
Running osu! in Linux - working compatibility fixes

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Hi all! so this is my first post so keep it cool 8-)

Now im not taking any credits of others work and solves but i have collected tips and tricks for linux users ALL-IN-ONE!

So i have my own copy of my osu that i took at november 2013. Well why am i talking about this version? because the latest version of osu doesent run straight off in ubuntu. Im running ubuntu 13.10 btw, and now after i got osu working nicely and smooth i decided to perform in-game-update ("New wesion of osu is avaible, click to restart"). I took the risk after got everything working with the earlier version that i mentioned. Well, as an suprise it started off normally without anything missing.

For sound latency i really am not experiencing problems. If you are, heres an advice for you:

Now enough with the stories so this is where you start

Start off with installing wine (newest version 1.7 is on my pc if you wonder the workingness)

After wine, setup wine prefix32 and then dotnet20 with winetricks.
Refer to Espionage724's step by step guide with terminal commands if you need them (as i may suppose its helpful!) BIG thanks to him!

Espionage724 wrote:
Here's some very detailed instructions for getting osu! on Ubuntu 13.04 (x86_64):

1. Add the Wine PPA
System Settings > Software & Updates > Other Software > Add... > ppa:ubuntu-wine/ppa > Close
Terminal > sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-wine/ppa

2. Update Software Sources
Terminal > sudo apt-get update

3. Install Wine
Terminal > sudo apt-get install wine
- Should install around 218 MB of archives
- Accept the license for the fonts package (well, read it first of course 8-); may have to click the Terminal window and use Tab and Arrow Keys to navigate)

4. Set up a 32-bit Wine Prefix
Terminal > WINEARCH=win32 winecfg
- Feel free to just close the configuration window afterwards

5. Install .NET Framework 2.0
Terminal > winetricks dotnet20
After those you should download the earlier version of osu! that i spoke earlier. Heres the link:

Just extract it and run osu!.exe. It should automatically open in wine. after opening it probably starts searching for updates. ALSO! Bancho works flawlessly!
Let the updates be and log in like you would normally do. dont start hasseling with songs yet.
Then exit osu!.

NOTE! If you are having lucky drivers and hardware and osu is flawless, you dont need to perform the following

Now the part where we want the lag to disappear (mostly). This wont be as smooth as on windows but you can increase performance by disabling storyboard. This is a bug im working fix for the storyboard to not cause lag peaks.

So the trick is that we are going to edit the ubuntu environment a little bit. As far as i read the topics, looks like herochao also found this earlier. anyways:
Open terminal and run gedit as superuser to open /etc/environment. We are going to add a "magic" line there. sudo gedit /etc/environment

Now with gedit open, insert this on a new line: CLUTTER_PAINT=disable-clipped-redraws:disable-culling
So, what this magic line does that Gnome 3.4 has lagging problems when objects pass out of the screen area. This worked way better back in Gnome 3.2.

Then just save and exit, then restart computer and run osu again. Now you can update osu! and play on!

Hope i helped :P
altered the title to make it not so.. loud.

looks fairly promising from what you've posted here, might be a good workaround until development resumes on the non-xna branch
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Thanks for the title, as a coder im really excited about the developementing in linux distros. Im looking forward for solution to storyboard lag, and there seems to be light in this tunnel 8-)
The latest versions should work just as well.
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Hi peppy, as i mentioned, many users i know including me havent got it working straight off. But after updating a older client to up-to-date from ingame the new version works like a charm!
+im experiencing texture lag. Like the milestone girl while playing appears in random shape and texture is lacking. Also the same is in scoreboard that appears while playing. I havent really made researches because it hasnt annoyed me.
Thanks for this post! Could you tell me how to add songs? Whenever I try to play a song it shows: "audio file could not be loaded sucessfully (please check the filename case and report this if it is ranked)".
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Hi, as a supporter i tend to use osu!direct to download songs, but i copied the inside of my osu/songs/ folder back from windows 7 times and works like charm. well, besides this you can manually download the osz file through your browser and drag the file into the osu/songs/ folder. i suppose youre trying this already so theres this alternative method: drag the file on your osu window. this works like on windows, but i think it works even better on ubuntu. what this does is that osu unfolds the osz file. If this doesent work, unfold the osz file manually.

Step 1) download the desired beatmap
Step 2) open it with archive manager (the osz file is really like a zip file)
Step 3) make a folder with the same name (idk does this matter but osu does this automatically)
Step 4) copy the folder with contains to /osu/Songs/
Step 5) try out. if doesent work, feel free to ask again with more details!

Heres a screenshot if it makes the situation cleaner unarchiving the osz file: ( now im sorry that my system is on finnish language but i hope you get the idea!)
Nice tips :)

I heard of CLUTTER_PAINT=disable-clipped-redraws:disable-culling I believe for the first time earlier today, but the only info I found about it at quick glance is that it reduces tearing by enabling full-screen repaints and that it may only work with compositors (which Ubuntu does use (Compiz); but variants can enable and disable it at will). Not entirely sure if having fullscreen windows unredirected (most compositors do this; in-short, enabling this option prevents the compositor from affecting fullscreen game/program performance too much) would affect that setting either.

I'm using Xfce currently and can't really notice any difference, but I'll give it another go on a fresh install tomorrow.

Here's a bunch of other random tips too:

I spent a short time on a Ubuntu 14.04 daily a few days ago, and I noticed that osu! performed more smoothly over there, compared to 13.10. Not really sure what was different about it though; perhaps less tearing, or maybe lower latency.

As for another latency tip, the use of a realtime kernel might make any latency problems you have better. Ubuntu has a lowlatency kernel (3.11 I believe) in their repos. There's also Liquorix (3rd-party 3.12 kernel with low latency tweaks and other stuff).

You could also try disabling Wine's debug output (after verifying osu! runs properly and everything first) by using WINEDEBUG=-all variable. My full command to run osu! is:
WINEPREFIX='/home/espionage724/Wine Prefixes/osu!' WINEDEBUG=-all wine '/home/espionage724/Wine Prefixes/osu!/drive_c/Program Files/osu!/osu!.exe'

If you plan to make a desktop or menu shortcut, it would seem some desktop environments require "env" to be written before the command (not sure what it does or why; shortcuts automatically created by Wine have it also). So if I wanted to make a desktop shortcut with my command string above, I'd just put:
env WINEPREFIX='/home/espionage724/Wine Prefixes/osu!' WINEDEBUG=-all wine '/home/espionage724/Wine Prefixes/osu!/drive_c/Program Files/osu!/osu!.exe'

I believe I mentioned it in the other thread, but for AMD/ATI users, in order to stop text and texture corruption, you may need to either use a command stream-patched version of Wine (CSMT; Foresto has a PPA for it; PlayOnLinux also has CSMT builds), or enable StrictDrawingOrder (may significantly affect performance). NVIDIA users shouldn't need anything, but there's a threaded GL enviromental variable that could help performance too if needed.
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