
proposed changes to mania offsets

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for the past few months, ive been becoming more and more annoyed on how features like hit offsets for regular notes and long notes, or lack thereof, have been affecting my performance across different maps and while playing with different scroll speeds and different skins

to my knowledge of the mechanics of offsets in osu!, they only affect audio offsets. While this is perfect for the standard gamemode, it leaves the adjustment of visual offsets to be done in skin.ini for each keymode. if i wanted a +25ms hit offset in 4k, i would need adjust the hitposition variable in skin.ini, but that would only work for a specific scroll speed, as soon as i use a different scroll speed, the intended hit offset is no longer in effect.

as of now, the only way to adjust the offset of the player's hits is to change the scroll speed. higher scroll speeds for later hits and lower scroll speeds on earlier hits, but this can force an uncomfortable scroll speed on some people, forcing them to resort to changing the hitposition in skin.ini, which can be an annoying process, especially for those who just want to play the game or make quick adjustments on the fly.

a similar issue plagues long notes in mania as well. if a person has found a good scroll speed to play rice on, there will be a great possibility that they will find, to their horror, that they suck at LN but they cannot release on time. changing the scroll speed and/or the hitposition will shift the entirety of their timings early or late. so if a person were to hit a normal notes well, but release LNs 30ms late, they would have to adjust their scroll speed by -2 or -3 to release on time, but then they would face the issue of hitting extremely early.

currently, the only workaround for this is to use percy / cut LN , of which there are multiple methods to apply, but among one of the most common is to create a single sprite from the body and tail of the LN, then setting the NoteBodyStyle variable to 1.

applying all of the current solutions to create a nice and comfortable playing experience is tedious as it requires knowledge on how to take assets from 2 images, then placing them into a single sprite, knowledge of how skin.ini works, and having to constantly. As a skin creator, i find it very annoying to have to resolve each of these issues to create the ideal playing experience no matter the skin.

in response to this seemingly nit-picky sort of issue, i propose that visual hit offsets and LN release offsets be implemented to increase quality of life for mania players who want to idealize their mania experience without having to go through the suffering of doing the mentioned above. there arent many tutorials as far as i know for mania skinning or resolving problems with skins with a faulty percy LN that works with some skins but not with others, or how receptor scaling works. even the documentation on skinning in the wiki does not cover every aspect of what and how skinning works in creating sprites or using skin.ini.
while it does cover alot and can be very informational to optimizing a skin, i believe that it would be better and more simple to just have these offsets be in the mania sections in the options for the regular osu client.
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