
List of players?

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Myke B
Can we get an official list of players that want to be in tournaments? They can be sorted by osutp or whatever, but people might want to make more tournaments if they have an easy list of people to choose from. Anyone could just come and put their name in, and someone could slap it onto a spreadsheet for everyone to look at. Just an idea, because people might want to host tournaments closer to their skill level, or just at a level other than the absolute top. One thing I really wish this game had more of..
If people want more tournaments they start one. I don't think a list of people wanting to participate would result in more tournaments, It would result in a list with some names on it.
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Myke B
Think about it.. I believe it would make it much easier for people who want to start them. Instead of just being like "who wants in?" they can look at a list of people at certain skill ranges. They could also individually message those people in game or on the website, because maybe they aren't super active on the forums, and won't always be aware.
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