room 222." Easy to remember.

Heading up the stairs you learn the route to your room. It's in the second floor, down the hall on the left, third door on the right.

You plop down on the bed, exhausted after a long day. Thoughts about adapting to this new lifestyle invade your mind, at least keeping you busy until the exhaustion drives you to sleep.




[] Sit up front, next to the class rep
[] Sit in the back row, next to the window
[] Sit next to the Finnish kid
[] Sit next to Osaka Bancho
[] Sit next to the French girl

Seating isn't static in this school, by the way; you don't have to worry about sitting next to the same human being for the rest of your school life unless you want to
I have to question what's you guys' beef with the French
Sit next to the Finnish kid
If I've learned anything about Finnish people, it's that you should sit next to them.
sit in the back next to the window and look emo after you got shit stomped by that polish chick
Is the class rep male or female

But anyway, French Grill
Challenge her to a one-on-one just4mad
Sit in the back row, next to the window
Emo shit MC in da haus
Kanye West
French girl, well that was an easy one.
[] Sit in the back row, next to the window

turn into a main character
Trash Boat
french grill...err girl
french girl

also brian, good try, but both a's are pronounced like the a in shark or bard (the german a basically). else it was pretty good :D
Topic Starter

Tanzklaue wrote:

french girl

also brian, good try, but both a's are pronounced like the a in shark or bard (the german a basically). else it was pretty good :D
I was just slapping on the first accent that came to mind

First time I tried doing it I used an Australian accent but realized I could've worded my response better
sit next to Mara
Trash Boat

thelewa wrote:

sit next to Mara

Trash Boat wrote:

thelewa wrote:

sit next to Mara
The mexican girl with the giant tits.

I think we should sit on Mara
Trash Boat
big tit fetish. lol
Come on guys, we all know that sitting in the back row, looking out the window generates sick plot.
Back row please.
Trash Boat
i wonder why this isn't in Forum Games yet
Topic Starter
OT would be less entertaining otherwise
Trash Boat
class rep ;w;
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